604 research outputs found

    Occupation and bladder cancer: a cohort study in Sweden

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    In a follow-up study of occupational exposures and bladder cancer, an increased risk was observed after an adjustment for smoking, for physicians, administrators and managers, clerical workers and sales agents among men and assistant nurses among women. For physicians, the reason may be early diagnosis; for the other groups a sedentary type of work may have a role in bladder cancer aetiology

    Antibiotic use and risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a population-based case–control study

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    Antibiotic use in 759 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) patients and 589 controls was compared. Neither total antibiotic use (odds ratio=0.7, 95% confidence interval=0.5–1.2), nor antibiotic use by site, was associated with total NHL, or NHL subtypes. There were no trends with frequency or age at first use (P trend=0.23 and 0.26, respectively)

    Co-firing of biomass and other wastes in fluidised bed systems

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    A project on co-firing in large-scale power plants burning coal is currently funded by the European Commission. It is called COPOWER. The project involves 10 organisations from 6 countries. The project involves combustion studies over the full spectrum of equipment size, ranging from small laboratory-scale reactors and pilot plants, to investigate fundamentals and operating parameters, to proving trials on a commercial power plant in Duisburg. The power plant uses a circulating fluidized bed boiler. The results to be obtained are to be compared as function of scale-up. There are two different coals, 3 types of biomass and 2 kinds of waste materials are to be used for blending with coal for co-firing tests. The baseline values are obtained during a campaign of one month at the power station and the results are used for comparison with those to be obtained in other units of various sizes. Future tests will be implemented with the objective to achieve improvement on baseline values. The fuels to be used are already characterized. There are ongoing studies to determine reactivities of fuels and chars produced from the fuels. Reactivities are determined not only for individual fuels but also for blends to be used. Presently pilot-scale combustion tests are also undertaken to study the effect of blending coal with different types of biomass and waste materials. The potential for synergy to improve combustion is investigated. Early results will be reported in the Conference. Simultaneously, studies to verify the availability of biomass and waste materials in Portugal, Turkey and Italy have been undertaken. Techno-economic barriers for the future use of biomass and other waste materials are identified. The potential of using these materials in coal fired power stations has been assessed. The conclusions will also be reported

    Experience with multiple control groups in a large population-based case–control study on genetic and environmental risk factors

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    We discuss the analytic and practical considerations in a large case–control study that had two control groups; the first control group consisting of partners of patients and the second obtained by random digit dialling (RDD). As an example of the evaluation of a general lifestyle factor, we present body mass index (BMI). Both control groups had lower BMIs than the patients. The distribution in the partner controls was closer to that of the patients, likely due to similar lifestyles. A statistical approach was used to pool the results of both analyses, wherein partners were analyzed with a matched analysis, while RDDs were analyzed without matching. Even with a matched analysis, the odds ratio with partner controls remained closer to unity than with RDD controls, which is probably due to unmeasured confounders in the comparison with the random controls as well as intermediary factors. However, when studying injuries as a risk factor, the odds ratio remained higher with partner control subjects than with RRD control subjects, even after taking the matching into account. Finally we used factor V Leiden as an example of a genetic risk factor. The frequencies of factor V Leiden were identical in both control groups, indicating that for the analyses of this genetic risk factor the two control groups could be combined in a single unmatched analysis. In conclusion, the effect measures with the two control groups were in the same direction, and of the same order of magnitude. Moreover, it was not always the same control group that produced the higher or lower estimates, and a matched analysis did not remedy the differences. Our experience with the intricacies of dealing with two control groups may be useful to others when thinking about an optimal research design or the best statistical approach

    Selection Bias in a Study of Implantable Defibrillator Patients: The Role of Type D Personality

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    # The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Background Selection bias constitutes a major issue in research using volunteers as study participants. Purpose We examined whether research in partners may affect participation rates of implantable cardioverterdefibrillator (ICD) patients with a Type D personality (joint presence of negative affectivity and social inhibition). Method Patients who underwent ICD implantation between May 2003 and November 2007, and who had a partner, were included (n=440). In September 2005, a substudy on partners of ICD patients was added (n=276 patients). Results The proportion Type D patients after the start of the partner substudy was significantly lower as compared to the proportion before this substudy (17.5 % versus 28.8%; p= 0.006). Patients who participated following the start of the partner substudy were less likely to have a Type D personality (OR=0.44; p=0.002), adjusting for possible confounders. In the partner substudy, nonparticipation was more prevalent among partners of Type D patients as compared to partners of non-Type D patients (20.4 % versus 10.1%; p=0.044). Partner nonparticipation was marginally significantly associated with Type D personality of the patient (OR=2.13; p=0.083), adjusting for confounders. Conclusions The addition of a partner substudy may be related to a decreased proportion of participants with a Type D personality. Nonparticipation was more prevalent among partners of Type D patients. These observations may influence results of studies, as Type Ds tend to be less healthy

    Emerging advantages and drawbacks of telephone surveying in public health research in Ireland and the U.K

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    BACKGROUND: Telephone surveys have been used widely in public health research internationally and are being increasingly used in Ireland and the U.K. METHODS: This study compared three telephone surveys conducted on the island of Ireland from 2000 to 2004, examining study methodology, outcome measures and the per unit cost of each completed survey. We critically examined these population-based surveys which all explored health related attitudes and behaviours. RESULTS: Over the period from 2000 to 2005 the percentage of calls which succeeded in contacting an eligible member of the public fell, from 52.9% to 31.8%. There was a drop in response rates to the surveys (once contact was established) from 58.6% to 17.7%. Costs per completed interview rose from €4.48 to €15.65. Respondents were prepared to spend 10–15 minutes being surveyed, but longer surveys yielded poorer completion rates. Respondents were willing to discuss issues of a sensitive nature. Interviews after 9 pm were less successful, with complaints about the lateness of the call. Randomisation from electronic residential telephone directory databases excluded all ex-directory numbers and thus was not as representative of the general population as number generation by the hundred-bank method. However the directory database was more efficient in excluding business and fax numbers. CONCLUSION: Researchers should take cognisance of under-representativeness of land-line telephone surveys, of the increasing difficulties in contacting the public and of mounting personnel costs. We conclude that telephone surveying now requires additional strategies such as a multimode approach, or incentivisation, to be a useful, cost-effective means of acquiring data on public health matters in Ireland and the U.K