3,421 research outputs found

    Agricultural Information Needs and Food Access in the Stann Creek District of Belize

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    The purpose of this study was to describe agricultural information sources available to farmers and to describe food access and availability for the people of Dangriga, Stann Creek, Belize. This study used descriptive survey research methods with convenience sampling of the general public (n=22) and of farmers (n = 38) in the summer of 2017. Farmers use a variety of agricultural information sources with the extension service cited most often, followed by friends and fellow farmers. Weather, lack of information, pests, and inadequate access to capital were of primary concern for farmers. Face to face meetings were used most often by extension officers for disseminating agricultural information. Smallholder farmers and the general public have very similar levels of food access and availability. Using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale, developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), minimaldifference was foundbetween what the smallholder farmers and the general public selected for household food consumption. Both groups reported mild food insecurity, while a few individual respondents reported severe food insecurity. Recommendations of the study focused on practical operational strategies for the local Department of Agriculture, as well as the Belize Ministry of Agriculture. Additionally, development experts and nutrition specialists should review the results and findings and identify what can be done to further eradicate hungerand increase overall food access and availability throughout Belize

    Agricultural Information Needs and Food Access in the Stann Creek District of Belize

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    The purpose of this study was to describe agricultural information sources available to farmers and to describe food access and availability for the people of Dangriga, Stann Creek, Belize. This study used descriptive survey research methods with convenience sampling of the general public (n=22) and of farmers (n = 38) in the summer of 2017. Farmers use a variety of agricultural information sources with the extension service cited most often, followed by friends and fellow farmers. Weather, lack of information, pests, and inadequate access to capital were of primary concern for farmers. Face-to-face meetings were used most often by extension officers for disseminating agricultural information. Smallholder farmers and the general public have very similar levels of food access and availability. No significant difference was foundbetween the smallholder farmers and the general public on food insecurity with both groups reporting mild to severe food insecurity. Recommendations focused on practical operational strategies for the local Department of Agriculture, as well as the Belize Ministry of Agriculture to eradicate hungerand increase overall food access and availability throughout Belize

    Validity of very short answer versus single best answer questions for undergraduate assessment

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    Background Single Best Answer (SBA) questions are widely used in undergraduate and postgraduate medical examinations. Selection of the correct answer in SBA questions may be subject to cueing and therefore might not test the student’s knowledge. In contrast to this artificial construct, doctors are ultimately required to perform in a real-life setting that does not offer a list of choices. This professional competence can be tested using Short Answer Questions (SAQs), where the student writes the correct answer without prompting from the question. However, SAQs cannot easily be machine marked and are therefore not feasible as an instrument for testing a representative sample of the curriculum for a large number of candidates. We hypothesised that a novel assessment instrument consisting of very short answer (VSA) questions is a superior test of knowledge than assessment by SBA. Methods We conducted a prospective pilot study on one cohort of 266 medical students sitting a formative examination. All students were assessed by both a novel assessment instrument consisting of VSAs and by SBA questions. Both instruments tested the same knowledge base. Using the filter function of Microsoft Excel, the range of answers provided for each VSA question was reviewed and correct answers accepted in less than two minutes. Examination results were compared between the two methods of assessment. Results Students scored more highly in all fifteen SBA questions than in the VSA question format, despite both examinations requiring the same knowledge base. Conclusions Valid assessment of undergraduate and postgraduate knowledge can be improved by the use of VSA questions. Such an approach will test nascent physician ability rather than ability to pass exams

    Behavioral Patterns of Selected Superintendents During the Process of Public School Desegregation

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    Recommendations: The general conclusions of this study suggest that a great deal more attention should be given to the effect the actions of public school superintendents have upon the success or lack of success of desegregation. It is also believed that more research should be directed toward the factors which seem to have a definite effect upon the superintendent\u27s action during the process of public school desegregation. Perhaps more intensive research in a single school system, where this is possible, would shed additional light upon the action of the superintendent and the causes of this action. The behavioral patterns which emerged from action taken by all ten superintendents were evaluated to some extent in the companion study. However, it seems probable that a series of studies which involved many people in each system would make the patterns of action more meaningful. This would appear especially true if these patterns were the result of intensive research in each system suggested

    A Little Brook A Little Girl A Little Love

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    Illustration of man kissing water with farm in backgroundhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/6624/thumbnail.jp

    Regiospecific synthesis of N2-aryl 1,2,3-triazoles from 2,5-disubstituted tetrazoles via photochemically generated nitrile imine intermediates

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    The synthesis of N2-aryl 1,2,3-triazoles from 2,5-disubstituted tetrazoles was achieved under photochemical conditions. This simple and mild one-step reaction provides regiospecific access to 2,4,5-substituted 1,2,3-triazoles via a nitrile imine intermediate. Syntheses of alkyl and heterocylic derivatives were also investigated

    S21RS SGR No. 16 (Ballot, cleaning Greek Theater)

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    A Resolution To urge and request that Cleaning the Greek Theater be put on the Spring 2021 ballo

    Hands Up, Don\u27t Shoot : College Students, Social Media and the #BLACKLIVESMATTER Movement

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    This study focused on how college students are using social media in the #Blacklivesmatter movement. There have been several socially galvanizing events surrounding the #Blacklivesmatter movement that have led to many people to turn to social media to voice their opinions, share information and debate different ideas. This study specifically focused on college student’s involvement on social media surrounding these events. The data suggests that Facebook was overwhelmingly the main choice for participants to gather information about this movement. While college students are gathering information about the #Blacklivesmatter movement on social media, the data suggests that participants rarely posted or shared information about the movement on their personal social media platforms. The study addressed how the Uses and Gratifications theory helps explain why people may or may not use social media for the purpose of news/information gathering


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    Latar Belakang: Neuritis optik adalah suatu proses inflamasi demielinisasi yang menyebabkan gangguan penglihatan mendadak yang bisa timbul pada satu maupun kedua mata secara simultan maupun berturut-turut. Kasus: Seorang wanita berusia 22 tahun datang ke Poliklinik Saraf dengan keluhan utama kehilangan penglihatan mendadak pada kedua mata secara bersamaan sejak 2 hari. Keluhan tambahan berupa nyeri kepala dan pusing. Pasien dalam kondisi post-partum hari ke-7 saat onset. Tidak ada masalah selama kehamilan maupun proses persalinan. Visus pada pemeriksaan awal 1/300 pada kedua mata. Pasien kemudian rawat inap dan diberikan kortikosteroid dosis tinggi. Setelah perawatan, pasien pulang dengan visus menjadi lebih dari 6/60. Diskusi: Pasien ini mungkin memiliki defisiensi B6, B12, dan asam folat yang dapat menyebabkan proses demielinisasi nervus optikus. Mungkin juga merupakan manifestasi awal dari Sklerosis Multipel, suatu proses autoimun yang muncul saat periode post-partum. Kesimpulan: Kehamilan memiliki efek protektif terhadap penyakit autoimun, sedangkan periode post-partum rentan terhadap penyakit autoimun. Pasien ini sedang dalam periode post-partum sehingga lebih rentan terhadap penyakit ini. Kata Kunci: Neuritis Optik, Post-Partum, Kehilangan Penglihatan Mendada
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