220 research outputs found

    Chairperson Leadership Paradigm and Its Flaws

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    Leadership which has been well-known and applied in times is actually a manifestation of paradigm of ‘the chairperson leadership’ or ‘person leadership’. Research shows that this paradigm implies several of weaknesses which the organizations themselves are less aware of. This weaknesses have made and will cause many losses, such as crisis in personality, social humanity, economy, culture, and environment. The fundamental weakness –linked to others– is the person centered characteristic which empowers the chairperson to be the last one to judge in decision making

    Pemikiran Seputar Penegakan Hukum oleh Kepolisian terhadap Kejahatan Korporasi

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    Polisi sebagai ujung tombak penegakan hukum, tenyata menemuihambatan-hambatah yang krusial ketika dihadapkan pada Kejahatan Korporasi Sulitnya pembuktian, kurangnya "political will", kurangnya sumber daya, adalah diantara hambatan itu. Sehingga perlu diadakan format baru bagi polisi dalam menegakkan hukumterhadap Kejahatan Korporas

    How It-enabled Scm and E-commerce Help Dell Improve Competitive Advantage

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    Information technology, dan teknologi Internet pada khusus merupakan fasilitator (enabler) yang memungkinkan information sharing antar Perusahaan tanpa kendala dan real-time baik internal maupun antar-organisasi. Dampak IT dan teknologi Internet bersama dengan tiga tipe networks pentingnya seperti Intranet, Extranet, dan Web pada manajemen rantai pasokan atau supply chain management (SCM) dan commerce menjadi IT-enabled SCM dan e-commerce, sehingga transfer data digital dan koordinasi serta information sharing dapat dijalankan dengan lancar, murah dan real-time.Persaingan bisnis yang ketat dewasa ini mengharuskan Perusahaan menerapkan IT-enabled SCM yang efisien dan e-commerce yang efektif, sehingga persaingan tidak lagi terletak pada persaingan antar Perusahaan, melainkan terletak pada persaingan antara rantai pasokan. Tujuan paper ini, pertama: menganalisis dan membahas trend dalam SCM dan e-commerce dengan cara meneliti bagaimana IT dan Internet pada khususnya seperti intranet, extranet, and Web mentransformasi dan merampingkan SCM dan e-commerce. Kemudian: studi kasus pada Dell, Inc.untuk mengetahui bagaimana Dell, Inc. sukses menjalankan IT-enables SCM dan e-commerce

    Understanding E-business & E-commerce and Their Relation to the Conceptual Framework of E-marketing: Case Study

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    Information technology (IT), teknologi Internet pada khususnya telah membawa Perubahan dalam praktik bisnis dan pemasaran, di mana hampir semua aktivitas dan praktik business, commerce, dan marketing dapat dijalankan secara elektronik. Hal ini terlihat pada istilah/kata seperti“electronic business (e-business)”,“electronic commerce (e-commerce), dan“electronic marketing (e-marketing)” yang artinya disiplin ilmu tersebut telah teraplikasi dalam information dan communication technology (ICT) dan telah dipraktikan secara elektronik. Meskipun demikian, sampai saat ini masih belum ada keseragaman dalam hal definisi dan konsep e-business, e-commerce, dan e-marketing bahkan terjadi tumpang tindih (overlap) satu sama lain dalam praktik. Selain dapat membentuk wawasan berpikir yang terfokus, konsep dan definisi yang tepat baik dalam pengertian luas maupun pengertian sempit akan memberi manfaat untuk menjustifikasi posisi diri kita sendiri baik dari aspek disiplin ilmu maunpun dalam praktik. Paper ini mereview literature dari berbagai sumber buku dan jurnal mengenai konsep dan definisi e-business, e-commerce, dan e-marketing yang tepat, dikatkan dengan penelitian ProfessorMeng dari Universitas Guan Dong berjudul“Study on Combining e-commerce and e-marketing” Mei 2010 yang sedikit banyak telah menginspirasi pembahasan paper ini dan sekaligus menjadikannya sebagai studi kasus paper ini

    The Effect of Dental Health Education on Dental and Oral Health Behavior in Elementary School Students in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

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    Background: Good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. It can help keep an individual’s teeth healthy as one gets older. An unhealthy mouth, especially if one has gum disease, may increase the risk of serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke, poorly controlled diabetes, and preterm labor. The Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) by Ministry of Health 2013 reported that children aged 10-14 years who had oral and dental health problem was 25.2%. This study aimed to determine the effect of dental health education (DHE) on dental and oral health behavior in elementary school children in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in Taebenu district, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. A sample of 303 elementary school children was selected for this study by random sampling. The dependent variable was oral and dental health-related behavior as measured by student’s knowledge, attitude, sweet snack consumption, and tooth brushing. The oral and dental health was measured by Decay Missing Filled-Teeth (DMF-T). The independent variable was DHE. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a logistic regression. Results: The oral and dental health in the elementary school children was poor with DMF-T index of 0.5. DHE increased student’s knowledge (OR= 17.80; 95% CI= 13.39 to 22.21; p<0.001), improved attitude (OR= 10.58; 95% CI= 6.31 to 14.85; p<0.001), reduced sweet snack consumption (OR= 13.63; 95% CI= 6.69 to 20.57; p<0.001), and enhanced tooth brushing (OR= 12.46; 95% CI= 6.61 o 18.31; p<0.001). Conclusion: DHE is effective in improving oral and dental health behavior as measured by student’s knowledge, attitude, sweet snack consumption, and tooth brushing. Keywords: Dental health education, oral and dental health, Decay Missing Filled-Teeth, school childre

    The Role of Teacher in Medical Student Self-directed Learning Process

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    Self-directed learning (SDL) is essential in medical education. The rapid development of medical science and the expansion of health problems need a physician who can meet that challenges. A physician must have lifelong learning ability. SDL is one of the important requirements for lifelong learning ability. In SDL, learners are the controller of learning and learners have the freedom to learn according to their needs. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the role of the teacher in the SDL process, particularly in medical education. This study used a qualitative exploratory design. Twelve teachers and 23 medical students were selected by purposive sampling. There were seven themes that emerged from the analysis. The role of teacher in the SDL process includes: (1) Competent; (2) Concern; (3) Creative; (4) Facilitator; (5) Motivator; (6) Partners; and (7) Role Model

    Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek dan Diskon Harga terhadap Niat Pembelian dengan Mediasi Citra Restoran Seafood New Javana di Surabaya

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    The purpose of this research was to examine The Effect of Brand Awareness and Price Discount on Purchase Intention as mediated by the image of Seafood Restaurant New Javana in Surabaya. The data were collected by means of questionnaire for getting the response from the respondents on the 76 people. Sampling method is the Accidental Sampling conducted by questionnaire that is spread in a Restaurant Seafood New Java-na. Analysis technique used to test the relation of independent variables, mediating vari-able, and dependent variable is the Path Analysis with SPSS software for 16 Windows. This research shows that brand awareness and price discounts are significant and simul-taneous partial influence on the image of the restaurant. Brand awareness and purchase intent affect significantly, either directly or with the mediated image of the restaurant. Discount price does not affect significantly purchase intention. However, the discount price does not affect significantly purchase intent. But, the discount price can affect pur-chase intent significantly mediated the image of the restaurant
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