16 research outputs found

    Baltic provenance of top-Famennian siliciclastic material of the northern Rhenish Massif, Rhenohercynian zone of the Variscan orogen

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    The provenance of top-Famennian sedimentary rocks linked to the Hangenberg Crisis from the northern Rhenish Massif (Germany) was investigated by the means of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology. Based on the obtained age spectra, three main tectonothermal domains are recognized as possible sources: Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic (~ 2000–1000 Ma) units of Baltica and Early Paleozoic Caledonian orogen (~ 500–400 Ma). Our interpretation of the detritus having been derived from northern source areas, i.e., Baltica and the Scandinavian Caledonides, with a minor input of German-Polish (Rügen-Pomeranian) Caledonides, contradicts the traditional view that, during the Upper Devonian, the northern Rhenish Massif was supplied by detritus from the south. Complementary mineralogical, textural and geochemical analyses point to a derivation of the detritus of Drewer and Hangenberg Sandstones mainly from felsic, recycled continental crust. The elevated concentrations of Pb and Zn in the studied sections are a feature attributed to hydrothermal alteration related to the terminal Devonian synsedimentary volcanism or post-depositional Variscan deformation

    Reply to Comment by M.F. Pereira, J.B. Silva and C. Gama on "Baltic provenance of top-Famennian siliciclastic material of the northern Rhenish Massif, Rhenohercynian zone of the Variscan orogen, by Koltonik et al., International Journal of Earth Sciences (2018) 107:2645–2669"

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    The authors of the Comment suggest that our geological overview map of the European Variscides is incorrect in the section showing SW Iberia (our Fig. 1a). However, our paper reports results of the provenance study from the northern Rhenish Massif, and does not attempt to discuss the architecture and tectonic evolution of the Appalachian-Variscan belt. The aim of Fig. 1 is to locate the study area in the geological context of the European Variscides and not to extrapolate the implications of our findings down to southern Portugal. The map is mostly based on Franke (2014) that is explicitly stated in the caption. Our results are neutral towards the hypothetical correlation between the Mid-German Crystalline High and the southern domains of the Ossa-Morena Zone that is shown on the map[…

    Review of Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary sections in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany)

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    Thirty Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary sections of the Rhenish Slate Mountains and adjacent subsurface areas are reviewed with respect to litho-, event, conodont, ammonoid, sequence, and chemostratigraphy. In the interval from the base of the uppermost Famennian (Wocklum Beds, Wocklumian) to the base of the middle Tournaisian (base Lower Alum Shale), 11 conodont and 16 ammonoid (sub)zones are distinguished. The terminology of the Hangenberg Crisis Interval is refined, with an overall regressive Crisis Prelude below the main Hangenberg Extinction, which defines the base of the transgressive Lower Crisis Interval (Hangenberg Black Shale). The glacigenic and regressive Middle Crisis Interval (Hangenberg Shale/Sandstone) is followed by the overall transgressive Upper Crisis Interval that can be subdivided into three parts (I to III) with the help of conodont stratigraphy (upper costatus-kockeli Interregnum = upper ckI, Protognathodus kockeli Zone, and lower part of Siphonodella (Eosiphonodella) sulcata s.l./Pr. kuehni Zone). Protognathodus kockeli includes currently a wide range of forms, which variabilities and precise ranges need to be established before a precise GSSP level should be selected. Returning to its original definition, the former Upper duplicata Zone is re-named as Siphonodella (S.) mehli Zone. It replaces the S. (S.) jii Zone, which is hampered by taxonomic complications. The S. (S.) quadruplicata Zone of Ji (1985) is hardly supported by Rhenish data. The entry of typical S. (S.) lobata (M1) characterises an upper subdivision (subzone) of the S. (S.) sandbergi Zone; the new S. (S.) lobata M2 enters much earlier within the S. (S.) mehli Zone. The ammonoid-defined base of the Wocklum-Stufe (Upper Devonian = UD VI) begins with the Linguaclymenia similis Zone (UD VI-A1). The oldest S. (Eosiphonodella) enter within the Muessenbiaergia bisulcata Zone (UD VI-A2). The traditional Parawocklumeria paradoxa Zone of Schindewolf (1937) is divided into successive P. paprothae (VI-C1), P. paradoxa (VI-C2), and Mayneoceras nucleus (VI-C3) Subzones. In the lower Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous = LC I), the Gattendorfia subinvoluta Zone is subdivided into G. subinvoluta (LC I-A2) and “Eocanites” nodosus (LC I-A3) Subzones. The Paprothites dorsoplanus Zone (LC I-B) can be divided into Pap. dorsoplanus (LC I-B1) and Paragattendorfia sphaeroides (LC I-B2) Subzones. Potential subdivisions of the Pseudarietites westfalicus (LC I-C) and Parag. patens Zones (LC I-D) are less distinctive. The unfossiliferous or argillaceous upper part of the Hangenberg Limestone and the overlying Lower Alum Shale Event Interval remain regionally unzoned for ammonoids.Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (1056

    Review of Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary sections in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany)

