5 research outputs found

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syariah Di Indonesia

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    Pada prinsipnya penegakan hukum hanya dilakukan oleh kekuasaan kehakiman (Judicial Power) yang secara konstitusional lazim disebut badan yudikatif. Begitu juga dalam penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah diarahkan menggunakan jalur litigasi dan non-litigasi. Jalur litigasi melalui Peradilan Agama dan melalui jalur non-litigasi melalui musyawarah-mufakat, alternatif penyelesaian Sengketa (APR) ataupun BASYARNAS. Namun, yang menguatkan putusan BASYARNAS tetap Pengadilan Agama, sehingga perlu dipacu pembentukan BASYARNAS di propinsi/ kabupaten/ kota di seluruh Indonesia. Perlu pembentukan Pengadilan Niaga Syariah yang memang khusus menyelesaikan perkara sengketa ekonomi syariah sehingga proses peradilan lebih cepat sehingga tidak menggangu jalannya perekonomian nasional utamanya dalam bidang ekonomi khususnya perbankan syariah

    Implementasi Manajemen Resiko Pada Sistem Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Di PT. Prudential Life Assurance Cabang Madura

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    This article discusses about risk management in the company of shari'ah life insurance. Shari'ah insurance is generally not much different from conventional insurance. Between insurances in the perspective of Islamic sharia'h with conventional insurance have the similarity, namely the insurance company is only as a facilitator of structural relationships between participants purveyor of premium (insurer) with receiving member of payment of claims (insured), will be described how to overcome the risks problems faced the company and if possible minimized the risk, in order to be created efficiency and effectiveness will finally help and facilitate the achievement of company objectives. This may be as operational risks as failed to pay, the legal risk, and reputational risk but it is also a moral hazard, also frequently found obstacles faced by the company sourced from externals and internals of company

    Pengaruh Jenis Nasabah Dan Frekuensi Pencairan Pembiayaan Terhadap Profit Margin Di Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Sarana Prima Mandiri Pamekasan

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    Bank is a financial institution whose main activities to collect funds and distribute funds to the community. Factors that very influence in the bank's success in obtaining profit is by increasing the disbursement frequency of financing and client's types as one of the factors that influence the amount of profit margin obtained bank. Based on that, then there are two problems who became a study principal in this research as follows: first: Is there any influence of customer type and financing liquefaction frequency towards Profit Margin in BPRS Sarana Prima Mandiri Pamekasan; second, which is the most influential variable on the Profit Margin in BPRS Sarana Prima Mandiri Pamekasan. This Research uses a quantitative approach with research type is multiple linear regression. The amount of data used in this research as many as 20 data taken from published reports of Quarterly Bank Indonesia and published reports BPRS Sarana Prima Mandiri in January 2011 until December 2015. The research results of T Test of the respective T count X1 amounted to 3.184 and variable X2 amounted to 2.475 and T table amounted to 2.101, (X1 = 3.184> 2.101 and X2 = 2.475> 2.101), it can be concluded the results of the partial test (T test) shows that all variables X (Customer type and financing liquefaction frequency) effect on variable Y (Profit Margin) partially significantly ≤ 0.05 X1 (Customer type) greater influence than X2 (financing liquefaction frequency) T count X1 greater exceeds X2. Equation Y = ( -16.387) 0.399X1 + 0186 + X2 + e, based on multiple regression analysis, the regression coefficient obtained shows, customer type (b1 = 0.399) become the largest independent variables that influence Profit Margin (Y). While base testing the determinant coefficient using the program SPSS acquired adjusted R2 amounted to 0.732 or 73.2% means variable of Customer Type Financing and financing liquefaction frequency affect toward the profit margin amounted to 73.2% while the rest 26.8% influenced by other variables that are not proposed in this research

    Kedudukan Bank Syariah Dalam Sistem Perbankan Di Indonesia

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    Banking is an important element in the development of a country. The function of the bank as that financial intermediary institution is crucial for the success or failure of community economic development in a country. Syariah Banking Regulation in Act No. 7 of the year 1992 as amended by Act No. 10 of the year 1998 was not specific and less accommodate of the operational characteristics of Syariah Banking so that was born the law of No. 21 of the Year 2008 concerning Syariah Banking. Syariah banking is banking that is based on Syariah principles. Also based to economic democracy and the precautionary principle, it should contain the values of justice, solidarity, equity and expediency

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Sistem Cod Dalam Mendistribusikan Produk UMKM Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Covid 19 adalah salah satu virus yang menyebabkan banyak penyakit mulai dari yang ringan sampai yang berat, pandemi Covid 19 telah menyebar di seluruh dunia, mulai dari negara-negara besar sampai desa bahkan dusun-dusun terpencil sekalipun, termasuk di desa Sokobanah laok, kec. Sokobanah, Kab. Sampang. Dimana dari dampak pandemi covid 19 ini banyak usaha-usaha masyarakat yang terkena imbasnya karena, seperti UMKM yang tidak mendapatkan konsumen dikarenakan ada kebijakan pemerintah yang melarang masyarakatnya untuk keluar dari rumah dan harus menjaga jarak antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Maka tujuan dari hasil penulisan artikel ini untuk membantu masyarakat dalam pemberdayaan sistem distribusi produk UMKM dalam bentuk COD supaya masyarakat bisa mengembalikan bahkan meningkatkan daya konsumen dalam kebutuhan mereka sehari-hari