12 research outputs found

    公開講演 和歌から説話を見る ―唱導史の観点を中心にして―

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    This paper tries to elucidate the function of poems in the Buddhist didactic literature (setsuwa).It first gives an overall view of the place and function of poems in Muju\u27s major work, the Shasekishû, before taking up an analysis of a kind of i-hon ("different version") of the Shasekishû, the 1961 discovered Konsenshû. One particularity of this text is the fact that the quasi-totality of its setsuwa stories is ending in one or two poems. An analysis of those "final poems" shows easily that in many cases the content of the story is exactly identical to the message of the poems. In other cases however it becomes obvious that these "conclusion-poems" introduce, if not a radical new interpretation, so at least a somewhat new aspect in the comprehension or the finality of those stories.One of the findings is that many Konsenshû-poems are the expression of a Zen-orientated message which suggests a sort of interiorisation of the otherwise plain message of the story, or are stressing the right understanding and the immediate applications of the setsuwa-finality.Compared with the Shasekishû this peculiarity of the Konsenshû-quite unique in setsuwa literature-reveals, more than did the Shasekishû-the characteristics of a clearly preaching orientated didactical narrative literature


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    The main topic of this article--a comparison of the Shasakishū and Konsenshū-- is to elucidate the relationship between waka poetry and setsuwa stories, i.e. the function of poems in the interpretation of a setsuwa.Differently from the numerous texts of the Shasekishū (kō-hon and ryaku-hon tradition), the Konsenshū is a sort of rewriting of Mujū\u27s major text, with the particularity that nearly all of the stories are followed by one or more waka poems. In many cases the content of the setsuwa is identical to the message of the poems, but in quite a lot of cases the waka seems to introduce a new aspect in the reader\u27s comprehension of the finality of the text.In certain cases, those poems take up one specific point within the setsuwa, which they stress, while in still other cases they clarify the major statement of the story. In other words, those waka suggest to us a somewhat different interpretation of a setsuwa. On the basis of some representative example of Konsenshū setsuwa we tentatively formulate, for the time being, the following incomplete conclusions.Konsenshū poems show a strong Zen orientated message which tends to an interiorisation of the otherwise plain message of the story, showing the reader a somehow immediate application and right understanding of the didactic goals in the Buddhist narrative text. Comparing the Shasekishū and Konsenshū we find out that the Konsenshū even more than the source text, shasekishū, shows us the characteristics of a preaching (sekkyō, shōdō) orientated narrative literature

    Einführung zum Skakubuku Kyôten der Sôka-gakkai

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    Le poēme comme moyen d'interprētation des setsuwa

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    Sôka Gakkai, anatomie d'un tabou (stratégies d'une secte géopolitique et mondiale et accointances avec Etats, sociétés et sytème international)

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    Cette énorme secte japonaise (la plus grosse de l archipel), partie d une poignée d adeptes dans les années 30, s est constituée en Etat dans l Etat, sur un mode mafieux, et s est implantée dans environ 190 pays, avec une logistique qui sert de support à des activités de renseignement. L étude replace les grandes étapes du développement de cette secte dans le contexte historique, économique, politique, culturel de ces différentes époques et souligne son adaptation légendaire au changement de paradigme international (dont l auteur livre une analyse) en cours. Elle insiste beaucoup sur les déterminants culturels sous-jacents aux stratégies. Elle est articulée autour de 5 parties qui abordent : 1/ les tenants et aboutissants de la problématique sectaire contemporaine 2/ l imposture spirituelle que constitue la SG par rapport au bouddhisme en général et à celui de Nichiren en particulier 3/ les mécanismes et enjeux de l emprise développée sur les adeptes 4/ l Etat dans l Etat qu elle est devenue au Japon 5/ Son expansion à l étranger, ses stratégies internationales et les accointances de celles-ci avec Etats, sociétés et système international. Cette thèse est réellement interdisciplinaire ; elle s inscrit à l articulation, notamment, des sciences religieuses, de la sociologie et des relations internationales, de l histoire et de la géopolitique, de la criminologie, de la psychologie, de la politologie, de l économie, de la philosophie.This enormous Japanese cult (the largest of the archipelago), with just a few followers in the 30s, turned to be a state within the state, according to a mafia-type process, and is established in approximately 190 countries, with logistical support that serves to intelligence activities. The study puts the main development stages of this sect in the historical, economic, political and cultural framework of these different eras and highlights its legendary adaptation to changing international paradigm (which is analysed) in progress. It places great emphasis on cultural determinants underlying strategies. The study consists of 5 parts. 1/ The ins and outs of contemporary sectarian problem. 2/ Spiritual deception that is the SG compared to Buddhism in general and particularly that of Nichiren. 3 / Mechanisms and issues of the potency developed over the followers. 4 / The state within a state that the cult has turned to be in Japan. 5 / Its expansion abroad, its international strategies and acquaintances of them with the states, companies and international system. This thesis is truly interdisciplinary and borrows especially from religious studies, sociology and international relations, history and geopolitics, criminology, psychology, political science, economy, philosophy.PARIS-EPHE-Sciences religieuses (751052336) / SudocSudocFranceF