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    Thirty Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary sections of the Rhenish Slate Mountains and adjacent subsurface areas are reviewed with respect to litho-, event, conodont, ammonoid, sequence, and chemostratigraphy. In the interval from the base of the uppermost Fatnennian (Wocklum Beds, Wocklumian) to the base of the middle Toumaisian (base Lower Alum Shale), 11 conodont and 16 ammonoid (sub)zones are distinguished. The terminology of the Hangenberg Crisis Interval is refined, with an overall regressive Crisis Prelude below the main Hangenberg Extinction, which defines the base of the transgressive Lower Crisis Interval (Hangenberg Black Shale). The glacigenic and regressive Middle Crisis Interval (Hangenberg Shale/Sandstone) is followed by the overall transgressive Upper Crisis Interval that can be subdivided into three parts (I to III) with the help of conodont stratigraphy (upper costatus-kockeli Interregnum = upper ckl, Protognathodus kockeli Zone, and lower part of Siphonodella (Eosiphonodella) sulcata s.1.1Pr. kuehni Zone). Protognathodus kockeli includes currently a wide range of forms, which variabilities and precise ranges need to be established before a precise GSSP level should be selected. Returning to its original definition, the former Upper duplicata Zone is re-named as Siphonodella (S.) mehli Zone. It replaces the S. (S.)jii Zone, which is hampered by taxonomic complications. The S. (S.) quadruplicata Zone of Ji (1985) is hardly supported by Rhenish data. The entry of typical S. (S.) lobata (M1) characterises an upper subdivision (subzone) of the S. (S.) sandbergi Zone; the new S. (S.) lobata M2 enters much earlier within the S. (S.) mehli Zone. The ammonoid-defined base of the Wocklum-Stufe (Upper Devonian = UD VI) begins with the Linguaclymenia similis Zone (UD VI-A(1)). The oldest S. (Eosiphonodella) enter within the Muessenbiaergia bisulcata Zone (UD VI-A(2)). The traditional Parawocklumeria paradoxa Zone of Schindewolf (1937) is divided into successive P. paprothae (VI-C-1), P. paradoxa (VI-C-2). and Mayneoceras nucleus (VI-C-3) Subzones. In the lower Toumaisian (Lower Carboniferous = LC I), the Gattendorfia subinvoluta Zone is subdivided into G. subinvoluta (LC I-A(2)) and Eocanites nodosus (LC I-A(3)) Subzones. The Paprothites dorsoplanus Zone (LC I-B) can be divided into Pap. dorsoplanus (LC I-B-1) and Paragattendorfia sphaeroides (LC I-B-2) Subzones. Potential subdivisions of the Pseudarietites westfalicus (LC I-C) and Parag. patens Zones (LC I-D) are less distinctive. The unfossiliferous or argillaceous upper part of the Hangenberg Limestone and the overlying Lower Alum Shale Event Interval remain regionally unzoned for ammonoids

    Drowning, extinction, and subsequent facies development of the Devonian Honne Valley Reef (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany)

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    The Hagen-Balve Reef is one of the largest Devonian carbonate complexes in the Rhenish Massif exposed in many former or active, economically significant quarries, especially in the Honne Valley region at its eastern end. The timing and patterns of reef drowning, final extinction, and the middle Frasnian to middle Famennian post-reefal facies history, including details of the global Kellwasser Crisis, were studied based on two boreholes (HON_1101 and B102) and one outcrop at the Beul near Eisborn. More than 100 conodont samples provided a fine biostratigraphic framework and included new forms left in open nomenclature. The ca. upper 80 m of the new Asbeck Member of the Hagen-Balve Formation consists of relatively monotonous lagoonal successions assigned to four microfacies types. The local diversity of reef builders, mostly stromatoporoids, is low. Fenestral microbialites indicate very shallow and rather hostile back-reef settings. Near the Middle/Upper Devonian boundary, the eustatic pulses of the global Frasnes Events led to a significant backstepping of the reef margin, with reef core/outer slope facies overlying lagoonal facies. This flooding drastically reduced the carbonate accumulation rate and enabled the invasion of drowned back-reef areas by open-water organisms, such as polygnathid conodonts. Within this Eisborn Member, five microfacies types and numerous subtypes are distinguished including low-diversity coral gardens and a final, top lower Frasnian parabiostrome dominated by tabulate and colonial rugose corals. There was no cap stage (Iberg Facies). Two phases of the Basal Frasnes Event are marked by dark, organic rich limestones with subordinate reef builders. Based on conodont fauna from overlying nodular limestones of the new, (hemi-)pelagic Beul Formation, the final Honne Valley reef extinction was caused by the eustatic Middlesex Event at the lower/middle Frasnian boundary. Within the Beul Formation, eight subphotic submarine rise microfacies types are distinguished. After a lower middle Frasnian phase of extreme condensation, rich conodont faunas enable the recognition of most upper Frasnian to middle Famennian zones. The global semichatovae Event led to a regionally unique intercalation by four phases of organic-rich, laminated black shales and intervening thin limestones in core HON_1101. The Lower Kellwasser Event is represented in HON_1101 by atypical, moderately C-org-rich, recrystallized, peloidal ostracod-mollusk pack-grainstones. The Upper Kellwasser level begins with an ostracod bloom, followed either by recrystallized mollusk wacke-packstones (HON_1101) or laminated, argillaceous mudstones (B102). The first indicates a rarely documented shallow subphotic, better oxygenated setting than typical Upper Kellwasser facies. As elsewhere, the top-Frasnian conodont extinction was severe. The lower/middle Famennian carbonate microfacies of the Beul Formation is relatively monotonous and typical for an oxic, pelagic submarine rise. The youngest recorded nodular limestones fall in the Palmatolepis marginifera utahensis Zone. Regionally uniform lydites of the Hardt Formation show that the local palaeotopography was levelled before the base of the Visean. The Honne Valley case study and comparisons with western parts of the Hagen-Balve Reef and other Rhenish reefs underline the significance of Givetian to middle Frasnian eustatic and anoxic events as causes for reef extinctions