24 research outputs found

    In Vitro Assessment of Developmental Neurotoxicity: Use of Microelectrode Arrays to Measure Functional Changes in Neuronal Network Ontogeny1

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    Because the Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing Guidelines require large numbers of animals and is expensive, development of in vitro approaches to screen chemicals for potential developmental neurotoxicity is a high priority. Many proposed approaches for screening are biochemical or morphological, and do not assess function of neuronal networks. In this study, microelectrode arrays (MEAs) were used to determine if chemical-induced changes in function could be detected by assessing the development of spontaneous network activity. MEAs record individual action potential spikes as well as groups of spikes (bursts) in neuronal networks, and activity can be assessed repeatedly over days in vitro (DIV). Primary cultures of rat cortical neurons were prepared on MEAs and spontaneous activity was assessed on DIV 2, 6, 9, 13, and 20 to determine the in vitro developmental profile of spontaneous spiking and bursting in cortical networks. In addition, 5 μM of the protein kinase C inhibitor bisindolylmaleamide-1 (Bis-1) was added to MEAs (n = 9–18) on DIV 5 to determine if changes in spontaneous activity could be detected in response to inhibition of neurite outgrowth. A clear profile of in vitro activity development occurred in control MEAs, with the number of active channels increasing from 0/MEA on DIV 2 to 37 ± 5/MEA by DIV 13; the rate of increase was most rapid between DIV 6 and 9, and activity declined by DIV 20. A similar pattern was observed for the number of bursting channels, as well as the total number of bursts. Bis-1 decreased the number of active channels/MEA and the number of bursting channels/MEA. Burst characteristics, such as burst duration and the number of spikes in a burst, were unchanged by Bis-1. These results demonstrate that MEAs can be used to assess the development of functional neuronal networks in vitro, as well as chemical-induced dysfunction

    Transcriptional response of rat frontal cortex following acute In Vivo exposure to the pyrethroid insecticides permethrin and deltamethrin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pyrethroids are neurotoxic pesticides that interact with membrane bound ion channels in neurons and disrupt nerve function. The purpose of this study was to characterize and explore changes in gene expression that occur in the rat frontal cortex, an area of CNS affected by pyrethroids, following an acute low-dose exposure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Rats were acutely exposed to either deltamethrin (0.3 – 3 mg/kg) or permethrin (1 – 100 mg/kg) followed by collection of cortical tissue at 6 hours. The doses used range from those that cause minimal signs of intoxication at the behavioral level to doses well below apparent no effect levels in the whole animal. A statistical framework based on parallel linear (SAM) and isotonic regression (PIR) methods identified 95 and 53 probe sets as dose-responsive. The PIR analysis was most sensitive for detecting transcripts with changes in expression at the NOAEL dose. A sub-set of genes (<it>Camk1g</it>, <it>Ddc</it>, <it>Gpd3</it>, <it>c-fos </it>and <it>Egr1</it>) was then confirmed by qRT-PCR and examined in a time course study. Changes in mRNA levels were typically less than 3-fold in magnitude across all components of the study. The responses observed are consistent with pyrethroids producing increased neuronal excitation in the cortex following a low-dose <it>in vivo </it>exposure. In addition, Significance Analysis of Function and Expression (SAFE) identified significantly enriched gene categories common for both pyrethroids, including some relating to branching morphogenesis. Exposure of primary cortical cell cultures to both compounds resulted in an increase (~25%) in the number of neurite branch points, supporting the results of the SAFE analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the present study, pyrethroids induced changes in gene expression in the frontal cortex near the threshold for decreases in ambulatory motor activity <it>in vivo</it>. The penalized regression methods performed similarly in detecting dose-dependent changes in gene transcription. Finally, SAFE analysis of gene expression data identified branching morphogenesis as a biological process sensitive to pyrethroids and subsequent <it>in vitro </it>experiments confirmed this predicted effect. The novel findings regarding pyrethroid effects on branching morphogenesis indicate these compounds may act as developmental neurotoxicants that affect normal neuronal morphology.</p

    Lineage-dependent effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists contribute to liver tumorigenesis

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    Rodent cancer bioassays indicate that the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) agonist, 2,3,7,8-tetracholorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), causes increases in both hepatocytic and cholangiocytic tumors. Effects of AHR activation have been evaluated on rodent hepatic stem cells (rHpSCs) versus their descendants, hepatoblasts (rHBs), two lineage stages of multipotent, hepatic precursors with overlapping but also distinct phenotypic traits. This was made possible by defining the first successful culture conditions for ex vivo maintenance of rHpScs consisting of a substratum of hyaluronans and Kubota's medium (KM), a serum-free medium designed for endodermal stem/progenitor cells. Supplementation of KM with leukemia inhibitory factor elicited lineage restriction to rHBs. Cultures were treated with various AHR agonists including TCDD, 6-formylindolo-[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ), and 3-3'-diindolylmethane (DIM) and then analyzed with a combination of immunocytochemistry, gene expression, and high-content image analysis. The AHR agonists increased proliferation of rHpSCs at concentrations producing a persistent AHR activation as indicated by induction of Cyp1a1. By contrast, treatment with TCDD resulted in a rapid loss of viability of rHBs, even though the culture conditions, in the absence of the agonists, were permissive for survival and expansion of rHBs. The effects were not observed with FICZ and at lower concentrations of DIM. Conclusion: Our findings are consistent with a lineage-dependent mode of action for AHR agonists in rodent liver tumorigenesis through selective expansion of rHpSCs in combination with a toxicity-induced loss of viability of rHBs. These lineage-dependent effects correlate with increased frequency of liver tumors. (Hepatology 2015;61:548-560

