3,343 research outputs found

    [Review of] Cav. Valentine J. Belfiglio. The Italian Experience in Texas

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    Many people, even native Texans, may be surprised to learn the extent to which Italians have been present and influential in Texas, especially since the late nineteenth century. They are aware of the various cultures that settled the state, such as Hispanics, Germans, Czechoslovakians, and blacks; yet few know that Italians have been a part of the history of the state since 1540

    A study of the correlation potential of the optimum moisture content, maximum dry density, and consolidated drained shear strength of plastic fine-grained soils with index properties

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    The correlation potential of the compaction properties and the consolidated drained shear strength parameters of plastic fine-grained soils with index properties was investigated in this study. The interrelationships of these properties were derived through graphical and multilinear regression analysis. The compaction properties, optimum moisture content, and maximum dry density were found to be related to many of the index properties. The most important relationships were with the plasticity indices and the percentage of particles smaller than two microns; the highest degree of simple correlation was achieved with the liquid limit. The consolidated drained shear parameters, cohesion, and the angle of internal friction were correlated with many of the index properties; however, the magnitude of the computed correlation coefficients were not indicative of a high degree of correlation. The correlation of the shear parameters with the plasticity index was the most significant. Many useful equations and graphical procedures for rapidly predicting the compaction and shear parameters from index properties have been developed. The accuracy of these equations and graphical procedures has been evaluated herein and found to be sufficiently accurate for most prediction situations. Through varied data considerations, it was determined that the best approach to accurate correlation would be to restrict the analyses to soils of similar origin or to those of a limited geographic area, in lieu of focusing upon soils of varied origin as a unit. The investigator is hopeful that this fact and other facts brought out herein will prove useful to those attempting similar studies in the future --Abstract, page ii

    When a Ban Is Not a Ban: Institutional Work and the Russian Doping Scandal

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    There are fewer cases of such blatant acts to defy and subsequent heroic efforts to rearrange institutional norms than the Russian doping scandal. In adopting a neo-institutional perspective, the authors theorize the scandal as a case of attempted but failed institutional disruption. More specifically, the authors draw upon the institutional change literature and the institutional work perspective to explain the key events surrounding actors’ response to the scandal. The analysis utilized Gioia’s methodological approach to examine secondary empirical data. Findings reveal how stakeholders circumvented traditional governance structures in an attempt to disrupt institutional arrangements, but despite this, much of the preexisting institutional infrastructure has remained intact. The authors explain this outcome, in part, as a consequence of the counter-institutional work of key governing agencies and other actors to maintain the status quo within international sport

    RN Managed Warfarin Therapy Improves Patient Outcomes

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    Warfarin, an oral anticoagulant, is a “high-risk” medication with narrow therapeutic range and risks for serious complications if not carefully managed. Therapeutic effect is determined using a blood test called the International Normalized Ratio (INR). Evidence shows a higher percentage of Time in Therapeutic Range (TTR) decreases the risk of adverse events including bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke, and death. An optimal TTR is 60 – 70% or higher. Improving TTR by 2.5 - 5% could significantly impact outcomes. It was hypothesized that an algorithm based approach to Warfarin management by a consistent team of RN’s would improve TTR and outcomes. To test this, TTR for a group of patients enrolled in an RN Managed Anticoagulation Program was compared with TTR for two groups of non-enrolled patients. The RNs received training on warfarin management and application of the dosing algorithm, providers placed orders to enroll patients in the RN Managed Program and TTR was monitored post-enrollment. The results showed an overall improvement in TTR in both groups. Group One: Pre-enrollment Q4 2018 Average TTR = 59.07%, Enrollment Q1 & Q2 2019, Post-enrollment Q3 2019 through Q2 2020 Average TTR = 65.58% - an increase of 6.51% Group Two: Pre-enrollment Q1 2019 Average TTR = 57.47%, Enrollment Q2 & Q3 2019, Post-enrollment Q4 2019 through Q2 2020 Average TTR = 67.47% - an increase of 10% It is concluded that a systematic, algorithm based approach to warfarin management by a consistent team of RNs significantly improved TTR and improved outcomes for these patients.https://scholar.rochesterregional.org/nursingresearchday/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Controlling the Pecan Weevil

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    6 pp, 6 photos, 1 figureThe pecan weevil is a key pest of pecan in portions of Texas. This publication discusses the biology of the pest and how to use integrated pest management practices for control. Photographs illustrate adult and larval stages and signs of pecan nut damage