125 research outputs found

    Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Electron Transport Layers for Inverted Polymer Solar Cells

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    © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, WeinheimProcessing temperature is highlighted as a convenient means of controlling the optical and charge transport properties of solution processed electron transport layers (ETLs) in inverted polymer solar cells. Using the well-studied active layer – poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl):indene-C60 bisadduct – the influence of ETL processing temperatures from 25 to 450 °C is shown, reporting the role of crystallinity, structure, charge transport, and Fermi level (EF) on numerous device performance characteristics. It has been determined that an exceptionally low temperature processed ETL (110 °C) increases device power conversion efficiency by a factor greater than 50% compared with a high temperature (450 °C) processed ETL. Modulations in device series and shunt resistance, induced by changes in the ETL transport properties, are observed in parallel to significant changes in device open circuit voltage attributed to changes on the EF of the ETLs. This work highlights the importance of interlayer control in multilayer photovoltaic devices and presents a convenient material compatible with future flexible and roll-to-roll processes

    Decoherence of flux qubits due to 1/f flux noise

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    We have investigated decoherence in Josephson-junction flux qubits. Based on the measurements of decoherence at various bias conditions, we discriminate contributions of different noise sources. In particular, we present a Gaussian decay function of the echo signal as evidence of dephasing due to 1/f1/f flux noise whose spectral density is evaluated to be about (10−6Φ0)2(10^{-6} \Phi_0)^2/Hz at 1 Hz. We also demonstrate that at an optimal bias condition where the noise sources are well decoupled the coherence observed in the echo measurement is mainly limited by energy relaxation of the qubit.Comment: 4 pages, error in Fig.4 corrected, to appear in PR

    Development of an international scale of socio-economic position based on household assets.

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    The importance of studying associations between socio-economic position and health has often been highlighted. Previous studies have linked the prevalence and severity of lung disease with national wealth and with socio-economic position within some countries but there has been no systematic evaluation of the association between lung function and poverty at the individual level on a global scale. The BOLD study has collected data on lung function for individuals in a wide range of countries, however a barrier to relating this to personal socio-economic position is the need for a suitable measure to compare individuals within and between countries. In this paper we test a method for assessing socio-economic position based on the scalability of a set of durable assets (Mokken scaling), and compare its usefulness across countries of varying gross national income per capita.Ten out of 15 candidate asset questions included in the questionnaire were found to form a Mokken type scale closely associated with GNI per capita (Spearmans rank rs = 0.91, p = 0.002). The same set of assets conformed to a scale in 7 out of the 8 countries, the remaining country being Saudi Arabia where most respondents owned most of the assets. There was good consistency in the rank ordering of ownership of the assets in the different countries (Cronbachs alpha = 0.96). Scores on the Mokken scale were highly correlated with scores developed using principal component analysis (rs = 0.977).Mokken scaling is a potentially valuable tool for uncovering links between disease and socio-economic position within and between countries. It provides an alternative to currently used methods such as principal component analysis for combining personal asset data to give an indication of individuals relative wealth. Relative strengths of the Mokken scale method were considered to be ease of interpretation, adaptability for comparison with other datasets, and reliability of imputation for even quite large proportions of missing values

    Interqubit coupling mediated by a high-excitation-energy quantum object

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    We consider a system composed of two qubits and a high-excitation-energy quantum object used to mediate coupling between the qubits. We treat the entire system quantum mechanically and analyze the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian. After reproducing well-known results concerning the leading term in the mediated coupling, we obtain an expression for the residual coupling between the qubits in the off state. We also analyze the entanglement between the three objects, i.e. the two qubits and the coupler, in the eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian. Although we focus on the application of our results to the recently realized parametric-coupling scheme with two qubits, we also discuss extensions of our results to harmonic-oscillator couplers, couplers that are near resonance with the qubits and multi-qubit systems. In particular, we find that certain errors that are absent for a two-qubit system arise when dealing with multi-qubit systems.Comment: 15 pages (two-column

    Microwave saturation of the Rydberg states of electrons on helium

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    We present measurements of the resonant microwave excitation of the Rydberg energy levels of surface state electrons on superfluid helium. The temperature dependent linewidth agrees well with theoretical predictions and is very small below 300 mK. Absorption saturation and power broadening were observed as the fraction of electrons in the first excited state was increased to 0.49, close to the thermal excitation limit of 0.5. The Rabi frequency was determined as a function of microwave power. The high values of the ratio of the Rabi frequency to linewidth confirm this system as an excellent candidate for creating qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Resultats du traitement chirurgical de l’otospongiose notre experience a propos de 310 cas

