8 research outputs found


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    Transit Oriented Development (TOD) adalah sebuah konsep pengembangan kawasan perkotaan berbasis lingkungan yang menyediakan solusi menyelesaikan permasalahan lingkungan akibat tekanan pertumbuhan penduduk. Konsep TOD menjadi konsep yang populer di negara-negara maju, sehingga indikator-indikator keberhasilannya juga berkiblat pada negara maju. Namun demikian, permintaan akan konsep pengembangan kawasan perkotaan seperti TOD tidak hanya pada negara maju, melainkan juga untuk negara berkembang. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi indikator keberhasilan konsep TOD untuk negara berkembang dan mengevaluasi rencana pengembangan TOD yang ada. Studi ini dilakukan di kawasan TOD Dukuh Atas DKI Jakarta sebagai kawasan TOD yang diarahkan menjadi pusat hub internasional. Studi ini menggunakan metode sistem informasi geografis (SIG) yaitu berupa analisis overlay antara kondisi aktual dan perencanaan dari masing-masing indikator TOD. Indikator yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah jalur pejalan kaki, jalur sepeda, penggunaan lahan campuran, dan ruang terbuka hijau. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa kawasan TOD Dukuh Atas memiliki rencana jalur pejalan kaki, jalur sepeda, penggunaan lahan campuran, dan ruang terbuka hijau. Akan tetapi, kondisi aktual kawasan TOD Dukuh Atas menunjukkan bahwa jalur pejalan kaki, jalur sepeda, penggunaan lahan campuran, dan ruang terbuka hijau belum memenuhi kriteria kelayakan kawasan TOD karena belum sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Oleh karena itu, studi ini memberikan beberapa rekomendasi pada penyempurnaan desain kawasan TOD berdasarkan indikator keberhasilan TOD di Kawasan TOD Dukuh Atas. Hal ini dikarenakan desain dan rancangan yang ada sulit untuk dilakukan mengingat kawasan TOD Dukuh Atas telah terbangun sebelumnya


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    Transit Oriented Development (TOD) menjadi konsep yang popular pada perkembangan perkotaan di Indonesia. TOD merupakan konsep penataan ruang dan transportasi terintegrasi untuk menciptakan ruang kota yang kompak, guna lahan tercampur, dan kawasan transit publik yang berada dalam jarak berjalan kaki. Kawsan TOD diharapkan dapat memberi solusi pada permasalahan kronis transportasi di Jakarta. Penelitian ini fokus pada kawasan TOD Lebak Bulus  yang dijadikan sebagai stasiun pusat  terpadu dari jaringan Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta. Pertanyaan penelitian adalah bagaimana daya dukung lingkungan pada kawasan Lebak Bulus untuk mendukung pengembangan ruang dan transportasi berbasis konsep TOD. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah: (1) analisis daya dukung lingkungan berdasarkan kemampuan lahan dan mengeksplorasi perubahan dinamis guna lahan dan mobilitas perkotaan di Jakarta, serta (2) analisis dokumen rencana penataan ruang terhadap kawasan ini. Data dan informasi diperoleh dari Sistem Informasi Geografis terhadap perubahan guna lahan dan mobilitas perkotaan tahun 2017.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan stasiun pusat Lebak Bulus yang memiliki luas 18,9 ha ini memiliki daya dukung lingkungan yang baik untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan TOD. Komposisi guna lahan saat ini masih didominasi oleh sarana transportasi, terminal, 44% dan perumahan 34,57%. Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) pada kawasan ini  membagi dominasi zonasi untuk fasilitas umum 88,74%, dan perumahan 9,02%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah daya dukung lingkungan kawasan Lebak Bulus dapat ditingkatkan dengan melakukan penataan berbasis TOD dan perlu dilakukan peninjauan ulang atas RDTR Kawasan Lebak Bulus.

