114 research outputs found


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    Therapeutic nucleic acids demand specificity and accuracy in design as well as delivery strategies used in replacement or silencing of the target gene. Gene therapy is believed to be the therapy in which the root cause of the diseases can be treated at the molecular level. Generally gene therapy helps in the identification of the origin of the disorder instead of using drugs to diminish or control the symptoms. The application of nucleic acids to treat and control diseases is known as “gene therapy.” Gene therapy consists on the substitution or addition of a functional gene into the nucleus of a living cell, in order to treat a disease or repair a dysfunction, caused by this gene failure. This therapy is used to correct defective genes, which are responsible for genetic diseases. Thus, gene therapy can be used to prevent, treat or regulate hereditary or acquired disorders, by the production of therapeutic proteins. The gene therapy is mediated by the use of viral and non-viral vectors to transport foreign genes into somatic cells to restorative defective genes. This review focuses on viral vectors in detail


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    Using the Copy Recognition Protocol, it is designed to increase the likelihood of copying recognition. Our aim would be to propose a distributed distribution protocol with a random selection of witnesses to increase the likelihood of identifying cloning as a negative impact on the life span of the network and reduce the advantages of temporary data storage. The structure of the loop facilitates efficient energy routing along the way to witnesses as well as to the complex. We theoretically prove that the proposed protocol is 100% likely to recognize reliable control-based versions. In particular, we use the sensor location information and randomly select the witnesses at the diamond ring site to validate the sensors as well as report the detected clone attacks. In addition, in many replication identification protocols that exist with the random control model, the required caching of sensors is generally determined by node density. Extensive simulation shows that our proposed protocol is capable of extending the productive life of the network to effectively eliminate network traffic. The current system does not guarantee that at least one witness can investigate the identity of the sensor points to see if there is cloning. The performance of the ERCD protocol is evaluated when it comes to cloning the probability of energy recognition and consumption, the age of the network and the capacity of the knowledge store. The large-scale simulation results show that our proposed ERCD protocol is capable of delivering superior performance on the probability of cloning recognition and network age with reasonable data storage capacity

    Provision of Relevant Results on web search Based on Browsing History

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    Different users submit a query to a web search engine with different needs. The general type of search engines follows the "one size fits all" model which is not flexible to individual users resulting in too many answers for the query.  In order to overcome this drawback, in this paper, we propose a framework for personalized web search which considers individual's interest introducing intelligence into the traditional web search and producing only relevant pages of user interest. This proposed method is simple and efficient which ensures quality suggestions as well as promises for effective and relevant information retrieval. The framework for personalized web search engine is based on user past browsing history. This context is then used to make the web search more personalized. The results are encouraging

    Pneumothorax spontané et emphysème pulmonaire chez les consommateurs de cannabis

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    INTRODUCTION: If pulmonary complications of tobacco smoking are well documented, those associated with cannabis use are less known. OBJECTIVES: Systematic literature review of data on pneumothorax and lung emphysema in cannabis users. DOCUMENTARY SOURCES: Medline, on the period 1980-2018 with the following keywords cannabis or marijuana and pneumothorax or emphysema, limits "title/abstract". Among 97 articles, 42 abstracts have given use to a dual reading to select 20 studies. RESULTS: Eighteen case reports (8 with SP) showed bullae in the upper lobes in combined cannabis and tobacco smokers (CS) and in the 2 cannabis only smokers (COS). The risk of SP was increased in CS, but not in COS. In patients less than 35-years old presenting with SP, the incidence of bullae on thoracic computed tomography (CT) was higher in CS than in tobacco only smokers (TOS). CT in patients with SP showed no significant difference as regards of the prevalence, location and type of emphysema between CS and TOS. Proportion of low lung density areas was higher in CS than in non-smokers (NS), but was similar in TOS and NS. CONCLUSION: These results suggest a cumulative toxic effect of tobacco and cannabis on the risk of SP and lung emphysema

    Automated Home Appliances Control using Embedded Web Server

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    In modern construction in industrialized nations, most homes have been wired for TV, lights and fans etc...  Many household tasks were automated by the development of specialized automated appliances. In this project we are going to create the embedded web server so that we can control the electrical devices through online by using either computer or by using smart phone. The purpose of this project is to design a control system that able to control a system device remotely from distance and monitoring condition of the system in real-time as well. This project shows how to set up an Arduino with Ethernet shield as a web server. The web servers in this Project are used to serve up web pages that can be accessed from a web browser and allows our hardware to be controlled from web browser. Starting from basic, our example for this project is simple. We want to access our device by switching ON-OFF LED and monitor analog input data acquisition from web server, which are the computer and Arduino connected to the same network

