5,164 research outputs found

    ConSIT: A conditioned program slicer

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    Conditioned slicing is a powerful generalisation of static and dynamic slicing which has applications to many problems in software maintenance and evolution, including reuse, reengineering and program comprehension. However there has been relatively little work on the implementation of conditioned slicing. Algorithms for implementing conditioned slicing necessarily involve reasoning about the values of program predicates in certain sets of states derived from the conditioned slicing criterion, making implementation particularly demanding. The paper introduces ConSIT, a conditioned slicing system which is based upon conventional static slicing, symbolic execution and theorem proving. ConSIT is the first fully automated implementation of conditioned slicing. An implementation of ConSIT is available for experimentation at &http://www.mcs.gold.ac.uk/tilde/~mas01sd/consit.htm

    Program simplification as a means of approximating undecidable propositions

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    We describe an approach which mixes testing, slicing, transformation and formal verification to investigate speculative hypotheses concerning a program, formulated during program comprehension activity. Our philosophy is that such hypotheses (which are typically undecidable) can, in some sense, be `answered' by a partly automated system which returns neither `true' nor `false' but a program (the `test program') which computes the answer. The motivation for this philosophy is the way in which, as we demonstrate, static analysis and manipulation technology can be applied to ensure that the resulting test program is significantly simpler than the original program, thereby simplifying the process of investigating the original hypothesi

    Astrophysical line diagnosis requires non-linear dynamical atomic modeling

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    Line intensities and oscillator strengths for the controversial 3C and 3D astrophysically relevant lines in neonlike Fe16+{}^{16+} ions are calculated. We show that, for strong x-ray sources, the modeling of the spectral lines by a peak with an area proportional to the oscillator strength is not sufficient and non-linear dynamical effects have to be taken into account. Furthermore, a large-scale configuration-interaction calculation of oscillator strengths is performed with the inclusion of higher-order electron-correlation effects. The dynamical effects give a possible resolution of discrepancies of theory and experiment found by recent measurements, which motivates the use of light-matter interaction models also valid for strong light fields in the analysis and interpretation of astrophysical and laboratory spectra.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Pre/post conditioned slicing

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    Th paper shows how analysis of programs in terms of pre- and postconditions can be improved using a generalisation of conditioned program slicing called pre/post conditioned slicing. Such conditions play an important role in program comprehension, reuse, verification and reengineering. Fully automated analysis is impossible because of the inherent undecidability of pre- and post- conditions. The method presented reformulates the problem to circumvent this. The reformulation is constructed so that programs which respect the pre- and post-conditions applied to them have empty slices. For those which do not respect the conditions, the slice contains statements which could potentially break the conditions. This separates the automatable part of the analysis from the human analysis

    ConSUS: A light-weight program conditioner

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    Program conditioning consists of identifying and removing a set of statements which cannot be executed when a condition of interest holds at some point in a program. It has been applied to problems in maintenance, testing, re-use and re-engineering. All current approaches to program conditioning rely upon both symbolic execution and reasoning about symbolic predicates. The reasoning can be performed by a ‘heavy duty’ theorem prover but this may impose unrealistic performance constraints. This paper reports on a lightweight approach to theorem proving using the FermaT Simplify decision procedure. This is used as a component to ConSUS, a program conditioning system for the Wide Spectrum Language WSL. The paper describes the symbolic execution algorithm used by ConSUS, which prunes as it conditions. The paper also provides empirical evidence that conditioning produces a significant reduction in program size and, although exponential in the worst case, the conditioning system has low degree polynomial behaviour in many cases, thereby making it scalable to unit level applications of program conditioning

    VADA: A transformation-based system for variable dependence analysis

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    Variable dependence is an analysis problem in which the aim is to determine the set of input variables that can affect the values stored in a chosen set of intermediate program variables. This paper shows the relationship between the variable dependence analysis problem and slicing and describes VADA, a system that implements variable dependence analysis. In order to cover the full range of C constructs and features, a transformation to a core language is employed Thus, the full analysis is required only for the core language, which is relatively simple. This reduces the overall effort required for dependency analysis. The transformations used need preserve only the variable dependence relation, and therefore need not be meaning preserving in the traditional sense. The paper describes how this relaxed meaning further simplifies the transformation phase of the approach. Finally, the results of an empirical study into the performance of the system are presented

    Evaluating Automatic Program Repair Capabilities to Repair API Misuses

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    API misuses are well-known causes of software crashes and security vulnerabilities. However, their detection and repair is challenging given that the correct usages of (third-party) APIs might be obscure to the developers of client programs. This paper presents the first empirical study to assess the ability of existing automated bug repair tools to repair API misuses, which is a class of bugs previously unexplored. Our study examines and compares 14 Java test-suite-based repair tools (11 proposed before 2018, and three afterwards) on a manually curated benchmark (APIREPBENCH) consisting of 101 API misuses. We develop an extensible execution framework (APIARTY) to automatically execute multiple repair tools. Our results show that the repair tools are able to generate patches for 28% of the API misuses considered. While the 11 less recent tools are generally fast (the median execution time of the repair attempts is 3.87 minutes and the mean execution time is 30.79 minutes), the three most recent are less efficient (i.e., 98% slower) than their predecessors. The tools generate patches for API misuses that mostly belong to the categories of missing null check, missing value, missing exception, and missing call. Most of the patches generated by all tools are plausible (65%), but only few of these patches are semantically correct to human patches (25%). Our findings suggest that the design of future repair tools should support the localisation of complex bugs, including different categories of API misuses, handling of timeout issues, and ability to configure large software projects. Both APIREPBENCH and APIARTY have been made publicly available for other researchers to evaluate the capabilities of repair tools on detecting and fixing API misuses

    Phase reconstruction of strong-field excited systems by transient-absorption spectroscopy

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    We study the evolution of a V-type three-level system, whose two resonances are coherently excited and coupled by two ultrashort laser pump and probe pulses, separated by a varying time delay. We relate the quantum dynamics of the excited multi-level system to the absorption spectrum of the transmitted probe pulse. In particular, by analyzing the quantum evolution of the system, we interpret how atomic phases are differently encoded in the time-delay-dependent spectral absorption profiles when the pump pulse either precedes or follows the probe pulse. We experimentally apply this scheme to atomic Rb, whose fine-structure-split 5s\,^2S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5p\,^2P_{1/2} and 5s\,^2S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5p\,^2P_{3/2} transitions are driven by the combined action of a pump pulse of variable intensity and a delayed probe pulse. The provided understanding of the relationship between quantum phases and absorption spectra represents an important step towards full time-dependent phase reconstruction (quantum holography) of bound-state wave-packets in strong-field light-matter interactions with atoms, molecules and solids.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure