446 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Large Fragments in the Tail of Active Asteroid P/2010 A2

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    We examine the motions of large fragments at the head of the dust tail of active asteroid P/2010 A2. In previous work we showed that these fragments were ejected from the primary nucleus in early 2009, either following a hypervelocity impact or by rotationally induced break-up. Here, we follow their positions through a series of Hubble Space Telescope images taken during the first half of 2010. The orbital evolution of each fragment allows us to constrain its velocity relative to the main nucleus after leaving its sphere of gravitational influence. We find that the fragments constituting a prominent X-shaped tail feature were emitted in a direction opposite to the motion of the asteroid and towards the south of its orbital plane. Derived emission velocities of these primary fragments range between 0.02 and 0.3 m/s, comparable to the ~0.08 m/s gravitational escape speed from the nucleus. Their sizes are on the order of decimeters or larger. We obtain the best fits to our data with ejection velocity vectors lying in a plane that includes the nucleus. This may suggest that the cause of the disruption of P/2010 A2 is rotational break-up.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journa

    Velocity-resolved observations of water in Comet Halley

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    High resolution (lambda/delta lambda approx. = 3 x 10 to the 5th power) near-infrared observations of H2O emission from Comet Halley were acquired at the time of maximum post-perihelion geocentric Doppler shift. The observed widths and absolute positions of the H2O line profiles reveal characteristics of the molecular velocity field in the coma. These results support H2O outflow from a Sun-lit hemisphere or the entire nucleus, but not from a single, narrow jet emanating from the nucleus. The measured pre- and post-perihelion outflow velocities were 0.9 + or - 0.2 and 1.4 + or - 0.2 km/s, respectively. Temporal variations in the kinematic properties of the outflow were inferred from changes in the spectral line shapes. These results are consistent with the release of H2O into the coma from multiple jets

    The Extraordinary Multi-Tailed Main-Belt Comet P/2013 P5

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    Hubble Space Telescope observations of main-belt comet P/2013 P5 reveal an extraordinary system of six dust tails that distinguish this object from any other. Observations two weeks apart show dramatic morphological change in the tails while providing no evidence for secular fading of the object as a whole. Each tail is associated with a unique ejection date, revealing continued, episodic mass loss from the 0.24+/-0.04 km radius nucleus over the last five months. As an inner-belt asteroid and probable Flora family member, the object is likely to be highly metamorphosed and unlikely to contain ice. The protracted period of dust release appears inconsistent with an impact origin, but may be compatible with a body that is losing mass through a rotational instability. We suggest that P/2013 P5 has been accelerated to breakup speed by radiation torques.Comment: 13 pages, two figures, three tables, Accepted to ApJ

    A binary main belt comet

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    The asteroids are primitive solar system bodies which evolve both collisionally and through disruptions due to rapid rotation [1]. These processes can lead to the formation of binary asteroids [2-4] and to the release of dust [5], both directly and, in some cases, through uncovering frozen volatiles. In a sub-set of the asteroids called main-belt comets (MBCs), the sublimation of excavated volatiles causes transient comet-like activity [6-8]. Torques exerted by sublimation measurably influence the spin rates of active comets [9] and might lead to the splitting of bilobate comet nuclei [10]. The kilometer-sized main-belt asteroid 288P (300163) showed activity for several months around its perihelion 2011 [11], suspected to be sustained by the sublimation of water ice [12] and supported by rapid rotation [13], while at least one component rotates slowly with a period of 16 hours [14]. 288P is part of a young family of at least 11 asteroids that formed from a ~10km diameter precursor during a shattering collision 7.5 million years ago [15]. Here we report that 288P is a binary main-belt comet. It is different from the known asteroid binaries for its combination of wide separation, near-equal component size, high eccentricity, and comet-like activity. The observations also provide strong support for sublimation as the driver of activity in 288P and show that sublimation torques may play a significant role in binary orbit evolution.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Episodic Ejection from Active Asteroid 311P/PANSTARRS

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    We examine the development of the active asteroid 311P/PANSTARRS (formerly, 2013 P5) in the period from 2013 September to 2014 February using high resolution images from the Hubble Space Telescope. This multi-tailed object is characterized by a single, reddish nucleus of absolute magnitude H≥H \ge 18.98±\pm0.10, corresponding to an equal-area sphere of radius ≤\le200±\pm20 m (for assumed geometric albedo 0.29±\pm0.09). We set an upper limit to the radii of possible companion nuclei at ∼\sim10 m. The nucleus ejected debris in nine discrete episodes, spread irregularly over a nine month interval, each time forming a distinct tail. Particles in the tails range from about 10 μ\mum to at least 80 mm in radius, and were ejected at speeds <<1 m s−1^{-1}. The ratio of the total ejected dust mass to the nucleus mass is ∼\sim3×\times10−5^{-5}, corresponding to a global surface layer ∼\sim2 mm thick, or to a deeper layer covering a smaller fraction of the surface. The observations are incompatible with an origin of the activity by impact or by the sublimation of entrapped ice. This object appears to be shedding its regolith by rotational (presumably YORP-driven) instability. Long-term fading of the photometry (months) is attributed to gradual dissipation of near-nucleus dust. Photometric variations on short timescales (<<0.7 hr) are probably caused by fast rotation of the nucleus. However, because of limited time coverage and dilution of the nucleus signal by near-nucleus dust, we have not been able to determine the rotation period.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Hubble and Keck Telescope Observations of Active Asteroid 288P/300163 (2006 VW139)

