173 research outputs found

    Tone Assimilation in Igbo: A Phonological Description

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    Past studies of assimilation in Igbo focus attention on segmental phonemes without relating assimilation to supra-segments (tone in particular). This paper re-investigates assimilation in Igbo with the aim of establishing that tone assimilation exists in the language. Data for analysis are obtained from both the primary and secondary sources. While the primary data are from Ogbunike Igbo variety, the secondary data are from existing literatures. The data are analysed using descriptive method. The results reveal that tone assimilation exists in Igbo. For example, in connected speech, where the first noun ends in a downstep tone and the second noun begins with any tone, the downstep tone of the final vowel of the first word assimilates the high pitch of the initial vowel of the second word. Also, where the first word is in its infinitive form with a H ↓H tone sequence and the second word has a H H tone sequence, the high tone of the initial vowel of the second word drops its high pitch and completely assimilates the reduced high pitch of the final vowel of the first word. Tone assimilation could be regressive or progressive

    The inland west clusters of Ikekeonwu’s Igbo dialects classification: A modification

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    Among the five clusters Ikekeonwu classified the Igbo dialects, is the Inland West Dialect Cluster, which covers the Igbo dialects spoken in Onitsha, Awka and Aguata areas. The classification seems not to properly position the Igbo speech varieties of mambala area, which have some linguistic traits that qualify them to be recognised as a main dialect of the Inland West Igbo Cluster. This paper seeks to position mambala speech varieties within the landscape of Igbo dialectology by modifying the Inland West Cluster. It uses linguistic criteria with focus on the similarities and differences in the phonemes, phonological patterning of words, phonological processes and secondary articulation features. It adopts minimal pair/set analysis and comparative analysis. From the result, mambala speech varieties are grouped as mambala Main Dialect of the Onitsha Inland West Igbo


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    There has been significant debate regarding intercollegiate athletics and its place within the contemporary American academy system (Clavio et al., 2013; Martin & Christy, 2010; Mitten & Ross, 2013; Ross, 2012; Smith, 2011; Smith & Willingham, 2015; Southall & Staurowsky, 2013; Southall & Jonathan, 2014; Thoroughgood & Padilla, 2013; Van Rheenen, 2012; Wainstein et al., 2014; Zimbalist, 2018). This study utilized the Resiliency Model (Richardson et al., 1990) as a conceptual framework to determine how experiences of adversity encountered as a collegiate athlete impact the post-athletics life of an individual. Former athletes at least five years removed from collegiate participation revealed specific themes of adversity and their applicability to later areas of life. The results of this study will add to literature examining the long-term impacts of intercollegiate athletics participation. This study will also add to current research by identifying specific themes of reported adversity in collegiate athletics and how those themes influence transferrable impacts of athletic participation.Master of Art

    Human trafficking: as viewed through the eyes of criminal justice students

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    Human trafficking is a crime that has seen increased media awareness over the past few decades. However, the media\u27s representations of human trafficking are very one-dimensional and sensationalized. This is problematic, because media representations have an influence on the perceptions of those who consume the media imagery. This study explores the way that media representations of human trafficking have influenced the perceptions criminal justice students have about human trafficking. Grounded theory was used to uncover that criminal justice student\u27s perceptions are based on four narratives that create images that influence criminal justice student\u27s perceptions. These narratives are: human trafficking is synonymous with sex trafficking, human trafficking victims are exclusively women and children, human trafficking is experienced by specific racial and ethnic groups and human trafficking victims are to blame for their victimization. These narratives are then investigated within the context of the 2008 film Taken, which was mentioned by 17 of the 20 participants interviewed, and was found to be important in shaping the perceptions of the participants about human trafficking

    Child influence on dietary behaviors in low-income families

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    Literature suggests that in certain populations, such as Hispanic families, children may have strong influence on dietary behaviors for the entire family. Additionally, a family environment where parents are more often compliant to their child's requests for less nutritious foods may be related to increased obesity prevalence rates (Flegal, Ogden, & Carroll, 2004). The purposes of this project were to examine child influence on dietary behaviors in low-income families, assess how child influence may differ between Hispanic and non-Hispanic families, and investigate the association between child influence and child overweight and obesity. A cross-sectional community-based design was utilized. Data collection methods included surveys, at-home interviews, and grocery store observations. It was first established that the majority of parents found their early adolescent child to have a substantial influence on family dietary and physical activity behaviors. Investigating this idea more in depth, it was found that children tended to request of their mothers to purchase or provide foods that were lower in nutritional content, but mothers tended to be more compliant when these requests involved foods with higher nutritional content. The number of child food requests was important as a statistically significant positive association between child food requests and maternal compliance was found. Maternal compliance, however, was found to have a significant association with child BMI. Although statistically significant differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic participants were not identified, areas worthy of further research were identified. These results can be used in future development of nutrition interventions targeted to low-income families

    Diet and Macronutrient Optimization in Wild Ursids: Grizzly Bears Versus Black Bears

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    When fed ad libitum, ursids can maximize mass gain by selecting mixed diets wherein protein provides 17 ± 4% of digestible energy.  In the wild, this ability is likely constrained.  By visiting locations of 37 individuals during 274 bear-days, we documented foods consumed by grizzly (Ursus arctos) and black bears (Ursus americanus) in Grand Teton National Park during 2004–2006.  Based on published data, we estimated foods and macronutrients as percentages of daily energy intake.  Using principal components and cluster analyses, we identified 14 daily diet types.  Only 4 diets, accounting for 21% of days, provided optimal protein levels.  Nine diets (75% of days) led to over-consumption of protein, and 1 diet (3% of days) led to under-consumption.  Highest protein levels were associated with animal matter (i.e., insects, vertebrates), which accounted for 46–47% of daily energy for both species.  As predicted: 1) daily diets dominated by vertebrates were positively associated with grizzly bears and protein intake was positively associated with body mass; 2) diets dominated by fruits were positively associated with black bears; and 3) mean protein was highest during spring, when high-energy foods were scarce, however it was also higher than optimal during summer and fall.  Although optimal gain of body mass was constrained, bears opted for the energetically superior trade-off of consuming high-energy, high-protein foods.  Given protein digestion efficiency similar to obligate carnivores, this choice likely supported mass gain, consistent with studies showing monthly increases in percent body fat among bears in this region
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