6,456 research outputs found

    Evaluating Judges

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    Denna studie syftar till att ta reda pÄ mer om hur pedagoger i förskolan kan arbeta med sagor som ett verktyg i vÀrdegrundsarbetet. En mycket viktig del i barns uppfostran Àr just att barnen fÄr lÀra sig vilka grundlÀggande vÀrderingar som finns i vÄrt samhÀlle. I förskolan finns lÀroplanen att utgÄ frÄn och vÀrdegrundsfrÄgor om hur vi som mÀnniskor bör vara mot varandra Àr centrala i förskolans verksamhet. Det empiriska materialet till den hÀr studien Àr insamlat med hjÀlp av tre intervjuer och tre observationer pÄ en förskola. Informanterna uttrycker att arbetet med sagor Àr vÀldigt roligt samtidigt som det finns mycket för barnen att lÀra av sagor. Sagor har ofta ett tydligt budskap som behandlar olika moraliska frÄgor. Genom att barnen fÄr möta olika karaktÀrer med olika karaktÀrsdrag fÄr de trÀna sig i hur de kan bemöta olika mÀnniskor. Att barn Àr vÀldigt empatiska och har en stark vilja att hjÀlpa Àr nÄgot som framkommer i sÄvÀl intervjuer som observationer. Resultatet visar vidare att det finns mycket som Àr positivt med att arbeta med sagor och vÀrdegrund. Det finns ocksÄ en del utmaningar som till exempel att anpassa nivÄn pÄ sagoupplevelserna efter de olika barn som finns i barngruppen

    Evaluating Judges

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    Von Neumann's inequality for commuting weighted shifts

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    We show that every multivariable contractive weighted shift dilates to a tuple of commuting unitaries, and hence satisfies von Neumann's inequality. This answers a question of Lubin and Shields. We also exhibit a closely related 33-tuple of commuting contractions, similar to Parrott's example, which does not dilate to a 33-tuple of commuting unitaries.Comment: 13 pages; minor change

    Say Cheese

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    The last few weeks have been very busy; my project has finally gotten underway! It features several students, and it has been a lot of fun getting them together to take these photos that will be used to promote Reference Desk services. The philosophy is that other students will see these pictures and since it features people they know it will entice them to stop and read the posters or web banners. Hopefully these will be up and around the library the week before finals and students will utilize the Reference Desk more. [excerpt

    #advertising #werk

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    Project: Ask Us. This project that has been in the works for quite some time is finally coming to fruition and I’m very excited about it. At the start of the semester it was very unclear what my project would be in this wide-world of librarianship and how to relate it back to the Reference Desk. Luckily for me the Reference department has been undergoing a sort of marketing revival and I get to help. Admittedly, I knew nothing about how to market the skills of reference librarians but after reading many articles, I think we have a winning strategy. [excerpt

    Meetings, Weedings, Development.. Oh My!

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    Hello!! Since the last time I posted a lot has happened and so far, still good. That’s not to say I haven’t needed help on a few Reference Questions but things are going pretty well. I’ve had a few ‘RefWins’ where I’ve felt that I was particularly helpful, one was even over chat! Everything is going great thus far and I’m definitely learning, a lot. [excerpt
