2,943 research outputs found

    Enhancing Conversations with English Language Learners in Communication Centers

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    Communication centers often focus on supporting students’ communicative competencies in public speaking but some centers have expanded this focus to include support for English language learners (ELLs). Armed with research on the value of conversation in language acquisition, the University Speaking Center has incorporated peer consulting of ELLs, known as conversation consultations, into its offered services and evolved over time through a collaborative process with student staff, English language instructors, and ELLs in efforts to be both effective and responsive to those who we seek to support. The motivation to support speakers in their ongoing process of becoming more confident and competent oral communicators has allowed for the development of a multifaceted model of service for ELLs at each level of language acquisition

    A preliminary survey of the estuaries on the south coast of South Africa, Cape St Blaize, Mossel Bay - Robberg Peninsula, Plettenberg Bay, with particular reference to the fish fauna

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    The coastal river systems on the south coast of South Africa from Cape St Blaize to Robberg Peninsula were surveyed during October and November 1994. The ichthyofaunal and physico-chemical characteristics of each system are presented and their suitability as estuarine nursery areas is discussed. Five systems (Rooi, Meul, Grooteiland, Kranshoek and Crooks) are outlets of small coastal streams and probably provide little or no habitat for either resident estuarine or migrant marine fishes owing to their small size. Four systems (Maalgate, Gwaing, Skaapkop and Kaaimans) are located within deeply incised valleys and have a permanent connection with the sea. The amount of marginal and intertidal habitat available to fishes, however, is limited due to their morphology. Six systems (Hartenbos, Groot Brak, Touw, Swartvlei, Goukamma and Noetsie) are intermittently open to the sea. Although the Touw and Swartvlei are connected to coastal lake systems, flow within these estuaries is not sufficient to prevent the build up of a sand barrier at the mouth. The Hartenbos, Groot Brak, Goukamma, and Noetsie are also periodically closed by a sand bar. The construction of a dam in the lower catchment of the Groot Brak has affected the hydrology of the system. The two remaining estuaries (Klein Brak and Knysna) are permanently open. In addition to strong tidal currents, the fixing of the mouth of the Knysna Estuary between rocky headlands also serves to maintain a permanent connection with the sea. Mugilidae and Sparidae were represented by the greatest number of species, and also dominated catches numerically and by mass. The fish fauna of all the estuaries surveyed were dominated by the juveniles of estuarine-dependent marine species and estuarine-resident species were also well represented in catches. The estuaries surveyed provide a vital habitat for both marine migrant species and resident species, most of which are endemic to the region

    Changes in self-reported disability after performance-based tests in obese and non-obese individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee

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    Purpose: The purposes of this study are three-fold: (1) To examine whether the WOMAC questionnaire should be obtained before or after performance-based tests. (2) To assess whether self-reported disability scores before and after performance-based tests differ between obese and non-obese individuals. (3) To observe whether physical activity and BMI predict self-reported disability before and after performance based tests. Methods: A longitudinal study included thirty one participants diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis (OA) using the Kellgren-Lawrence Scale by an orthopedic surgeon. Results: All WOMAC scores were significantly higher after as compared to before the completion of performance-based tests. This pattern of results suggested that the WOMAC questionnaire should be administered to individuals with OA after performance-based tests. The obese OA was significantly different compared to the non-obese OA group on all WOMAC scores. Physical activity and BMI explained a significant proportion of variance of self-reported disability. Conclusion: Obese individuals with knee OA may over-estimate their ability to perform physical activities, and may under-estimate their level of disability compared to non-obese individuals with knee OA. In addition, self-reported physical activity seems to be a strong indicator of disability in individuals with knee OA, particularly for individuals with a sedentary life style

    Social v market value: how much is a COVID vaccine worth?

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    Vaccine uptake protects individuals and societies, but how much is the COVID-19 vaccine worth? Joan Costa-Font (LSE), Caroline Rudisill, Sayward Harrison (University of South Carolina), and Luca Salmasi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) estimate that the willingness to pay for a COVID-19 vaccine in the US, UK, Spain, and Italy in July 2020 ranged between 100 and 200 US dollars. However, the social value of the vaccine exceeds its market value

    Social vs market value: how much is a COVID-19 vaccine worth?

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    Vaccine uptake protects individuals and societies, but how much is the COVID-19 vaccine worth? Joan Costa-Font, Caroline Rudisill, Sayward Harrison, and Luca Salmasi estimate that the willingness to pay for a COVID-19 vaccine in the US, UK, Spain, and Italy in July 2020 ranged between 100 and 200 US dollars. However, the social value of the vaccine exceeds its market value

    Pregnancy in a noncommunicating rudimentary horn of a unicornuate uterus: a case report

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    Pregnancy in the rudimentary horn is rare and carries grave consequences for the mother and fetus. A case report is presented of a 26 year old single gravida 3 para 0+2 lady with rupture of a rudimentary horn pregnancy at a gestational age of 20 weeks. Laparotomy was done and the rudimentary horn excised. Post-operative recovery was uneventful. The need for a high index of suspicion and the role of ultrasonography in the accurate diagnosis is highlighted
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