447 research outputs found

    BamView: visualizing and interpretation of next-generation sequencing read alignments.

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    So-called next-generation sequencing (NGS) has provided the ability to sequence on a massive scale at low cost, enabling biologists to perform powerful experiments and gain insight into biological processes. BamView has been developed to visualize and analyse sequence reads from NGS platforms, which have been aligned to a reference sequence. It is a desktop application for browsing the aligned or mapped reads [Ruffalo, M, LaFramboise, T, Koyutürk, M. Comparative analysis of algorithms for next-generation sequencing read alignment. Bioinformatics 2011;27:2790-6] at different levels of magnification, from nucleotide level, where the base qualities can be seen, to genome or chromosome level where overall coverage is shown. To enable in-depth investigation of NGS data, various views are provided that can be configured to highlight interesting aspects of the data. Multiple read alignment files can be overlaid to compare results from different experiments, and filters can be applied to facilitate the interpretation of the aligned reads. As well as being a standalone application it can be used as an integrated part of the Artemis genome browser, BamView allows the user to study NGS data in the context of the sequence and annotation of the reference genome. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) density and candidate SNP sites can be highlighted and investigated, and read-pair information can be used to discover large structural insertions and deletions. The application will also calculate simple analyses of the read mapping, including reporting the read counts and reads per kilobase per million mapped reads (RPKM) for genes selected by the user

    Circlator: automated circularization of genome assemblies using long sequencing reads

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    The assembly of DNA sequence data is undergoing a renaissance thanks to emerging technologies capable of producing reads tens of kilobases long. Assembling complete bacterial and small eukaryotic genomes is now possible, but the final step of circularizing sequences remains unsolved. Here we present Circlator, the first tool to automate assembly circularization and produce accurate linear representations of circular sequences. Using Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore data, Circlator correctly circularized 26 of 27 circularizable sequences, comprising 11 chromosomes and 12 plasmids from bacteria, the apicoplast and mitochondrion of Plasmodium falciparum and a human mitochondrion. Circlator is available at http://sanger-pathogens.github.io/circlator/

    Artemis: an integrated platform for visualization and analysis of high-throughput sequence-based experimental data.

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    MOTIVATION: High-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have made low-cost sequencing of large numbers of samples commonplace. An explosion in the type, not just number, of sequencing experiments has also taken place including genome re-sequencing, population-scale variation detection, whole transcriptome sequencing and genome-wide analysis of protein-bound nucleic acids. RESULTS: We present Artemis as a tool for integrated visualization and computational analysis of different types of HTS datasets in the context of a reference genome and its corresponding annotation. AVAILABILITY: Artemis is freely available (under a GPL licence) for download (for MacOSX, UNIX and Windows) at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute websites: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/artemis/

    Unique profile of academic learning difficulties in Wiedemann–Steiner syndrome

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    Funding Information: R.N. and H.T.B. are supported by grants from the Wiedemann‐Steiner Syndrome Foundation. J.A.F. acknowledges support from The Hartwell Foundation (Individual Biomedical Research Award) and the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD)(K08HD086250). J.H. acknowledges support from the NICHD (K23HD101646). R.N. also received research support from NICHD (P50HD103538). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Background: Wiedemann–Steiner syndrome (WSS) is a rare genetic disorder caused by heterozygous variants in KMT2A. To date, the cognitive profile associated with WSS remains largely unknown, although emergent case series implicate increased risk of non-verbal reasoning and visual processing deficits. This study examines the academic and learning concerns associated with WSS based on a parent-report screening measure. Participants and Methods: A total of 25 parents of children/adults with a molecularly-confirmed diagnosis of WSS (mean age = 12.85 years, SD = 7.82) completed the Colorado Learning Difficulties Questionnaire (CLDQ), a parent-screening measure of learning and academic difficulties. Parent ratings were compared to those from a normative community sample to determine focal areas in Math, Reading and Spatial skills that may be weaker within this clinical population. Results: On average, parent ratings on the Math (mean Z = -3.08, SD = 0.87) and Spatial scales (mean Z = -2.52, SD = 0.85) were significantly more elevated than that of Reading (mean Z = -1.31, SD = 1.46) (Wilcoxon sign rank test Z < −3.83, P < 0.001), reflecting relatively more challenges observed in these areas. Distribution of parent ratings in Math items largely reflect a positively skewed distribution with most endorsing over three standard deviations below a community sample. In contrast, distributions of parent ratings in Reading and Spatial domains were more symmetric but flat. Ratings for Reading items yielded much larger variance than the other two domains, reflecting a wider range of performance variability. Conclusions: Parent ratings on the CLDQ suggest more difficulties with Math and Spatial skills among those with WSS within group and relative to a community sample. Study results are consistent with recent case reports on the neuropsychological profile associated with WSS and with Kabuki syndrome, which is caused by variants in the related gene KMT2D. Findings lend support for overlapping cognitive patterns across syndromes, implicating potential common disease pathogenesis.Peer reviewe

