447 research outputs found

    On dimensional line radiative transfer

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    Integrations over solid angle and frequency are performed in the expressions for the radiant heat flux and local energy loss of a line in a region of strong variations of the source function in one direction. Approximations are given for coefficients and kernels in the resulting forms which involve integrals over the physical coordinate

    Transport equations for gases and plasmas obtained by the 13-moment method - A summary

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    Momentum transfer solutions to Boltzmann transport equations for gas mixture and plasma

    Nonstationary homogeneous nucleation

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    The theory of homogeneous condensation is reviewed and equations describing this process are presented. Numerical computer solutions to transient problems in nucleation (relaxation to steady state) are presented and compared to a prior computation

    Proposed computer model for electric discharge atomic vapor lasers

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    A detailed computer model for the rate kinetics of an atomic vapor laser excited by electrical discharge is proposed. The model equations are defined and the computer program structure is discussed

    Isotope separation using metallic vapor lasers

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    The isotope U235 is separated from a gasified isotope mixture of U235 and U238 by selectively exciting the former from the ground state utilizing resonant absorption of radiation from precisely tuned lasers. The excited isotope is then selectively ionized by electron bombardment. It then is separated from the remaining isotope mixture by electromagnetic separation

    Mixing rules for multicomponent mixture mass diffusion coefficients and thermal diffusion factors

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    Mixing rules are derived for mass diffusion coefficient and thermal diffusion factor matrices by developing compatibility conditions between the fluid mixture equations obtained from nonequilibrium thermodynamics and Grad’s 13-moment kinetic theory. The mixing rules are shown to be in terms of the species mole fractions and binary processes. In particular, the thermal diffusion factors for binary mixtures obtained by the Chapman–Enskog expansion procedure are suitably generalized for many-component mixtures. Some practical aspects of the results are discussed including the utilization of these mixing rules for high pressure situations

    Plume Characterization of a One-Millipound Solid Teflon Pulsed Plasma Thruster, Phase 2

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    Measurements of the pulsed plasma thruster (PPT) plume upstream mass flux were made in the Molecular Sink (MOLSINK) vacuum facility in order to minimize the plume-tank wall reflected mass flux. Using specially designed collimators on 4 rows of Quartz Crystal Microbalanced (QCMs) mounted on a support extending radially away from the plume axis, measurements were made of the mass flux originating in a thin slice of the PPT primary plume at an arbitrary dip angle with respect to the thruster axis. The measured and analytically corrected mass flux from particles reflected from the MOLSINK walls was substracted from the collimated QCM measurements to improve their accuracy. These data were then analytically summed over dip angle to estimate the total plume backflow upstream of the thruster nozzle. The results indicate that the PPT backflow is of order 10 to the minus 10th power g/square cm/pulse in the region from 38 to 86 cm from the PPT axis in the nozzle exit plane. This flux drops with the square of the radial distance from the PPT axis and is comparable to the backflow of an 8 cm ion thruster, which has performance characteristics similar to those of the PPT

    Modeling of Alkane Oxidation Using Constituents and Species

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    It is currently not possible to perform simulations of turbulent reactive flows due in particular to complex chemistry, which may contain thousands of reactions and hundreds of species. This complex chemistry results in additional differential equations, making the numerical solution of the equation set computationally prohibitive. Reducing the chemical kinetics mathematical description is one of several important goals in turbulent reactive flow modeling. A chemical kinetics reduction model is proposed for alkane oxidation in air that is based on a parallel methodology to that used in turbulence modeling in the context of the Large Eddy Simulation. The objective of kinetic modeling is to predict the heat release and temperature evolution. This kinetic mechanism is valid over a pressure range from atmospheric to 60 bar, temperatures from 600 K to 2,500 K, and equivalence ratios from 0.125 to 8. This range encompasses diesel, HCCI, and gas-turbine engines, including cold ignition. A computationally efficient kinetic reduction has been proposed for alkanes that has been illustrated for n-heptane using the LLNL heptane mechanism. This model is consistent with turbulence modeling in that scales were first categorized into either those modeled or those computed as progress variables. Species were identified as being either light or heavy. The heavy species were decomposed into defined 13 constituents, and their total molar density was shown to evolve in a quasi-steady manner. The light species behave either in a quasi-steady or unsteady manner. The modeled scales are the total constituent molar density, Nc, and the molar density of the quasi-steady light species. The progress variables are the total constituent molar density rate evolution and the molar densities of the unsteady light species. The unsteady equations for the light species contain contributions of the type gain/loss rates from the heavy species that are modeled consistent with the developed mathematical forms for the total constituent molar density rate evolution; indeed, examination of these gain/loss rates shows that they also have a good quasi-steady behavior with a functional form resembling that of the constituent rate. This finding highlights the fact that the fitting technique provides a methodology that can be repeatedly used to obtain an accurate representation of full or skeletal kinetic models. Assuming success with the modified reduced model, the advantage of the modeling approach is clear. Because this model is based on the Nc rate rather than on that of individual heavy species, even if the number of species increases with increased carbon number in the alkane group, providing that the quasi-steady rate aspect persists, then extension of this model to higher alkanes should be conceptually straightforward, although it remains to be seen if the functional fits would remain valid or would require reconstruction

    Investigation of spray dispersion and particulate formation in diesel fuel flames

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    An experimental study of electrostatical atomized and dispersed diesel fuel jets was conducted at various back pressures to 40 atm. A new electrostatic injection technique was utilized to generate continuous, stable fuel sprays at charge densities of 1.5 to 2.0 C/m3 of fluid at one atm, and about 1.0 C/m3 at 40 atm. Flowrates were varied from 0.5 to 2.5 ml/s and electric potentials to -18 kV. Visual observations showed that significant enhanced dispersion of charged fuel jets occurred at high back pressures compared to aerodynamic breakup and dispersion. The average drop size was about the same as the spray triode orifice diameter, and was between the Kelly theory and the Rayleigh limit. The ignition tests, done only at one atm, indicated stable combustion of the electrostatically dispersed fuel jets

    Statistical Model of Multicomponent-Fuel Drop Evaporation for Many-Drop Flow Simulations

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    A statistical formulation is developed describing the composition in an evaporating multicomponent-fuel liquid drop and in the gas phase surrounding it. When a complementary discrete-component model is used, it is shown that, when drops are immersed in a carrier gas containing fuel vapor, condensation of species onto the drop results in the development of a minor peak in the liquid composition probability distribution function (PDF). This peak leads to a PDF shape that can be viewed as a combination of two gamma PDFs, which is determined by five parameters. A model is developed for calculating the parameters of the two combined gamma PDFs. Extensive tests of the model for both diesel and gasoline show that the PDF results replicate accurately the discrete model predictions. Most important, the mean and variance of the composition at the drop surface are in excellent agreement with the discrete model. Results from the model show that although the second peak is minor for the liquid PDF, its corresponding peak for the vapor distribution at the drop surface has a comparable magnitude to and sometimes exceeds that corresponding to the first peak. Four-parameter models are also exercised, and it is shown that they are unable to capture the physics of the problem
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