8,720 research outputs found

    ACCT 661.01: Accounting Law and Ethics

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    Enhanced Transmission of Light and Particle Waves through Subwavelength Nanoapertures by Far-Field Interference

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    Subwavelength aperture arrays in thin metal films can enable enhanced transmission of light and matter (atom) waves. The phenomenon relies on resonant excitation and interference of the plasmon or matter waves on the metal surface. We show a new mechanism that could provide a great resonant and nonresonant transmission enhancement of the light or de Broglie particle waves passed through the apertures not by the surface waves, but by the constructive interference of diffracted waves (beams generated by the apertures) at the detector placed in the far-field zone. In contrast to other models, the mechanism depends neither on the nature (light or matter) of the beams (continuous waves or pulses) nor on material and shape of the multiple-beam source (arrays of 1-D and 2-D subwavelength apertures, fibers, dipoles or atoms). The Wood anomalies in transmission spectra of gratings, a long standing problem in optics, follow naturally from the interference properties of our model. The new point is the prediction of the Wood anomaly in a classical Young-type two-source system. The new mechanism could be interpreted as a non-quantum analog of the superradiance emission of a subwavelength ensemble of atoms (the light power and energy scales as the number of light-sources squared, regardless of periodicity) predicted by the well-known Dicke quantum model.Comment: Revised version of MS presented at the Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense and Security (NANO-DDS) Conference, 18-21 June, 2007, Washington, US

    Towards a systematic design of isotropic bulk magnetic metamaterials using the cubic point groups of symmetry

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    In this paper a systematic approach to the design of bulk isotropic magnetic metamaterials is presented. The role of the symmetries of both the constitutive element and the lattice are analyzed. For this purpose it is assumed that the metamaterial is composed by cubic SRR resonators, arranged in a cubic lattice. The minimum symmetries needed to ensure an isotropic behavior are analyzed, and some particular configurations are proposed. Besides, an equivalent circuit model is proposed for the considered cubic SRR resonators. Experiments are carried out in order to validate the proposed theory. We hope that this analysis will pave the way to the design of bulk metamaterials with strong isotropic magnetic response, including negative permeability and left-handed metamaterials.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B, 23 page

    Active and passive microwave measurements in Hurricane Allen

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    The NASA Langley Research Center analysis of the airborne microwave remote sensing measurements of Hurricane Allen obtained on August 5 and 8, 1980 is summarized. The instruments were the C-band stepped frequency microwave radiometer and the Ku-band airborne microwave scatterometer. They were carried aboard a NOAA aircraft making storm penetrations at an altitude of 3000 m and are sensitive to rain rate, surface wind speed, and surface wind vector. The wind speed is calculated from the increase in antenna brightness temperature above the estimated calm sea value. The rain rate is obtained from the difference between antenna temperature increases measured at two frequencies, and wind vector is determined from the sea surface normalized radar cross section measured at several azimuths. Comparison wind data were provided from the inertial navigation systems aboard both the C-130 aircraft at 3000 m and a second NOAA aircraft (a P-3) operating between 500 and 1500 m. Comparison rain rate data were obtained with a rain radar aboard the P-3. Evaluation of the surface winds obtained with the two microwave instruments was limited to comparisons with each other and with the flight level winds. Two important conclusions are drawn from these comparisons: (1) the radiometer is accurate when predicting flight level wind speeds and rain; and (2) the scatterometer produces well behaved and consistent wind vectors for the rain free periods

    Multi-core job submission and grid resource scheduling for ATLAS AthenaMP

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    AthenaMP is the multi-core implementation of the ATLAS software framework and allows the efficient sharing of memory pages between multiple threads of execution. This has now been validated for production and delivers a significant reduction on the overall application memory footprint with negligible CPU overhead. Before AthenaMP can be routinely run on the LHC Computing Grid it must be determined how the computing resources available to ATLAS can best exploit the notable improvements delivered by switching to this multi-process model. A study into the effectiveness and scalability of AthenaMP in a production environment will be presented. Best practices for configuring the main LRMS implementations currently used by grid sites will be identified in the context of multi-core scheduling optimisation

    Hadron-nucleon Total Cross Section Fluctuations from Hadron-nucleus Total Cross Sections

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    The extent to which information about fluctuations in hadron-nucleon total cross sections in the frozen approximation can be extracted from very high energy hadron-nucleus total cross section measurements for a range of heavy nuclei is discussed. The corrections to the predictions of Glauber theory due to these fluctuations are calculated for several models for the distribution functions, and differences of the order of 50 mb are found for heavy nuclei. The generating function for the moments of the hadron-nucleon cross section distributions can be approximately determined from the derivatives of the hadron-nucleus total cross sections with respect to the nuclear geometric cross section. The argument of the generating function, however, it limited to the maximum value of a dimensionless thickness function obtained at zero impact parameter for the heaviest nuclear targets: about 1.8 for pions and 3.0 for nucleons.Comment: 14 pages, revtex 3.0, 4 figures available upon reques

    First Detection of a Strong Magnetic Field on a Bursty Brown Dwarf: Puzzle Solved

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    We report the first direct detection of a strong, 5 kG magnetic field on the surface of an active brown dwarf. LSR J1835+3259 is an M8.5 dwarf exhibiting transient radio and optical emission bursts modulated by fast rotation. We have detected the surface magnetic field as circularly polarized signatures in the 819 nm sodium lines when an active emission region faced the Earth. Modeling Stokes profiles of these lines reveals the effective temperature of 2800 K and log gravity acceleration of 4.5. These parameters place LSR J1835+3259 on evolutionary tracks as a young brown dwarf with the mass of 55±\pm4 MJ_{\rm J} and age of 22±\pm4 Myr. Its magnetic field is at least 5.1 kG and covers at least 11% of the visible hemisphere. The active region topology recovered using line profile inversions comprises hot plasma loops with a vertical stratification of optical and radio emission sources. These loops rotate with the dwarf in and out of view causing periodic emission bursts. The magnetic field is detected at the base of the loops. This is the first time that we can quantitatively associate brown dwarf non-thermal bursts with a strong, 5 kG surface magnetic field and solve the puzzle of their driving mechanism. This is also the coolest known dwarf with such a strong surface magnetic field. The young age of LSR J1835+3259 implies that it may still maintain a disk, which may facilitate bursts via magnetospheric accretion, like in higher-mass T Tau-type stars. Our results pave a path toward magnetic studies of brown dwarfs and hot Jupiters.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Non-Destructive Classification Approaches for Equilbrated Ordinary Chondrites

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    Classification of meteorites is most effectively carried out by petrographic and mineralogic studies of thin sections, but a rapid and accurate classification technique for the many samples collected in dense collection areas (hot and cold deserts) is of great interest. Oil immersion techniques have been used to classify a large proportion of the US Antarctic meteorite collections since the mid-1980s [1]. This approach has allowed rapid characterization of thousands of samples over time, but nonetheless utilizes a piece of the sample that has been ground to grains or a powder. In order to compare a few non-destructive techniques with the standard approaches, we have characterized a group of chondrites from the Larkman Nunatak region using magnetic susceptibility and Moessbauer spectroscopy