7,612 research outputs found

    On the AdS Higher Spin / O(N) Vector Model Correspondence: degeneracy of the holographic image

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    We explore the conjectured duality between the critical O(N) vector model and minimal bosonic massless higher spin (HS) theory in AdS. In the boundary free theory, the conformal partial wave expansion (CPWE) of the four-point function of the scalar singlet bilinear is reorganized to make it explicitly crossing-symmetric and closed in the singlet sector, dual to the bulk HS gauge fields. We are able to analytically establish the factorized form of the fusion coefficients as well as the two-point function coefficient of the HS currents. We insist in directly computing the free correlators from bulk graphs with the unconventional branch. The three-point function of the scalar bilinear turns out to be an "extremal" one at d=3. The four-leg bulk exchange graph can be precisely related to the CPWs of the boundary dual scalar and its shadow. The flow in the IR by Legendre transforming at leading 1/N, following the pattern of double-trace deformations, and the assumption of degeneracy of the hologram lead to the CPWE of the scalar four-point function at IR. Here we confirm some previous results, obtained from more involved computations of skeleton graphs, as well as extend some of them from d=3 to generic dimension 2<d<4.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    New Capacitive-Array Sensors for Post-Process Cure Verification and NDE of Polymers and Composites

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    A new capacitive array sensor has been developed for process verification and NDE of polymers and composites. Unlike existing dielectrometer technology, the new sensor incorporates several innovations to maximize sensitivity to material properties while minimizing the effects of temperature, humidity and electromagnetic interference. Conventional dielectric measurement systems require sensors to be embedded within a material and discarded after a single use. Furthermore, conventional sensors are so sensitive to environmental variables that cure monitoring is based solely on changes in the material ionic conductivity; no absolute measure of cure state is possible. The configuration of these new sensors greatly reduces sensitivity to environmental variables and permits external, rather than embedded, measurement making both post-process cure verification and NDE possible. Since the sensor is not discarded, the cost per measurement is greatly reduced

    SAS-2 observations of the diffuse gamma radiation in the galactic latitude interval 10 deg absolute b or equal to 90 deg

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    An analysis of all of the second small astronomy satellite gamma-ray data for galactic latitudes with the absolute value of b 10 deg has shown that the intensity varies with galactic latitude, being larger near 10 deg than 90 deg. For energies above 100 MeV the gamma-ray data are consistent with a latitude distribution of the form I(b) = C sub 1 + C sub 2/sin b, with the second term being dominant. This result suggests that the radiation above 100 MeV is coming largely from local regions of the galactic disk. Between 35 and 100 MeV, a similar equation is also a good representation of the data, but here the two terms are comparable. These results indicate that the diffuse radiation above 35 MeV consists of two parts, one with a relatively hard galactic component and the other an isotropic, steep spectral component which extrapolates back well to the low energy diffuse radiation. The steepness of the diffuse isotropic component places significant constraints on possible theoretical models of this radiation

    Kerr/CFT Correspondence in the Low Energy Limit of Heterotic String Theory

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    We investigate the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence in the context of heterotic string theory. The Kerr/CFT correspondence states that the near-horizon states of an extremal four (or higher) dimensional black hole could be identified with a certain chiral conformal field theory under the conjecture that the central charges from the non-gravitational fields vanish. The corresponding Virasoro algebra is generated by a class of diffeomorphisms which preserves the appropriate boundary conditions on the near-horizon geometry. To understand the chiral conformal field theory, we consider the class of extremal Kerr-Sen black hole (that contains three non-gravitational fields) as a class of solutions in the low energy limit (effective field theory) of heterotic string theory. We derive the expression of the conserved charges for the extremal Kerr-Sen solutions that contain dilaton, abelian gauge filed and antisymmetric tensor filed. We confirm and extend the validity of the conjecture (that the central charges from the non-gravitational fields vanish) for theories including antisymmetric tensor fields. We combine the calculated central charges with the expected form of the temperature using the Cardy formula to obtain the entropy of the extremal black hole microscopically; in agreement with the macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the extremal black hole.Comment: 14 pages, a few sentences added to the introduction, version to appear in JHE