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    Introduction : Le traitement de l’otospongiose est chirurgical. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent intervenir dans l’indication opératoire ou influencer les résultats fonctionnels. L’objectif de notre étude est d’évaluer nos résultats audiométriques et d’étudier les facteurs prédictifs de l’échec fonctionnel. Matériel et méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective à propos de 310 oreilles opérées pour otospongiose, sur une période de 21 ans (1985-2005). On a effectué une analyse des résultats audiométriques à partir des audiogrammes postopératoires faits à 3 mois, à 1an et au dernier contrôle. Nous avons ensuite étudié 8 facteurs pouvant être prédictifs de l’échec fonctionnel. Ce dernier était défini par un Rinne résiduel post-opératoire (RRPO) > 10 dB.Résultats : Le RRPO était en moyenne de 7,9 dB avec des extrêmes de 5 dB à 33 dB. La fermeture du Rinne a été obtenue dans 87,3% des cas. Après étude multivariée avec régression logistique, nous avons retenu 2 facteurs indépendants significativement prédictifs de l’échec fonctionnel : un stade audiométrique III ou IV d’Aubry (OR : 19,06/p : 0,0001) et un Rinne post-opératoire précoce supérieur à 35 dB (OR : 4 ,01/p : 0,0025). Conclusion : Une audiométrie post-opératoire précoce serait intéressante pour dépister précocement un échec chirurgical d’une part et pour préjuger du résultat fonctionnel définitif d’autre part. Un stade audiométrique III ou IV d’ Aubry, prédictif certes d’un moins bon résultat fonctionnel, ne contre-indique pas la chirurgie qui permettra entre autres une meilleure adaptation audio- prothétique.Mots-clés : otospongiose - chirurgie - résultats – facteurs prédictif

    Counting Individual Electrons on Liquid Helium

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    We show that small numbers of electrons, including a single electron, can be held in a novel electrostatic trap above the surface of superfluid helium. A potential well is created using microfabricated electrodes in a 5 micron diameter pool of helium. Electrons are injected into the trap from an electron reservoir on a helium microchannel. They are individually detected using a superconducting single-electron transistor (SET) as an electrometer. A Coulomb staircase is observed as electrons leave the trap one-by-one until the trap is empty. A design for a scalable quantum information processor using arrays of electron traps is presentedComment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Direct Measurement of the System-Environment Coupling as a Tool For Understanding Decoherence and Dynamical Decoupling

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    Decoherence is a major obstacle to any practical implementation of quantum information processing. One of the leading strategies to reduce decoherence is dynamical decoupling --- the use of an external field to average out the effect of the environment. The decoherence rate under any control field can be calculated if the spectrum of the coupling to the environment is known. We present a direct measurement of the bath coupling spectrum in an ensemble of optically trapped ultracold atoms, by applying a spectrally narrow-band control field. The measured spectrum follows a Lorentzian shape at low frequencies, but exhibits non-monotonic features at higher frequencies due to the oscillatory motion of the atoms in the trap. These features agree with our analytical models and numerical Monte-Carlo simulations of the collisional bath. From the inferred bath-coupling spectrum, we predict the performance of well-known dynamical decoupling sequences: CPMG, UDD and CDD. We then apply these sequences in experiment and compare the results to predictions, finding good agreement in the weak-coupling limit. Thus, our work establishes experimentally the validity of the overlap integral formalism, and is an important step towards the implementation of an optimal dynamical decoupling sequence for a given measured bath spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Temperature-dependent energy levels of electrons on liquid helium

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    We present measurements of the resonant microwave absorption by the Rydberg energy levels of surface state electrons on the surface of superfluid liquid helium, in the frequency range 165 - 220 GHz. The resonant frequency was strongly temperature dependent from 0.1 to 2 K. The experiments are in agreement with recent theoretical calculations of the renormalisation of the electron energy levels due to zero-point and thermal ripplons, analogous to a condensed matter Lamb shift. The temperature-dependent contribution to the linewidth for excitation to the first excited state at 189.6 GHz is compared with other measurements and theoretical predictions.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure
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