    ARIBA: rapid antimicrobial resistance genotyping directly from sequencing reads.

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the major threats to human and animal health worldwide, yet few high-throughput tools exist to analyse and predict the resistance of a bacterial isolate from sequencing data. Here we present a new tool, ARIBA, that identifies AMR-associated genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms directly from short reads, and generates detailed and customizable output. The accuracy and advantages of ARIBA over other tools are demonstrated on three datasets from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, with ARIBA outperforming existing methods

    Dispersal and coastal geomorphology limit potential for mangrove range expansion under climate change

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    Latitudinal range limits for mangroves on high-energy, wave-dominated coasts are controlled by geomorphological features and estuarine dynamics. Mangroves reach a southern global range limit along the South African coastline, but the distribution is patchy, with stands occurring in only 16% of the estuaries in the region. Yet, the persistence of forests planted \u3e50 years ago beyond the natural distribution limit suggests that additional estuaries could support mangroves. Understanding regional drivers is necessary to inform global-scale estimates for how this important ecosystem is predicted to respond to climate change. Here, we combine species distribution modelling (MaxEnt), Lagrangian particle tracking using an eddy- and tide-resolving numerical ocean model, and connectivity matrices, to identify suitable mangrove habitats along the South African coastline at present, as well as under the IPCC RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 climate scenarios. Within the current South African distribution range (±900 km), eight more estuaries were identified to be suitable under contemporary conditions. When considering potential range extension (±110 km), an additional 14 suitable estuaries were identified. Connectivity matrices suggest limited long-distance dispersal, stranding mostly at or near the release location, and a decreased probability of connectivity towards the range limit. Under both future climate scenarios, 30% of estuaries currently supporting mangroves are predicted to become unsuitable, while an additional six estuaries beyond the current distribution are predicted to become suitable. However, there is limited connectivity between these new sites and established forests. Synthesis. This study shows that dispersal substantially limits mangrove distribution at the southern African range limit and highlights the importance of including this process in species distribution models. Ultimately, our results provide new insight into mangrove conservation and management at range limits that are not controlled predominantly by temperature, as it has been assumed that mangroves will largely expand to higher latitudes under climate change

    Sleep disturbances correlate with behavioral problems among individuals with Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome

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    Funding Information: RN would like to acknowledge support for open access publication from NIH (R25 NS117356). HB and RN are supported by grants from the WSS Foundation, JF has support from The Hartwell Foundation (Individual Biomedical Research Award) and the NIH (K08HD086250), and JH has support from the National Institute of Child Health and Development (K23HD101646). This study was also supported by Kennedy Krieger IDDRC NIH (P50HD103538). Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Ng, Bjornsson, Fahrner and Harris.Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome (WSS) is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutation in KMT2A and characterized by neurodevelopmental delay. This study is the first prospective investigation to examine the sleep and behavioral phenotypes among those with WSS through parent-informant screening inventories. A total of 24 parents of children/adults with WSS (11F, Mean age = 12.71 years, SD = 8.17) completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and 22 of these caregivers also completed the Modified Simonds and Parraga Sleep Questionnaire (MSPSQ). On average, the majority of those with WSS (83%) were rated to show borderline to clinical level of behavioral difficulties on the SDQ. Approximately 83% were rated in these ranges for hyperactivity, 63% for emotional problems, and 50% for conduct problems. When applying prior published clinical cut-off for risk of sleep disturbance among those with neurodevelopmental disorders, over 80% of our sample exceeded this limit on the MSPSQ. Largely, caregivers’ ratings suggested restless sleep, rigid bedtime rituals, sleep reluctance and breathing through the mouth in sleep were most consistent problems observed. Partial correlations between sleep and behavioral domains showed elevated emotional problems were associated with parasomnia characteristics after controlling for age. Daytime drowsiness and activity were associated with more hyperactivity. Those with more night waking problems and delayed sleep onset were rated to show more severe conduct problems. Overall, these findings suggest dysfunctional sleep behaviors, hyperactivity, and affective problems are part of the neurobehavioral phenotype of WSS. Routine clinical care for those affected by WSS should include close monitoring of sleep and overactive behaviors.Peer reviewe

