57 research outputs found

    Schreiben Englisch

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    Das DESI-Modul semikreatives Schreiben dient der Erfassung der Fähigkeit des task-orientierten Schreibens in der Fremdsprache (vgl. Harsch/Lehmann/Neuma/Schröder 2007). Dabei sollen den Schülerinnen und Schülern bei gleichzeitiger Lenkung möglichst große kommunikative Freiräume geboten werden. Das Testkonstrukt Schreiben Englisch ist in Analogie zum Konstrukt der Textproduktion Deutsch dreifach verortet in der linguistischen Text- und Schreibprozessforschung sowie in der didaktischen Forschung zur Schreibentwicklung, in der Analyse der relevanten Curricula aller Schularten und Bundesländer und in der empirischen Forschung zur Aufsatzbewertung. (DIPF/Orig.

    Investigating the predictive validity of TOEFL iBT® scores and their use in informing policy in a UK university setting

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    The project examined the predictive validity of TOEFL®iBT with a focus on the relationship between TOEFL®iBT scores and students’ subsequent academic success in postgraduate studies in one leading university in the UK, paying specific attention to the role of linguistic preparedness as perceived by students and tutors. We employed a mixed-methods approach in order to enrich traditionally quantitatively oriented studies with a qualitative perspective. For the sample of 504 students who entered the university for postgraduate studies in the years 2011-2013 on the basis of a TOEFL®iBT score, we analyzed the relation between TOEFL®iBT scores and final academic award by correlation and regression analyses, taking into consideration discipline, nationality, and additional language support. For the qualitative strand, students entering the university in 2013 on the basis of a TOEFL®iBT score were invited to questionnaires and interviews, as were their EAP and academic tutors. A total 48 students and 58 tutors participated, with 25 students and 36 tutors being interviewed at three points over the course of the year.Our findings show that students entering the university on the basis of TOEFL®iBT scores feel well prepared, and generally regard the test as an effective means of preparation for their academic studies in a UK setting. They cope well with the linguistic demands and a vast majority graduate successfully. Our findings support the appropriateness of the university’s entrance policy with regard to setting minimum test score requirements, thus underpinning the predictive validity of TOEFL®iBT in a UK setting

    Evaluación de la expresión oral en inglés en la Educación Superior cubana

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    Objective: This paper aims at describing a set of tasks and an analytical rating scale to evaluate the student's performance in English speaking skills at the university level. Methods: To achieve this objective empirical and theoretical methods were used, as well as, mixed-methods which include qualitative and quantitative paradigms. Results: As the main finding, a task proposal was done to evaluate speaking skill, which is made up of three parts and includes both production and interaction. Similarly, an analytical rating scale was developed, based on the descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, adapted to the Cuban context. Conclusions: This paper has shown that task design and rating scale development are processes that comprise deep literature review several rounds of revisions and reformulation until getting high-quality products. It has also opened a path on tasks design and rating scales development in Cuba based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Objetivo: Este artículo describe una serie de tareas y una escala analítica para la evaluación de la producción e interacción oral en inglés. Métodos: Para lograr este objetivo se emplearon métodos tanto del nivel teórico como empírico, así como, métodos mixtos que combinan elementos de los paradigamas cualitativos y cuantatitativos. Resultados: Como principal resultado, se obtuvo una propuesta de tarea para evaluar la expresión oral que incluye tanto la producción como la interacción oral. Asimismo, se elaboró una escala analítica de calificación, basada en los descriptores del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas y adaptada al contexto cubano. Conclusiones: Este trabajo ha demostrado que el desarrollo de una escala de calificación es un proceso que comprende una profunda revisión de la literatura especializada, varias rondas de revisiones y reformulaciones hasta obtener un producto final de alta calidad. Igualmente, ha abierto un camino en el desarrollo de escalas de evaluación y exámenes en Cuba basado en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas.&nbsp

    Comparing C-tests and Yes/No vocabulary size tests as predictors of receptive language skills