    The Carrying Capacity Assessment of Two MRTStations Transit-Oriented Development Areas in Jakarta

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    Many studies have investigated the effects of transit-oriented development (TOD) on density, design, diversity development, and transit ridership. However, fewer studies address the issue of carrying capacity of TOD. This paper aims to assess TOD areas' carrying capacity using four criteria (land capability, water availability, socio-economic, and green infrastructure) and  14 indicators on Jakarta's two TOD areas. These results show that even though both of the TOD area, Dukuh Atas and Lebak Bulus, are in the good of carrying capacity in land capability, there are some issues to address the possibility of water availability. For TOD's success, the socio-economic criteria should be promoted in the fringe-urban TOD area like Lebak Bulus. We identified the green infrastructure, such as pedestrian, cycling route, and green open space, still in low development and should be pursued to extend the TOD carrying capacity for the future

    Socio-Economic Behind TOD in Jakarta

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    TOD is a popular urban development concept implemented by many countries around the world, especially in Indonesia. This concept is also an exciting thing to study in various countries, but that does not happen in Indonesia. Research on the socio-economic TOD is still relatively less desirable than another focus. Therefore this research exists to provide new things in research on TOD in Indonesia. This research aims to identify the socio-economic condition based on three indicators, namely mobility movement, economic activity, and life quality. This research uses descriptive methods based on the response from 100 passengers from two TOD areas, namely Dukuh Atas and Lebak Bulus. The results show that movement mobility indicates a stable condition due to the short travel and transit time felt by the community. The economic activity occurs due to the commercial facilities around the TOD area. The life quality change appears caused by the benefits took by the community. This research shows that TOD in Indonesia creates socio-economic phenomena and has to further developed. This research can also be an incentive for academics to conduct similar research in the future

    The implementation strategy of customary law aspect in protecting local environment

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    Environmental protection efforts have been made by the people, especially those still governed by customary law. Customary law serves to regulate society in all aspects of life, including the relationship between humans and between humans and the environment. The customary law also serves to regulate the use and the management of the environment efficiently for the purpose of preventing environmental damages and maintaining sustainability for the future. The communities which still have strong customary law will tend to preserve the environment and limit usages that cause damage to the environment. Cases of environmental damage that occurred today is very worrying. The formal law created is not sufficient to control it, so customary law is needed as an alternative to complementing the lack of formal law in order to effectively prevent the environmental damage. This research is aimed to determine the best way to protect the environment using customary aspect as the instrument. The method used in this paper is SWOT analysis that determines the strategies of the customary law in environment protection. The selection of the strategy was determined by the score and the weight of the pre-defined components. The results showed that the customary law, which has its own legal logic with aspects of local knowledge developed in the community for a long time as it relates to the values inherent culture and spiritualism, has a chance to be implemented in protecting environment. Customary law can be instrumental in preventing and protecting the environmental damage because the goal is to create harmony with nature

    The implementation strategy of customary law aspect in protecting local environment

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    Environmental protection efforts have been made by the people, especially those still governed by customary law. Customary law serves to regulate society in all aspects of life, including the relationship between humans and between humans and the environment. The customary law also serves to regulate the use and the management of the environment efficiently for the purpose of preventing environmental damages and maintaining sustainability for the future. The communities which still have strong customary law will tend to preserve the environment and limit usages that cause damage to the environment. Cases of environmental damage that occurred today is very worrying. The formal law created is not sufficient to control it, so customary law is needed as an alternative to complementing the lack of formal law in order to effectively prevent the environmental damage. This research is aimed to determine the best way to protect the environment using customary aspect as the instrument. The method used in this paper is SWOT analysis that determines the strategies of the customary law in environment protection. The selection of the strategy was determined by the score and the weight of the pre-defined components. The results showed that the customary law, which has its own legal logic with aspects of local knowledge developed in the community for a long time as it relates to the values inherent culture and spiritualism, has a chance to be implemented in protecting environment. Customary law can be instrumental in preventing and protecting the environmental damage because the goal is to create harmony with nature

    Sustainability: Citarum River, government role on the face of SDGs (water and sanitation)

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    Citarum River is one of the most polluted river in the word. The pollution is not only derived from plant waste, but also household waste to livestock. West Java Government has a policy to handle Citarum problems, called Citarum Bestari Program. Citarum Bestari expected to solve pollution problems in Citarum River. This paper seeks to attempt the position of the West Java Government policy in the face of SDGs, particularly in this research will using qualitative methods, which is supported by the concept of David Easton political system. The author would like to see any input that may affect the policy-making in the local government with a political ecology approach. Support and demand for local governments of West Java is quite a lot already, not only from the international community but also among local residents and NGOs. This happens because many environmental impacts that occurred lately, such as flooding. Pollution that occurred along the Citarum River should be of particular concern for the Government of West Java, takes a neutral policy and strict supervision. Not only policies that benefit one of the parties (producers) but also to the other party (the environment and society)