17 research outputs found

    Beam Probe Imaging of Electron Density in the Chaotic Region of CHS

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    A neutral lithium beam probe (LiBP) for the Compact Helical System (CHS) has been extended to a two-dimensional imaging diagnostic (2-D-LiBP). Two-dimensional image of the plasma structure in the edge and separatrix region of the l = 2 helical device is obtained by changing the beam injection angle mechanically, shot-to-shot. The 2-D image has shown the asymmetric plasma structure in the edge separatrix region, suggesting that 2-D diagnostic is essential in the chaotic magnetic field region where magnetic surfaces are not defined by a flux function

    第5章 エネルギー開発における認識的転換

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    これは2011年7月11日から15日まで核融合研究所で行われた総研大レクチャー 「科学における社会リテラシー」における講義の記録です。井口春和[自然科学研究機構・核融合研究所]CPIS Report -2012/07/001(Lecture


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    第Ⅳ部 原子力と社会 第1章井口春和[核融合科学研究所


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    第Ⅱ部 科学政策・行政 第2章 エネルギー開発を巡る科学政策一核融合研究を例題として井口 春和[総合研究大学院大学核融合科学専攻助教授


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    第Ⅳ部 原子力と社会 第6章井口春和[核融合科学研究所

    Beam Probe Imaging of Electron Density in the Chaotic Region of CHS

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    Numerical Simulation of a High-Brightness Lithium Ion Gun for a Zeeman Polarimetry on JT-60U

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    Edge Plasma Mesurements in the Compact Helical System with a Thermal Neutral Beam Probe

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    Simultaneous measurements of radial profiles of electron density and its fluctuations have been performed in edge plasmas of the Compact Helical System (CHS) with a thermal neutral lithium beam probe. Experiments are carried out on plasmas produced by microwaves at different frequencies. The influence of a perturbed magnetic field is also investigated. Compersion of density profiles, fluctuation levels and so on are performed between these various plasmas, and the relationship between fluctuations and transport processes is studied in detail