203 research outputs found

    Perspektif Ulama Kota Langsa Terhadap Pembagian Harta Bersama Bagi Istri Yang Tidak Bekerja

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    Artikel ini dilatarbelakangi terkait peranan ulama Kota Langsa terhadap pembagian harta bersama bagi istri yang tidak bekerja. Ulama dayah adalah seseorang ahli ilmu dan ilmu agama yang mampu menetapkan ilmu syara’ yang berasal dari sebuah institusi tempat pengajian, pelatihan serta pembinaan ilmu agama yang berada di Aceh yang disebut dayah tempat lahirnya kaderisasi ulama. Sedangkan Ulama non dayah adalah seorang yang memiliki ilmu dan ilmu agama dalam menetapkan hukum syara’ namun ia memperoleh ilmu tersebut di daerah luar Aceh. Harta bersama adalah harta kekayaan yang diperoleh selama perkawinan diluar hadiah atau warisan. Istri yang tidak bekerja ialah istri yang hanya mengerjakan urusan dalam ranah domestic, dan bukan ranah public (yaitu tidak keluar untuk mencari nafkah). Atau lebih tepatnya ia melakukan kegiatan aktif namun tidak menghasilkan penghasilan. Sedangkan dalam kompilasi hukum islam dan KUHPerdata, harta bersama setelah terjadinya perceraian akan dibagi dua yakni setengah untuk suami dan mengenai setengah untuk istri. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan (field research/ penelitian lapangan), Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa Perspektif ulama kota Langsa terhadap pembagian harta bersama bagi istri yang tidak bekerja terbagi dalam dua kategori yaitu mengikuti urf setempat dan mengikuti Perundang-Undangan dalam KHI Pasal 97. Istri yang tidak bekerja waktu yang dihabiskan istri mengurus anak-anaknya mengurus rumah tangga sama banyak dengan waktu yang dihabiskan suami diluar rumah. Bahkan mungkin lebih banyak yang dilakukan istri, karena ketika suaminya pulang pun ia harus melayani suaminya. Jadi tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui perspektif dan dasar hukum Ulama Kota Langsa dalam pembagian harta bersama bagi istri yang tidak bekerj

    Technological Change in a Pandemic Educational Landscape

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    The aim of this paper was to determine through prior research what the state of Indiana schools were pre-pandemic regarding technology use, distribution, and training. Furthermore, it utilized both research and data collection to understand the relationships between pandemic-induced technological change, the preparedness of Indiana schools to meet this change, and what the aftereffects were on educational systems in the state. There was also an analysis on what trends were more effective than others and which trends best benefited students pre, during, and post-pandemic. Bountiful research on this subject and data that analyzed trends in Hoosier households already existed. Unfortunately, the data collection for this specific project was not as robust as it could have been. Therefore, the already published data serves as a backbone for supporting certain trends and conclusions, while the survey data gives an indication of specific issues facing a few Indiana schools, as well as potential areas of inquiry for further research

    Junior Recital: Madeline Harts, soprano

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    Senior Recital: Madeline Harts, soprano

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    Representing multifunctional cities: density and diversity in space and time

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    In this paper, we define measures of urban diversity, density and segregation using newdata and software systems based on GIS. These allow us to visualise the meaning of themultifunctional city. We begin with a discussion of how cities have become moresegregated in their land uses and activities during the last 200 years and how the currentfocus is on reversing this trend through limiting urban sprawl and bringing new lifeback to the inner and central city. We define various indices which show how diversityand density manifest themselves spatially. We argue that multifunctionalism is a relativeconcept, dependent upon the spatial and temporal scale that we use to think about themixing and concentration of urban land uses. We present three examples using spatiallysmoothed indicators of diversity: for a world city ? London, for a highly controlledpolycentric urban region ? Randstad Holland, and for a much more diffusely populatedsemi-urban region ? Venice-Padua-Teviso. We conclude by illustrating that urbandiversity varies as people engage in different activities associated with different landuses throughout the day, as well as through the vertical, third dimension of the city. Thisimpresses the point that we need to understand multifunctional cities in all theirdimensions of space and time

    Induction of chronic migraine phenotypes in a rat model after environmental irritant exposure

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    Air pollution is linked to increased emergency department visits for headache and migraine patients frequently cite chemicals or odors as headache triggers, but the association between air pollutants and headache is not well understood. We previously reported that chronic environmental irritant exposure sensitizes the trigeminovascular system response to nasal administration of environmental irritants. Here, we examine whether chronic environmental irritant exposure induces migraine behavioral phenotypes. Male rats were exposed to acrolein, a transient receptor potential channel ankyrin-1 (TRPA1) agonist, or room air by inhalation for 4 days before meningeal blood flow measurements, periorbital cutaneous sensory testing, or other behavioral testing. Touch-induced c-Fos expression in trigeminal nucleus caudalis was compared in animals exposed to room air or acrolein. Spontaneous behavior and olfactory discrimination was examined in open-field testing. Acrolein inhalation exposure produced long-lasting potentiation of blood flow responses to a subsequent TRPA1 agonist and sensitized cutaneous responses to mechanical stimulation. C-Fos expression in response to touch was increased in trigeminal nucleus caudalis in animals exposed to acrolein compared with room air. Spontaneous activity in an open-field and scent preference behavior was different in acrolein-exposed compared with room air-exposed animals. Sumatriptan, an acute migraine treatment blocked acute blood flow changes in response to TRPA1 or transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1 agonists. Pretreatment with valproic acid, a prophylactic migraine treatment, attenuated the enhanced blood flow responses observed after acrolein inhalation exposures. Environmental irritant exposure yields an animal model of chronic migraine in which to study mechanisms for enhanced headache susceptibility after chemical exposure

    L'aplicació dels sistemes d'informació geogràfica al planejament municipal

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    Demography can favour female-advantageous alleles

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    When female fecundity is relatively independent of male abundance, while male reproduction is proportional to female abundance, females have a larger effect on population dynamics than males (i.e. female demographic dominance). This population dynamic phenomenon might not appear to influence evolution, because male and female genomes still contribute equally much to the next generation. However, here we examine two evolutionary scenarios to provide a proof of principle that spatial structure can make female demographic dominance matter. Our two simulation models combine dispersal evolution with local adaptation subjected to intralocus sexual conflict and environmentally driven sex ratio biases, respectively. Both models have equilibria where one environment (without being intrinsically poorer) has so few reproductive females that trait evolution becomes disproportionately determined by those environments where females survive better (intralocus sexual conflict model), or where daughters are overproduced (environmental sex determination model). Surprisingly, however, the two facts that selection favours alleles that benefit females, and population growth is improved when female fitness is high, together do not imply that all measures of population performance are improved. The sex-specificity of the source-sink dynamics predicts that populations can evolve to fail to persist in habitats where alleles do poorly when expressed in females

    Les femmes et l'accouchement à la maternité de Paris, 1815-1840

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    Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201
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