1,380 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Ownership Structure, Multiple Directorships and Related Party Transactions: Evidence from Two-Tier Corporate Governance System

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    This study investigates the role of internal governance mechanisms in dealing with wealth expropriation via related party transactions. Specifically, this study identify three forms of related party transactions namely related lending, related borrowing and related sales to be exposed against ownership concentration and multiple directorships as part of internal governance mechanisms. Test is conducted using data sets of the firms affiliated to business groups in Indonesia which has unique institutional setting with two-tier cotporate governance system. Multiple directorships and multiple commissionerships are the two independent variables reflecting the dual board governance system in Indonesia. The multiple regression results show that minority ownership is negatively related with three types of related party transactions. The result also finds mixed position of multiple directorships when dealing with related party transactions. Multiple commissionerships that suppose to provide monitoring function fail to gain significant relationship toward all types of transactions. The implication of the finding is that the role of internal governance mechanisms still not really effective in resolving the problem of wealth expropriation in the family business environment with high concentration of ownershi

    TANGGUNGJAWAB ORANG TUA TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN KEPRIBADIAN ANAK (Telaah di Dusun Tibu Nangka Desa Beleka Kecamatan Praya Timur Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Nusa Tenggara Barat)

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    Tanggung jawab yang diemban oleh orang tua dalam membentuk kepribadian anak ditentukan oleh seberapa besar peran mereka dalam memperhatikan, membimbing, dan mengayomi mereka dalam hal-hal yang positif. Ketiga hal tersebut hendaknya didukung oleh kemampuan, kemampuan, biaya, dan waktu dalam pelaksanaannya. Adapun pelaksanaan tanggungjawab orang tua dalam pembentukan pribadi anak yang berlangsung di dusun Tibu Nangka Desa Beleka Kecamatan Praya Timur Kabupaten Lombok Tengah secara garis besar dilakukan melalui pembinaan langsung oleh orang tua di rumah dan pembinaan tidak langsung yaitu melalui lembaga-lembaga pendidikan formal, non-formal dan informal. Pelaksanaan tanggungjawab orang tua tersebut tidaklah berjalan semudah membalik telapak tangan, namun akan menemukan banyak rintangan seperti: pendidikan orang tua yang tidak mendukung, pergaulan anak yang sulit dikendalikan, ekonomi orang tua, dan faktor perkawinan orang tua dibawah umur

    The Determinants and Outcomes of Forward-Looking Disclosure Evidence from Companies listed in Indonesia

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    The aim of the study was to examine the determinants and outcomes of forward-looking disclosure. The determinants of forward-looking disclosure were solvability, profitability, liquidity, firm size, and sector type. Meanwhile, the outcomes were firm performance and market performance. The population of this research was all companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and published their annual report in the year of 2012-2015. The total samples were 119 companies selected using purposive sampling. The data in this study was analyzed using Multiple regression analysis with SPSS 22. The result of this study demonstrated that profitability, firm size, and sector type positively affected on forward-looking disclosure. Meanwhile, leverage and liquidity negatively affected on forward-looking disclosure. However, there were no influence between forward-looking disclosure to firm performance. The limitation in this study is only focused on financial aspect of the companies. There are non-financial aspects can be used as proxies of firm characteristics and the outcomes of forward-looking disclosure


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    The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of corporate governance mechanisms on impression management through sustainability report. The corporate governance mechanisms that were applied in this research are Proportion of Independent Commissioner, Number of Board Commissioner Meetings, Board of Commissioner Size, Audit Committee Meetings and Audit Quality. This research adopted the GRI 4 to provide guidance in measuring selectivity, and used RGDI to measure distortion. The population of this research was all companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and published their sustainability report in the year of 2012-2015. The total samples were 102 companies selected using purposive sampling. This study was analyzed using Multiple regression analysis with SPSS 22. The result of this study indicated that proportion of independent commissioner have positive effect on selectivity. Meanwhile, number of board of commissioner meetings and audit quality has negative effect on selectivity. However, there are no corporate governance mechanisms used in this study affect the distortion. The limitation of this study is that there is limitation of previous studies that examines the association of corporate governance and impression management, especially for distortion variable


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influence personal accounting student interests toward career choice as accounting profession. Factors affecting the selection of career is measured by the academic performance variables, personality type, student’s perception towards the accountant profession, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The sample in this research uses purposive sampling method. The sample in this research is 106 last-year students of accounting undergraduate students of Diponegoro University. This study used logistic regression analysis and chisquare analysis. The results of the analysis showed variable performance of academic, student perception towards the Organization of the profession of accountant and emotional intelligence has significant effects against the selection of a career as an accountant or non-accountant, but variable intelligence spiritual shows these variables do not have significant influence towards the election of accountant career or non-accountant. While the personality type variable has a significant relationship towards the election of a career as an accountant or non-accountant


