2 research outputs found

    Einfluß verschiedener Vorbehandlungen auf die Induktion somatischer Embryogenese an Antheren der Rebsorte Riesling

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    Zur Verbesserung der Regeneration intakter Pflanzen aus Antheren der Rebsorte Riesling wurden verschiedene Vorbehandlungsmaßnahmen am Ausgangsmaterial sowie Variationen in der Subkultivierung der induzierten somatischen Embryonen durchgeführt und dabei folgende Ergebnisse erzielt:Die Kühlung der präparierten Antheren nach Inokulation auf das Nährmedium für 4 d bei 4 °C führte zu einer Regenerationsrate intakter Pflanzen von 8 %.Eine konstante Kulturtemperatur von 27 °C ist zur Induktion von Embryonen optimal; sowohl l5 °C als auch 32 °C hemmten die Embryoinduktion.Die höchsten Embryogeneseraten von 5-7 % wurden nach einer Kallusinduktionsphase von 1-2 Wochen und nachfolgender Kultivierung mit 10 µM BAP oder TDZ erzielt.The effect of different pretreatments on induction of somatic embryogenesis on anthers of grapevine cv. RieslingDifferent pretreatments on starting material for anther cultivation of grapevine cv. Riesling have been carried out. The experiments have been focused on chilling (+4°C) and duration (0-4 d) of inflorescences and freshly excised anthers before cultivation. Best results were obtained when anthers were cooled for a period of 4 d. Callus induction temperature and duration as well as the effects of cytokinins (BA-P, TDZ) in subcultures were also tested. The regeneration rate could be increased by a culture temperature of 27°C, a short callus induction period of 1-2 weeks in combination with either a BAP- or a TDZ-application of 10 µM in the subsequent subcultivation

    Der Einfluß von Wachstumsinhibitoren auf die Langzeitlagerung von in-vitro-Kulturen der Rebe

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    The effect of Cycocel (CCC) and Alar (B 995) on the growth of in vitro cultures of grapevine was tested under temperatures of +25, +8 and +3 °C. Both inhibitors were applied to the sterilized medium.Alar caused in rather low concentrations (100 ppm) such a strong growth inhibition that subculturing became difficult. Moreover, the once induced inhibition was maintained in the two subsequent passages after Alar application.CCC at concentrations of 500 to 1000 ppm reduced the length of the internodes of all cultivars tested to an extent of 30-40 % and the number of nodes/pla ntlet to 20-30 %, but delayed subculturing from 2-3 months to 5-7 months. An after-effect of CCC on subcultured plants was not observed.CCC-treated plantlets had sma ller and darker green leaves. Callus formation at the base of the explants was stimulatecl, whereas root growth was either unaffectecl or s lightly enhanced.CCC (750 ppm) prolonged vitality of the explants during a long- term storage at +8 °C.CCC-treated plantlets (750 ppm) survivecl after a storage period of 10 months at a recluced stor age t emperature of +3 °C without any loss of vitality, whereas untreated plantlets did not survive.The res ults were di scussed in context with possible applications in proclucing of plant material free of virus infections, within the scope of clonal selection, ancl in s toring germplasm