    Individuals with Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome show nonverbal reasoning and visuospatial defects with relative verbal skill sparing

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    OBJECTIVES: Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome (WSS) is a rare Mendelian disorder of the epigenetic machinery caused by heterozygous pathogenic variants in KMT2A. Currently, the specific neurocognitive profile of this syndrome remains unknown. This case series provides insight into the cognitive phenotype of WSS. METHODS: This study involves a retrospective medical chart review of 10 pediatric patients, each with a molecularly confirmed diagnosis of WSS who underwent clinical neuropsychological evaluation at an academic medical center. RESULTS: The majority of patients performed in the below average to very low ranges in Nonverbal Reasoning, Visual/Spatial Perception, Visuoconstruction, Visual Memory, Attention, Working Memory and Math Computation skills. In contrast, over half the sample performed within normal limits on Receptive Vocabulary, Verbal Memory, and Word Reading. Wilcoxon signed rank test showed weaker Nonverbal versus Verbal Reasoning skills (p = .005). Most caregivers reported deficits in executive functioning, most notably in emotion regulation. CONCLUSIONS: Nonverbal reasoning/memory, visuospatial/construction, attention, working memory, executive functioning, and math computation skills are areas of weakness among those with WSS. These findings overlap with research on Kabuki syndrome, which is caused by variants in KMT2D, and suggest disruption in the neurogenesis of the hippocampal formation may drive shared pathogenesis of the two syndromes.Peer reviewe

    Robust high-throughput prokaryote de novo assembly and improvement pipeline for Illumina data.

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    The rapidly reducing cost of bacterial genome sequencing has lead to its routine use in large-scale microbial analysis. Though mapping approaches can be used to find differences relative to the reference, many bacteria are subject to constant evolutionary pressures resulting in events such as the loss and gain of mobile genetic elements, horizontal gene transfer through recombination and genomic rearrangements. De novo assembly is the reconstruction of the underlying genome sequence, an essential step to understanding bacterial genome diversity. Here we present a high-throughput bacterial assembly and improvement pipeline that has been used to generate nearly 20 000 annotated draft genome assemblies in public databases. We demonstrate its performance on a public data set of 9404 genomes. We find all the genes used in multi-locus sequence typing schema present in 99.6 % of assembled genomes. When tested on low-, neutral- and high-GC organisms, more than 94 % of genes were present and completely intact. The pipeline has been proven to be scalable and robust with a wide variety of datasets without requiring human intervention. All of the software is available on GitHub under the GNU GPL open source license

    Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling confirms a case of low-level mosaic Kabuki syndrome 1

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    Kabuki syndrome is a Mendelian disorder of the epigenetic machinery characterized by typical dysmorphic features, intellectual disability, and postnatal growth deficiency. Pathogenic variants in the genes encoding the chromatin modifiers KMT2D and KDM6A are responsible for Kabuki syndrome 1 (KS1) and Kabuki syndrome 2 (KS2), respectively. In addition, 11 cases of KS1 caused by mosaic variants in KMT2D have been reported in the literature. Some of these individuals display milder craniofacial and growth phenotypes, and most do not have congenital heart defects. We report the case of an infant with severe hypoplastic left heart syndrome with mitral atresia and aortic atresia (HLHS MA-AA), pulmonary vein stenosis, and atypical facies with a somatic mosaic de novo nonsense variant in KMT2D (c.8200C\u3eT, p.R2734*) identified on trio exome sequencing of peripheral blood and present in 11.2% of sequencing reads. KS was confirmed with EpiSign, a diagnostic genome-wide DNA methylation platform used to identify epigenetic signatures. This case suggests that use of this newly available clinical test can guide the interpretation of low-level mosaic variants identified through sequencing and suggests a new lower limit of mosaicism in whole blood required for a diagnosis of KS