    Ocular Melanoma

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    Ocular melanoma is the most common malignant tumor in adults after cutaneous melanoma. There is a wide clinical spectrum depending upon the location of the tumor. The various predispositions, risk factors, tumor classification, and treatment modalities are discussed. Choroidal melanoma is the most common type of ocular melanoma. Its management has evolved over the years. The Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) has helped to precisely classify choroidal melanoma and standardize its treatment. The future lies in the genetics which can help prognosticate and provide adjuvant treatment to patients at risk

    Automated Home Appliances Control Using Embedded Web Server

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    In modern construction in industrialized nations, most homes have been wired for TV, lights and fans etc... Many household tasks were automated by the development of specialized automated appliances. In this project we are going to create the embedded web server so that we can control the electrical devices through online by using either computer or by using smart phone. The purpose of this project is to design a control system that able to control a system device remotely from distance and monitoring condition of the system in real-time as well. This project shows how to set up an Arduino with Ethernet shield as a web server. The web servers in this Project are used to serve up web pages that can be accessed from a web browser and allows our hardware to be controlled from web browser. Starting from basic, our example for this project is simple. We want to access our device by switching ON-OFF LED and monitor analog input data acquisition from web server, which are the computer and Arduino connected to the same network


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    The creation of generation has additionally improved the site visitors dangers and the street accidents take region frequently which reasons huge lack of existence and property because of the bad emergency centres. The twist of fate detection venture will provide the very best exceptional way to this drawback. An accelerometer can be used in a car alarm software program simply so risky the usage of may be detected. It may be used as a crash or rollover detector of the automobile in the course of and after a crash. With signs from an ultrasonic sensor, an immoderate twist of fate due to an obstacle can be identified. When a vehicle meets with an accident or if a car rolls over, the accelerometer and ultrasonic sensor detects the sign and straight away sends it to the microcontroller. The microcontroller sends the alert message via the IOT module together with the region to police manage room or a rescue organization. So the emergency assist crew can immediately hint the area via the GPS module, after receiving the records. The area also can be seemed on Google maps. After confirming the location important action is taken. In this assignment, we're supplying an IoT based system if you need to assist drivers to power the automobile successfully and efficaciously. This device consists of tracking and finding the vicinity of the accident using GPS and communicates the coordinates thru SMS the use of onboard WIFI module

    A Single-Tube, Functional Marker-Based Multiplex PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Major Bacterial Blight Resistance Genes Xa21, xa13 and xa5 in Rice

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    AbstractIn marker-assisted breeding for bacterial blight (BB) resistance in rice, three major resistance genes, viz., Xa21, xa13 and xa5, are routinely deployed either singly or in combinations. As efficient and functional markers are yet to be developed for xa13 and xa5, we have developed simple PCR-based functional markers for both the genes. For xa13, we designed a functional PCR-based marker, xa13-prom targeting the InDel polymorphism in the promoter of candidate gene Os8N3 located on chromosome 8 of rice. With respect to xa5, a multiplex-PCR based functional marker system, named xa5FM, consisting of two sets of primer pairs targeting the 2-bp functional nucleotide polymorphism in the exon II of the gene TFIIAɤ5 (candidate for xa5), has been developed. Both xa13-prom and xa5FM can differentiate the resistant and susceptible alleles for xa13 and xa5, respectively, in a co-dominant fashion. Using these two functional markers along with the already reported functional PCR-based marker for Xa21 (pTA248), we designed a single-tube multiplex PCR based assay for simultaneous detection of all the three major resistance genes and demonstrated the utility of the multiplex marker system in a segregating population

    Crack kinking at the tip of a mode I crack in an orthotropic solid

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    The competition between crack penetration and crack kinking is addressed for a mode I macroscopic crack in an orthotropic elastic solid. Cohesive zones of finite peak strength and finite toughness are placed directly ahead of and orthogonal to the plane of the parent crack. The cohesive zone ahead of the crack tip is tensile in nature and leads to crack penetration, whereas the inclined zones slide without opening under a combined shear and normal traction, and give crack kinking. Thereby, the competition between continued crack growth by penetration ahead of the crack tip versus kinking is determined as a function of the relative strength and relative toughness of the cohesive zones. This competition is plotted in the form of a failure mechanism map, with the role of material orthotropy emphasized. Synergistic toughening is observed, whereby the parent crack tip is shielded by the activation of both the tensile and shear (kinking) cohesive zones, and the macroscopic toughness is elevated. The study is used to assess the degree to which various classes of composite have the tendency to undergo kinking
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