    Gamma radiation from the Crab nebula above 35 MeV

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    Electromagnetic radiation from the Crab nebula were observed, showing that the Crab is unique among strong X-ray sources in that major component in the low energy range (1 to 10 KeV) shows little or no temporal variation. Observations of the Crab above 35 MeV were made with the high energy gamma ray telescope flown on SAS-2. The detector and technique are described in detail

    Hummingbirds arrest their kidneys at night: diel variation in glomerular filtration rate in Selasphorus platycercus

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    © The Company of Biologists Ltd 2004Small nectarivorous vertebrates face a quandary. When feeding, they must eliminate prodigious quantities of water; however, when they are not feeding, they are susceptible to dehydration. We examined the role of the kidney in the resolution of this osmoregulatory dilemma. Broad-tailed hummingbirds (Selasphorus platycercus) displayed diurnal variation in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). During the morning, midday and evening, GFRs were 0.9±0.6, 1.8±0.4 and 2.3±0.5 ml h–1, respectively. At midday, GFR increased linearly with increased water intake. During the evening, hummingbirds decreased renal fractional water reabsorption linearly with increased water intake. Broad-tailed hummingbirds appeared to cease GFR at night (–0.1±0.2 ml h–1) and decreased GFR in response to short-term (~1.5 h) water deprivation. GFR seems to be very responsive to water deprivation in hummingbirds. Although hummingbirds and other nectarivorous birds can consume astounding amounts of water, a phylogenetically explicit allometric analysis revealed that their diurnal GFRs are not different from the expectation based on body mass.Bradley Hartman Bakken, Todd J. McWhorter, Ella Tsahar and Carlos Martínez del Ri

    The Anti-Coincidence Detector for the GLAST Large Area Telescope

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication and testing of the Anti-Coincidence Detector (ACD) for the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) Large Area Telescope (LAT). The ACD is LAT first-level defense against the charged cosmic ray background that outnumbers the gamma rays by 3-5 orders of magnitude. The ACD covers the top and 4 sides of the LAT tracking detector, requiring a total active area of ~8.3 square meters. The ACD detector utilizes plastic scintillator tiles with wave-length shifting fiber readout. In order to suppress self-veto by shower particles at high gamma-ray energies, the ACD is segmented into 89 tiles of different sizes. The overall ACD efficiency for detection of singly charged relativistic particles entering the tracking detector from the top or sides of the LAT exceeds the required 0.9997.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figure

    Microscopic entropy of the charged BTZ black hole

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    The charged BTZ black hole is characterized by a power-law curvature singularity generated by the electric charge of the hole. The curvature singularity produces ln r terms in the asymptotic expansion of the gravitational field and divergent contributions to the boundary terms. We show that these boundary deformations can be generated by the action of the conformal group in two dimensions and that an appropriate renormalization procedure allows for the definition of finite boundary charges. In the semiclassical regime the central charge of the dual CFT turns out to be that calculated by Brown and Henneaux, whereas the charge associated with time translation is given by the renormalized black hole mass. We then show that the Cardy formula reproduces exactly the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the charged BTZ black hole.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) Balloon Flight Data Handling Overview

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    The GLAST Balloon Flight Engineering Model (BFEM) represents one of 16 towers that constitute the Large Area Telescope (LAT), a high-energy (>20 MeV) gamma-ray pair-production telescope being built by an international partnership of astrophysicists and particle physicists for a satellite launch in 2006. The prototype tower consists of a Pb/Si pair-conversion tracker (TKR), a CsI hodoscopic calorimeter (CAL), an anti-coincidence detector (ACD) and an autonomous data acquisition system (DAQ). The self-triggering capabilities and performance of the detector elements have been previously characterized using positron, photon and hadron beams. External target scintillators were placed above the instrument to act as sources of hadronic showers. This paper provides a comprehensive description of the BFEM data-reduction process, from receipt of the flight data from telemetry through event reconstruction and background rejection cuts. The goals of the ground analysis presented here are to verify the functioning of the instrument and to validate the reconstruction software and the background-rejection scheme.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in IEEE Transacations on Nuclear Science, August 200