23 research outputs found

    Duality Between Relaxation and First Passage in Reversible Markov Dynamics: Rugged Energy Landscapes Disentangled

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    Relaxation and first passage processes are the pillars of kinetics in condensed matter, polymeric and single-molecule systems. Yet, an explicit connection between relaxation and first passage time-scales so far remained elusive. Here we prove a duality between them in the form of an interlacing of spectra. In the basic form the duality holds for reversible Markov processes to effectively one-dimensional targets. The exploration of a triple-well potential is analyzed to demonstrate how the duality allows for an intuitive understanding of first passage trajectories in terms of relaxational eigenmodes. More generally, we provide a comprehensive explanation of the full statistics of reactive trajectories in rugged potentials, incl. the so-called `few-encounter limit'. Our results are required for explaining quantitatively the occurrence of diseases triggered by protein misfolding.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Sensory capacity: an information theoretical measure of the performance of a sensor

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    For a general sensory system following an external stochastic signal, we introduce the sensory capacity. This quantity characterizes the performance of a sensor: sensory capacity is maximal if the instantaneous state of the sensor has as much information about a signal as the whole time-series of the sensor. We show that adding a memory to the sensor increases the sensory capacity. This increase quantifies the improvement of the sensor with the addition of the memory. Our results are obtained with the framework of stochastic thermodynamics of bipartite systems, which allows for the definition of an efficiency that relates the rate with which the sensor learns about the signal with the energy dissipated by the sensor, which is given by the thermodynamic entropy production. We demonstrate a general tradeoff between sensory capacity and efficiency: if the sensory capacity is equal to its maximum 1, then the efficiency must be less than 1/2. As a physical realization of a sensor we consider a two component cellular network estimating a fluctuating external ligand concentration as signal. This model leads to coupled linear Langevin equations that allow us to obtain explicit analytical results.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Violation of Local Detailed Balance Despite a Clear Time-Scale Separation

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    Integrating out fast degrees of freedom is known to yield, to a good approximation, memory-less, i.e. Markovian, dynamics. In the presence of such a time-scale separation local detailed balance is believed to emerge and to guarantee thermodynamic consistency arbitrarily far from equilibrium. Here we present a transparent example of a Markov model of a molecular motor where local detailed balance can be violated despite a clear time-scale separation and hence Markovian dynamics. Driving the system far from equilibrium can lead to a violation of local detailed balance against the driving force. We further show that local detailed balance can be restored, even in the presence of memory, if the coarse-graining is carried out as Milestoning. Our work establishes Milestoning not only as a kinetically but for the first time also as a thermodynamically consistent coarse-graining method. Our results are relevant as soon as individual transition paths are appreciable or can be resolved.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Minor corrections and new Supplemental Materia

    Extreme value statistics of ergodic Markov processes from first passage times in the large deviation limit

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    Extreme value functionals of stochastic processes are inverse functionals of the first passage time -- a connection that renders their probability distribution functions equivalent. Here, we deepen this link and establish a framework for analyzing extreme value statistics of ergodic reversible Markov processes in confining potentials on the hand of the underlying relaxation eigenspectra. We derive a chain of inequalities, which bounds the long-time asymptotics of first passage densities, and thereby extrema, from above and from below. The bounds involve a time integral of the transition probability density describing the relaxation towards equilibrium. We apply our general results to the analysis of extreme value statistics at long times in the case of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and a 3-dimensional Brownian motion confined to a sphere, also known as Bessel process. We find that even on time-scales that are shorter than the equilibration time, the large deviation limit characterizing long-time asymptotics can approximate the statistics of extreme values remarkably well. Our findings provide a novel perspective on the study of extrema beyond the established limit theorems for sequences of independent random variables and for asymmetric diffusion processes beyond a constant drift.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Emergent memory and kinetic hysteresis in strongly driven networks

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    Stochastic network-dynamics are typically assumed to be memory-less. Involving prolonged dwells interrupted by instantaneous transitions between nodes such Markov networks stand as a coarse-graining paradigm for chemical reactions, gene expression, molecular machines, spreading of diseases, protein dynamics, diffusion in energy landscapes, epigenetics and many others. However, as soon as transitions cease to be negligibly short, as often observed in experiments, the dynamics develops a memory. That is, state-changes depend not only on the present state but also on the past. Here, we establish the first thermodynamically consistent -- dissipation-preserving -- mapping of continuous dynamics onto a network, which reveals ingrained dynamical symmetries and an unforeseen kinetic hysteresis. These symmetries impose three independent sources of fluctuations in state-to state kinetics that determine the `flavor of memory'. The hysteresis between the forward/backward in time coarse-graining of continuous trajectories implies a new paradigm for the thermodynamics of active molecular processes in the presence of memory, that is, beyond the assumption of local detailed balance. Our results provide a new understanding of fluctuations in the operation of molecular machines as well as catch-bonds involved in cellular adhesion.Comment: 49 pages, 23 figures (main text 15 pages; Appendices 23 pages; SM 11 pages); old Appendices D-F became new Supplementary material, version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Interlacing Relaxation and First-Passage Phenomena in Reversible Discrete and Continuous Space Markovian Dynamics

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    We uncover a duality between relaxation and first passage processes in ergodic reversible Markovian dynamics in both discrete and continuous state-space. The duality exists in the form of a spectral interlacing -- the respective time scales of relaxation and first passage are shown to interlace. Our canonical theory allows for the first time to determine the full first passage time distribution analytically from the simpler relaxation eigenspectrum. The duality is derived and proven rigorously for both discrete state Markov processes in arbitrary dimension and effectively one-dimensional diffusion processes, whereas we also discuss extensions to more complex scenarios. We apply our theory to a simple discrete-state protein folding model and to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, for which we obtain the exact first passage time distribution analytically in terms of a Newton series of determinants of almost triangular matrices.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure