57 research outputs found

    Homogeneous single-label cGMP detection platform for the functional study of nitric oxide-sensitive (soluble) guanylyl cyclases and cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the number one death worldwide. Nitric oxide (NO)-NO-sensitive (soluble) guanylyl cyclase (sGC)-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway regulates diverse set of important physiological functions, including maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis. Resting and activated sGC enzyme converts guanosine triphosphate to an important second messenger cGMP. In addition to traditional NO generators, a number of sGC activators and stimulators are currently in clinical trials aiming to support or increase sGC activity in various pathological conditions. cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases (PDEs), which degrade cGMP to guanosine monophosphate, play key role in controlling the cGMP level and the strength or length of the cGMP-dependent cellular signaling. Thus, PDE inhibitors also have clear clinical applications. Here, we introduce a homogeneous quenching resonance energy transfer (QRET) for cGMP to monitor both sGC and PDE activities using high throughput screening adoptable method. We demonstrate that using cGMP-specific antibody, sGC or PDE activity and the effect of small molecules modulating their function can be studied with sub-picomole cGMP sensitivity. The results further indicate that the method is suitable for monitoring enzyme reactions also in complex biological cellular homogenates and mixture

    QTR-FRET: Efficient background reduction technology in time-resolved förster resonance energy transfer assays

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    A novel homogeneous assay system QTR-FRET (Quencher modulated Time-Resolved Forster Resonance Energy Transfer) combining quenching resonance energy transfer (QRET) and time-resolved Forster resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) was developed to reduce background signal in the conventional energy transfer applications. The TR-FRET functionality is often limited by the lanthanide donor background signal leading to the use of low donor concentration. QTR-FRET reduces this background by introducing soluble quencher molecule, and in this work the concept functionality was proven and compared to previously introduced QRET and TR-FRET technologies. Comparison was performed with three different Eu3+-chelates exhibiting different luminescent lifetime and stability. The side-by-side comparison of the three signaling systems and Eu3+ -chelates was demonstrated in a model assay with Eu3+-chelate conjugated biotin and streptavidin (SA) or Cy5-SA conjugate. Comparison of the methodologies showed increased signal-to-background ratios when comparing QTR-FRET to TR-FRET, especially at high Eu3+ -biotin concentrations. Quenching the non-bound Eu3+-biotin improved the assay performance, which suggests that an improved assay performance can be attained with the QTR-FRET method. QTR-FRET is expected to be especially useful for Eu3+-labeled ligands with low affinity or assays requiring high Eu3+-ligand concentration. The QTR-FRET indicated potential for multi-analyte approaches separately utilizing the direct QRET-type Eu3+-chelate signal and energy transfer signal readout in a single- well. This potential was hypothesized with Avi-KRAS nucleotide exchange assay as a second biologically relevant model system

    Sensitive, homogeneous, and label-free protein-probe assay for antibody aggregation and thermal stability studies

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    Protein aggregation is a spontaneous process affected by multiple external and internal properties, such as buffer composition and storage temperature. Aggregation of protein-based drugs can endanger patient safety due, for example, to increased immunogenicity. Aggregation can also inactivate protein drugs and prevent target engagement, and thus regulatory requirements are strict regarding drug stability monitoring during manufacturing and storage. Many of the current technologies for aggregation monitoring are time- and material-consuming and require specific instruments and expertise. These types of assays are not only expensive, but also unsuitable for larger sample panels. Here we report a label-free time-resolved luminescence-based method using an external Eu3+-conjugated probe for the simple and fast detection of protein stability and aggregation. We focused on monitoring the properties of IgG, which is a common format for biological drugs. The Protein-Probe assay enables IgG aggregation detection with a simple single-well mix-and-measure assay performed at room temperature. Further information can be obtained in a thermal ramping, where IgG thermal stability is monitored. We showed that with the Protein-Probe, trastuzumab aggregation was detected already after 18 hours of storage at 60 degrees C, 4 to 8 days earlier compared to SYPRO Orange- and UV250-based assays, respectively. The ultra-high sensitivity of less than 0.1% IgG aggregates enables the Protein-Probe to reduce assay time and material consumption compared to existing techniques

    Sensitive Label-Free Thermal Stability Assay for Protein Denaturation and Protein-Ligand Interaction Studies

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    In modern biochemistry, protein stability and ligand interactions are of high interest. These properties are often studied with methods requiring labeled biomolecules, as the existing methods utilizing luminescent external probes suffer from low sensitivity. Currently available label-free technologies, e.g., thermal shift assays, circular dichroism, and differential scanning calorimetry, enable studies on protein unfolding and protein-ligand interactions (PLI). Unfortunately, the required micromolar protein concentration increases the costs and predisposes these methods for spontaneous protein aggregation. Here, we report a time-resolved luminescence method for protein unfolding and PLI detection with nanomolar sensitivity. The Protein-Probe method is based on highly luminescent europium chelate-conjugated probe, which is the key component in sensing the hydrophobic regions exposed to solution after protein unfolding. With the same Eu-probe, we also demonstrate ligand-interaction induced thermal stabilization with model proteins. The developed Protein-Probe method provides a sensitive approach overcoming the problems of the current label-free methodologies

    Toward universal protein post-translational modification detection in high throughput format

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    Post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins plays essential regulatory roles in a variety of pathological conditions. Reliable and practical assays are required to accelerate the discovery of inhibitors and activators for PTM related diseases. Today, methodologies are based on specific or group-specific PTM recognition of e.g. phosphate for kinase activity without extending to other type of PTMs. Here we have established a universal time-resolved luminescence assay on a peptide-break platform for the direct detection of wide variety of PTMs. The developed assay is based on the leucine zipper concept wherein a europium-chelate labeled detection peptide and a non-labeled peptide substrate form a highly luminescent dimer. As an active PTM enzyme at sub or low nanomolar concentration modifies the substrate peptide, the luminescent signal of the detached detection peptide is quenched in the presence of soluble quenchers. The functionality of this universal assay technique has been demonstrated for the monitoring of phosphorylation, dephosphorylation, deacetylation, and citrullination with high applicability also to other PTMs in a high throughput format

    Thermal Shift Assay for Small GTPase Stability Screening: Evaluation and Suitability

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    Thermal unfolding methods are commonly used as a predictive technique by tracking the protein's physical properties. Inherent protein thermal stability and unfolding profiles of biotherapeutics can help to screen or study potential drugs and to find stabilizing or destabilizing conditions. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a 'Gold Standard' for thermal stability assays (TSA), but there are also a multitude of other methodologies, such as differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF). The use of an external probe increases the assay throughput, making it more suitable for screening studies, but the current methodologies suffer from relatively low sensitivity. While DSF is an effective tool for screening, interpretation and comparison of the results is often complicated. To overcome these challenges, we compared three thermal stability probes in small GTPase stability studies: SYPRO Orange, 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS), and the Protein-Probe. We studied mainly KRAS, as a proof of principle to obtain biochemical knowledge through TSA profiles. We showed that the Protein-Probe can work at lower concentration than the other dyes, and its sensitivity enables effective studies with non-covalent and covalent drugs at the nanomolar level. Using examples, we describe the parameters, which must be taken into account when characterizing the effect of drug candidates, of both small molecules and Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins

    Protease substrate‐independent universal assay for monitoring digestion of native unmodified proteins

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    Proteases are a group of enzymes with a catalytic function to hydrolyze peptide bonds of proteins. Proteases regulate the activity, signaling mechanism, fate, and localization of many proteins, and their dysregulation is associated with various pathological conditions. Proteases have been identified as biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for multiple diseases, such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, where they are essential to disease progression. Thus, protease inhibitors and inhibitor-like molecules are interesting drug candidates. To study proteases and their substrates and inhibitors, simple, rapid, and sensitive protease activity assays are needed. Existing fluorescence-based assays enable protease monitoring in a high-throughput compatible microtiter plate format, but the methods often rely on either molecular labeling or synthetic protease targets that only mimic the hydrolysis site of the true target proteins. Here, we present a homogenous, label-free, and time-resolved luminescence utilizing the protein-probe method to assay proteases with native and denatured substrates at nanomolar sensitivity. The developed protein-probe method is not restricted to any single protein or protein target class, enabling digestion and substrate fragmentation studies with the natural unmodified substrate proteins. The versatility of the assay for studying protease targets was shown by monitoring the digestion of a substrate panel with different proteases. These results indicate that the protein-probe method not only monitors the protease activity and inhibition, but also studies the substrate specificity of individual proteases.</p

    Nanomolar Protein-Protein Interaction monitoring with a label-free protein-probe technique

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    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are an essential part of correct cellular functionality, making them increasingly interesting drug targets. While Förster resonance energy transfer-based methods have traditionally been widely used for PPI studies, label-free techniques have recently drawn significant attention. These methods are ideal for studying PPIs, most importantly as there is no need for labeling of either interaction partner, reducing potential interferences and overall costs. Already, several different label-free methods are available, such as differential scanning calorimetry and surface plasmon resonance, but these biophysical methods suffer from low to medium throughput, which reduces suitability for high-throughput screening (HTS) of PPI inhibitors. Differential scanning fluorimetry, utilizing external fluorescent probes, is an HTS compatible technique, but high protein concentration is needed for experiments. To improve the current concepts, we have developed a method based on time-resolved luminescence, enabling PPI monitoring even at low nanomolar protein concentrations. This method, called the protein probe technique, is based on a peptide conjugated with Eu chelate, and it has already been applied to monitor protein structural changes and small molecule interactions at elevated temperatures. Here, the applicability of the protein probe technique was demonstrated by monitoring single-protein pairing and multiprotein complexes at room and elevated temperatures. The concept functionality was proven by using both artificial and multiple natural protein pairs, such as KRAS and eIF4A together with their binding partners, and C-reactive protein in a complex with its antibody