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope and Keck 10 meter telescope observations of active asteroid 288P/300163 (2006 VW139) taken to examine ejected dust. The nucleus is a C-type object with absolute magnitude HVH_V = 17.0±\pm0.1 and estimated diameter ∼\sim2.6 km (for assumed visual geometric albedo pVp_V = 0.04). Variations in the brightness of the nucleus at the 10% to 15% level are significant in both 2011 December and 2012 October but we possess too few data to distinguish variations caused by activity from those caused by rotation. The dust scattering cross-section in 2011 December is ∼\sim40 km2^2, corresponding to a dust mass ∼\sim9×\times106^6 kg (88 μ\mum mean particle radius assumed). The full width at half maximum of the debris sheet varies from ∼\sim100 km near the nucleus to ∼\sim1000 km 30arcsec (40,000 km) east of it. Dust dynamical models indicate ejection speeds between 0.06 and 0.3 m s−1^{-1}, particle sizes between 10 and 300 μ\mum and an inverse square-root relation between particle size and velocity. Overall, the data are most simply explained by prolonged, low velocity ejection of dust, starting in or before 2011 July and continuing until at least 2011 October. These properties are consistent with the sublimation of near-surface ice aided by centrifugal forces. The high spatial resolution of our HST images (52 km per pixel) reveals details that remained hidden in previous ground-based observations, such as the extraordinarily small vertical extent of the dust sheet, ejection speeds well below the nucleus escape speed, and the possibility of a binary nucleus.Comment: Accepted for publication by A

    Disintegrating Asteroid P/2013 R3

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    Splitting of the nuclei of comets into multiple components has been frequently observed but, to date, no main-belt asteroid has been observed to break-up. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, we find that main-belt asteroid P/2013 R3 consists of 10 or more distinct components, the largest up to 200 m in radius (assumed geometric albedo of 0.05) each of which produces a coma and comet-like dust tail. A diffuse debris cloud with total mass roughly 2x10^8 kg further envelopes the entire system. The velocity dispersion among the components is about V = 0.2 to 0.5 m/s, is comparable to the gravitational escape speeds of the largest members, while their extrapolated plane-of-sky motions suggest break-up between February and September 2013. The broadband optical colors are those of a C-type asteroid. We find no spectral evidence for gaseous emission, placing model-dependent upper limits to the water production rate near 1 kg/s. Breakup may be due to a rotationally induced structural failure of the precursor body.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; accepted by ApJ

    Nucleus and Mass Loss from Active Asteroid 313P/Gibbs

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope observations of active asteroid 313P/Gibbs (formerly P/2014 S4) taken over the five month interval from 2014 October to 2015 March. This object has been recurrently active near perihelion (at 2.4 AU) in two different orbits, a property that is naturally explained by the sublimation of near surface ice but which is difficult to reconcile with other activity mechanisms. We find that the mass loss peaks near 1 kg s−1^{-1} in October and then declines over the subsequent months by about a factor of five, at nearly constant heliocentric distance. This decrease is too large to be caused by the change in heliocentric distance during the period of observation. However, it is consistent with sublimation from an ice patch shadowed by local topography, for example in a pit like those observed on the nuclei of short-period comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. While no unique interpretation is possible, a simple self shadowing model shows that sublimation from a pit with depth to diameter ratio near 1/2 matches the observed rate of decline of the activity, while deeper and shallower pits do not. We estimate the nucleus radius to be 700±\pm100 m (geometric albedo 0.05 assumed). Measurements of the spatial distribution of the dust were obtained from different viewing geometries. They show that dust was ejected continuously not impulsively, that the effective particle size is large, ∼\sim50 μm\mu m, and that the ejection speed is ∼\sim2.5 m s−1^{-1}. The total dust mass ejected is ∼\sim107^7 kg, corresponding to ∼\sim10−5^{-5} of the nucleus mass. The observations are consistent with partially shadowed sublimation from ∼\sim104^4 m2^2 of ice, corresponding to ∼\sim0.2\% of the nucleus surface. For ice to survive in 313P for billion-year timescales requires that the duty cycle for sublimation be ≲\lesssim10−3^{-3}.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables; Astronomical Journal: in pres

    The Nucleus of Active Asteroid 311P/(2013 P5) PANSTARRS

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    The unique inner-belt asteroid 311P/PANSTARRS (formerly P/2013 P5) is notable for its sporadic, comet-like ejection of dust in nine distinct epochs spread over ∼\sim250 days in 2013. This curious behavior has been interpreted as the product of localized, equator-ward landsliding from the surface of an asteroid rotating at the brink of instability. We obtained new Hubble Space Telescope observations to directly measure the nucleus and to search for evidence of its rapid rotation. However, instead of providing photometric evidence for rapid nucleus rotation, our data set a lower limit to the lightcurve period, P≥P \ge 5.4 hour. The dominant feature of the lightcurve is a V-shaped minimum, ∼\sim0.3 magnitudes deep, that is suggestive of an eclipsing binary. Under this interpretation, the time-series data are consistent with a secondary/primary mass ratio, ms/mp∼m_s/m_p \sim 1:6, a ratio of separation/primary radius, r/rp∼r/r_p \sim 4 and an orbit period ∼\sim0.8 days. These properties lie within the range of other asteroid binaries that are thought to be formed by rotational breakup. While the lightcurve period is long, centripetal dust ejection is still possible if one or both components rotates rapidly (≲\lesssim 2 hour) and has a small lightcurve variation because of azimuthal symmetry. Indeed, radar observations of asteroids in critical rotation reveal "muffin-shaped" morphologies which are closely azimuthally symmetric and which show minimal lightcurves. Our data are consistent with 311P being a close binary in which one or both components rotates near the centripetal limit. The mass loss in 2013 suggests that breakup occurred recently and could even be on-going. A search for fragments that might have been recently ejected beyond the Hill sphere reveals none larger than effective radius re∼r_e \sim 10 m.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, Astronomical Journal, in pres
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