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    Placement and screening tests serve important functions, not only with regard to placing learners at appropriate levels of language courses but also with a view to maximizing the effectiveness of administering test batteries. We examined two widely reported formats suitable for these purposes, the discrete decontextualized Yes/No vocabulary test and the embedded contextualized C-test format, in order to determine which format can explain more variance in measures of listening and reading comprehension. Our data stem from a large-scale assessment with over 3000 students in the German secondary educational context; the four measures relevant to our study were administered to a subsample of 559 students. Using regression analysis on observed scores and SEM on a latent level, we found that the C-test outperforms the Yes/No format in both methodological approaches. The contextualized nature of the C-test seems to be able to explain large amounts of variance in measures of receptive language skills. The C-test, being a reliable, economical and robust measure, appears to be an ideal candidate for placement and screening purposes. In a side-line of our study, we also explored different scoring approaches for the Yes-No format. We found that using the hit rate and the false-alarm rate as two separate indicators yielded the most reliable results. These indicators can be interpreted as measures for vocabulary breadth and as guessing factors respectively, and they allow controlling for guessing

    Textrekonstruktion Englisch

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    Zur Erfassung der Textrekonstruktion wird ein C-Test-Modul eingesetzt. Ein C-Test besteht aus kurzen, in sich geschlossenen Texten, in denen zweite Worthälften nach bestimmten Prinzipien getilgt werden. Die Erschließung dieser Lücken erfordert antizipatorische Sprachverarbeitung und die Nutzung von sprachlichen Redundanzen (vgl. Coleman 1996): Je kompetenter die Schülerinnen und Schüler in der Fremdsprache sind, desto mehr und umso anspruchsvollere Lücken können sie schließen. Im DESI-Projekt kam das Modul C-Test zu beiden Testzeitpunkten zum Einsatz, um Aussagen über Veränderungen im Lauf der neunten Klasse treffen zu können. Dabei wurden von den Lernenden jeweils vier Kurztexte bearbeitet, wobei darauf geachtet wurde, dass keine Schülerin/kein Schüler am Ende der neunten Jahrgangsstufe dieselben Texte bearbeitete. (DIPF/Orig.

    Textrekonstruktion: C-Test

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    Im DESI-Projekt werden in je eigenen Modulen verschiedene Teilkompetenzen in der Fremdsprache Englisch geprüft: Hörverstehen, Leseverstehen, Sprachbewusstheit, kommunikative Schreibfertigkeit, Sprechfertigkeit und interkulturelle Kompetenzen. Zusätzlich soll der generelle Sprachstand der Schülerinnen und Schüler ganzheitlich erfasst werden. Dazu wird der C-Test eingesetzt. Der C-Test ist ein gut erforschtes Testinstrument, mit dessen Hilfe auf die allgemeine Kompetenz in der Fremdsprache rückgeschlossen werden kann. (DIPF/Orig.

    General language proficiency revisited : current and future issues

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    This article explores a number of key issues that emerged during the panel discussion that followed the General Language Proficiency Symposium at the Language Testing Forum (LTF) 2010, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the LTF. The key issues that emerged during the discussion should be of interest to a wider audience, as they express current issues and concerns in the testing community in light of 30 years of research and development. These issues were whether language proficiency can be seen as unitary or divisible; the role and use of the Common European Framework (CEF) proficiency scales and levels when it comes to reporting test scores; the issue of test equivalence between high-stakes tests, also in relation to the CEF; and a general demand for developing assessment literacy among test users and stakeholders. Based on a summary of the LTF discussion, the article provides a state-of-the art review of relevant research that addresses the aforementioned listed key issues, followed by a future agenda for researching the reviewed areas

    Kompetenzen entwickeln, Performanzen überprüfen – Synergien zwischen Lern- und Testaufgaben nutzen

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    The usefulness of standardised tests for enhancing learning in the language classroom is currently debated in Austria and Germany. Based on characteristics of learning tasks and testing tasks and their respective purposes, the paper shows how the apparent gap between these two types of tasks can be overcome synergetically: It gives examples of how learning tasks can be used for performance assessment, and tests can be used in the classroom to stipulate competence development
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