285 research outputs found

    Reduced nonlinear description of Farley-Buneman instability

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    In the study on nonlinear wave-wave processes in an ionosphere and a magnetosphere usually the main attention is paid to investigation of plasma turbulence at well developed stage, when the wide spectrum of plasma wave is present. On the other side, it is well known that even if the number of cooperating waves remains small due to a competition of processes of their instability and attenuation, the turbulence appears in the result of their stochastic behavior. The regimes of nonlinear dynamics of low frequency waves excited due to Farley-Buneman instability in weakly ionized and inhomogeneous ionospheric plasma in the presence of electric current perpendicular to ambient magnetic field are considered. The problem is essentially three dimensional and difficult for full numerical simulation, but the strong collisional damping of waves allow to assume that in this case a perturbed state of plasma can be described as finite set of interacting waves, some of which are unstable and other strongly damping. The proposed nonlinear model allow to make full study of nonlinear stabilization, conditions of stochasticity and to consider the different regimes and properties of few mode plasma turbulence.Comment: The extended version of work, published in AIP Conf. Proc. 993, 113 (2008

    Waveguide Bandpass Filters for Millimeter-Wave Radiometers

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    A fundamental requirement for most mm-wave heterodyne receivers is the rejection of the input image signal which is located close to the local oscillator frequency. For this purpose we use a bandpass filter, which for heterodyne receivers is also called an image rejection filter. In this paper we present a systematic approach to the design of a waveguide bandpass filter with a passband from 100 to 110 GHz and upper rejection bandwidth in the range from 113 to 145 GHz. We consider two non-tunable filter configurations: the first one is relatively selective with 11 sections (poles) whereas the second one is simpler with 5 sections. We used established design equations to propose an initial guess for the geometries of the filters, optimized the geometries, constructed the filters using two different milling methods, measured their transmission and reflection characteristics, and compared the measurements with numerical simulations. Measurements of both filters agree well with simulations in frequency response and rejection bandwidth. The insertion loss of the 11-pole filter is better than 10 dB and that of the 5-pole filter is better than 5 dB. The 11-pole filter has a sharper attenuation roll-off compared with the 5-pole filter. The upper out-of-band rejection is better than 40 dB up to 145 GHz for the 11-pole filter and up to 155 GHz for the 5-pole filter