3,402 research outputs found

    Symmetries of the refined D1/D5 BPS spectrum

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    We examine the large NN 1/4-BPS spectrum of the symmetric orbifold CFT SymN(M)^N(M) deformed to the supergravity point in moduli space for M=K3M= K3 and T4T^4. We consider refinement under both left- and right-moving SU(2)RSU(2)_R symmetries of the superconformal algebra, and decompose the spectrum into characters of the algebra. We find that at large NN the character decomposition satisfies an unusual property, in which the degeneracy only depends on a certain linear combination of left- and right-moving quantum numbers, suggesting deeper symmetry structure. Furthermore, we consider the action of discrete symmetry groups on these degeneracies, where certain subgroups of the Conway group are known to play a role. We also comment on the potential for larger discrete symmetry groups to appear in the large NN limit.Comment: 27 pages + appendices; v2: minor change

    Twining Genera of (0,4) Supersymmetric Sigma Models on K3

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    Conformal field theories with (0,4) worldsheet supersymmetry and K3 target can be used to compactify the E8xE8 heterotic string to six dimensions in a supersymmetric manner. The data specifying such a model includes an appropriate configuration of 24 gauge instantons in the E8xE8 gauge group to satisfy the constraints of anomaly cancellation. In this note, we compute twining genera - elliptic genera with appropriate insertions of discrete symmetry generators in the trace - for (0,4) theories with various instanton embeddings. We do this by constructing linear sigma models which flow to the desired conformal field theories, and using the techniques of localization. We present several examples of such twining genera which are consistent with a moonshine relating these (0,4) models to the finite simple sporadic group M24.Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables. We thank T. Eguchi and K. Hikami for permission to copy our Tables 2 and 3 (M24 character table and q-expansions of some twining genera in the (4,4) sigma model with K3 target) from their article arXiv:1008.492

    Heterotic sigma models on T8T^8 and the Borcherds automorphic form Φ12\Phi_{12}

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    We consider the spectrum of BPS states of the heterotic sigma model with (0,8)(0,8) supersymmetry and T8T^8 target, as well as its second-quantized counterpart. We show that the counting function for such states is intimately related to Borcherds' automorphic form Φ12\Phi_{12}, a modular form which exhibits automorphy for O(2,26;Z)O(2,26;{\mathbb Z}). We comment on possible implications for Umbral moonshine and theories of AdS3_3 gravity.Comment: 12 pages; v2 error (involving fermion zero modes) correcte

    3d Modularity

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    We find and propose an explanation for a large variety of modularity-related symmetries in problems of 3-manifold topology and physics of 3d N=2\mathcal{N}=2 theories where such structures a priori are not manifest. These modular structures include: mock modular forms, SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) Weil representations, quantum modular forms, non-semisimple modular tensor categories, and chiral algebras of logarithmic CFTs.Comment: 119 pages, 10 figures and 20 table
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