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    In the context of education in Indonesia, the phenomenon about the deterioration of moral values has become a kind of red light urging all parties, to immediately see an important synergy for the development of character education. Professional assessment cannot be separated from the basic value of honesty. This study aims to determine the influence of accounting student moral reasoning and ethical sensitivity toward unethical academic behaviour. The samples in this study are 200 respondents and the questionnaires were distributed to the accounting major student of economic and business faculty in Diponegoro University, Semarang. All questions were measured using a Likert scale with 5 rank answers from never to always. The data were processed using SPSS 23. Data analysis method used is quantitative analysis using validity test, reliability test, normality test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis tests, t-test, and f-test. The result of this study showed that the moral reasoning and ethical sensitivity variables have a significant influence on unethical academic behaviour on an accounting student who is studying accounting major in Diponegoro University, Semarang


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    This research aimed to examine the effect of related party transactions (RPT) on tax avoidance using real earnings management as a mediating role. This research used Book Tax Differences (BTD) to measure the tax avoidance conducted by the company while real earnings management is measured with real activities manipulation proxie. Population of this research was all Indonesian Listed Companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in the year of 2012-2014. The samples of this research were listed manufacturing company which have at least three transactions between related party and reports their financial statements in Indonesian Currency (Rupiah). The sample selection based on of manufacturing company because real earnings management can only be identified through real activity conducted by the company. Partial Least Square (PLS) Analysis on SmartPLS 3.0 is used to examine the data. This research proved that related party transactions have not a direct effect on tax avoidance, however real earnings management mediates the relationship between related party transactions and tax avoidance. It can be conclude that related party transactions significantly have a positive effect on tax avoidance through real earnings management as a mediating role

    The Effect of Corporate Sustainability Disclosure on Cost of Capital in ASEAN Banking Sector: The Moderating Role of Financial Performance

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of overall and partial sustainability disclosure to corporate cost of capital, and also examine the moderating effect of financial performance on the relationship. This research adopted the GRI G3.1 indeces to measure sustainability disclosures. The cost of capital was calculated by weighting all source of cost of capital in WACC method, while financial performance is measured by three proxies; CAR, ROE, and NIM. Population of this research was all listed banks in ASEAN countries’ stock exchange market for the year of 2011-2014. Partial Least Squares (PLS) Analysis on SmartPLS 3.0 was used to examine the data. This research indicated that banks with more sustainability disclosure attracts lower cost of capital. However, if it examined partially, the economic aspects tend to increase the cost of capital. Furthermore, better financial performance is shown to have no effect on the relationship between overall sustainability aspects disclosure and cost of capital. Nevertheless, partially investigation found that a better financial performance strengthen the effect of social aspect diclosure in lowering cost of capital

    THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE (ESG) DISCLOSURE ON FIRM RISK (Empirical Study on Non-Financial Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange)

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosure on firm risk. ESG disclosure covers the environmental, social and governance issues considered by stakeholders to reflect a company’s accountability. This study used the indicators of GRI-G4 indices to measure the scores of ESG disclosure. Firm risk is represented by total risk which measured by calculating the standard deviation of daily stock returns to reflect the stock volatility. Total risk categorized into systematic risk which measured by calculating the market beta and idiosyncratic risk which measured by calculating the standard deviation of residuals. The measurement of risk in this study based on the Sharpe’s CAPM model. The research object of this study was non-financial companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) that issued sustainability report over the period 2014-2016. This study used purposive sampling method in determining the sample and this study obtained 36 samples of companies as well as 90 firm-year observations. The data used in this study were secondary data which collected by performing documentation study and literature study. The data then tested by using multiple linear regression as analysis method in this study. The findings of this study showed that environmental and social disclosures were significantly negatively influenced the total risk, systematic risk, and idiosyncratic risk. However, the governance disclosure just significantly influenced the total risk and insignificantly influenced the systematic risk and idiosyncratic risk. Nevertheless, the governance disclosure has a positive influence on all of the risk measure


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    Companies in achieving their goals are likely to have an impact on the environment. Company operational activities directly affect the decline in the amount of biodiversity and indirectly contribute to climate change. The decline in the amount of biodiversity is one of the causes of the current biodiversity crisis. Many companies are discharge their accountability to the environment through a sustainability report, but to date there has been little research focusing specifically on the disclosure of corporate biodiversity. In this study will be discussed about the analysis of the effect of biodiversity disclosure on company value. Biodiversity disclosure is significantly part of sustainability practices consisting of economic, social, and environmental aspects. Biodiversity disclosure is part of corporate environmental responsibility. The disclosure of biodiversity refers to the GRI-G4 Standard Index that are EN11, EN12, EN13 and EN14 categories. Firm value is measured using Tobin's Q ratio. The research object in this study is the company that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2014-2016. The total sample of 47 companies selected using purposive sampling. The analysis method of this study using multiple regression analysis. The findings in this study indicate that the biodiversity disclosure in the sustainability report has no significant effect on firm value which is measured by Tobin's Q ratio
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