    Functional Genomic-Based Characterization of the Retinoic Acid Pathway in U-2 OS Cells Using CRISPRa-dCas9

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    Poster presented to SOT Conference 2024: A New Approach Method (NAM) to Screen for the Impact of Endogenous Stress on Chemical Toxicity Search for CCTE records in EPA’s Science Inventory by typing in the title at this link.https://cfpub.epa.gov/si/si_public_search_results.cfm?advSearch=true&showCriteria=2&keyword=CCTE&TIMSType=&TIMSSubTypeID=&epaNumber=&ombCat=Any&dateBeginPublishedPresented=07/01/2017&dateEndPublishedPresented=&dateBeginUpdated=&dateEndUpdated=&DEID=&personName=&personID=&role=Any&journalName=&journalID=&publisherName=&publisherID=&sortBy=pubDate&count=25</p

    Ontogeny of biochemical, morphological and functional parameters of synaptogenesis in primary cultures of rat hippocampal and cortical neurons

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    BackgroundSynaptogenesis is a critical neurodevelopmental process whereby pre- and postsynaptic neurons form apposed sites of contact specialized for chemical neurotransmission. Many neurodevelopmental disorders are thought to reflect altered patterns of synaptic connectivity, including imbalances between excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Developing rapid throughput approaches for assessing synaptogenesis will facilitate toxicologic and drug screening studies of neurodevelopmental disorders. The current study describes the use of high-content imaging to quantify the ontogeny of excitatory and inhibitory synapses using in vitro models of neurodevelopment. These data are compared to biochemical and functional measures of synaptogenesis.ResultsThe ontogenetic patterns of synapse formation were compared between primary rodent hippocampal and cortical neurons over 28 days in vitro (DIV). As determined by ELISA, the increase in synaptophysin expression levels as cultures matured was similar between hippocampal and cortical cultures. High-content imaging of immunoreactivity of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic biomarkers demonstrated an overall greater number of synapses in hippocampal relative to cortical neurons with marked differences in the pattern of inhibitory synapse development between these two neuronal cell types. Functional assays revealed that both the mean firing rates and mean bursting rates were significantly increased in cortical cultures relative to hippocampal cultures. This difference may reflect decreased inhibitory synaptic tone in cortical versus hippocampal cultures.ConclusionsThese data demonstrate differences and similarities in the ontogeny of synaptogenesis between hippocampal and cortical neurons, depending on the biological level examined. Assessment of synaptophysin protein levels by ELISA showed a general increase in synapse formation in both cell types with increasing time in culture, while high-content imaging was able to delineate cell type-dependent differences in formation of excitatory versus inhibitory synapses. The functional significance of differences in the balance of excitatory to inhibitory synapses was confirmed by the assessment of network activity using microelectrode arrays. These results suggest that high-content imaging and microelectrode arrays provide complementary approaches for quantitative assessment of synaptogenesis, which should provide a robust readout of toxicologic and pharmacologic effects on this critical neurodevelopmental event

    A Comparison of In Vitro Points of Departure with Human Blood Levels for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widely used, and their fluorinated state contributes to unique uses and stability but also long half-lives in the environment and humans. PFAS have been shown to be toxic, leading to immunosuppression, cancer, and other adverse health outcomes. Only a small fraction of the PFAS in commerce have been evaluated for toxicity using in vivo tests, which leads to a need to prioritize which compounds to examine further. Here, we demonstrate a prioritization approach that combines human biomonitoring data (blood concentrations) with bioactivity data (concentrations at which bioactivity is observed in vitro) for 31 PFAS. The in vitro data are taken from a battery of cell-based assays, mostly run on human cells. The result is a Bioactive Concentration to Blood Concentration Ratio (BCBCR), similar to a margin of exposure (MoE). Chemicals with low BCBCR values could then be prioritized for further risk assessment. Using this method, two of the PFAS, PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid) and PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid), have BCBCR values < 1 for some populations. An additional 9 PFAS have BCBCR values < 100 for some populations. This study shows a promising approach to screening level risk assessments of compounds such as PFAS that are long-lived in humans and other species

    High-Throughput Transcriptomics of Water Extracts Detects Reductions in Biological Activity with Water Treatment Processes

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    The presence of numerous chemical contaminants from industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical sources in water supplies poses a potential risk to human and ecological health. Current chemical analyses suffer from limitations, including chemical coverage and high cost, and broad-coverage in vitro assays such as transcriptomics may further improve water quality monitoring by assessing a large range of possible effects. Here, we used high-throughput transcriptomics to assess the activity induced by field-derived water extracts in MCF7 breast carcinoma cells. Wastewater and surface water extracts induced the largest changes in expression among cell proliferation-related genes and neurological, estrogenic, and antibiotic pathways, whereas drinking and reclaimed water extracts that underwent advanced treatment showed substantially reduced bioactivity on both gene and pathway levels. Importantly, reclaimed water extracts induced fewer changes in gene expression than laboratory blanks, which reinforces previous conclusions based on targeted assays and improves confidence in bioassay-based monitoring of water quality