30 research outputs found

    Investigation of sift for gender classification

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    As per the recent study, the study of face images tends to dominate the research field on Gender classification. However, using face images as the primary gender classifier is possible only after considering the assumptions such as frontal face and favorable illumination conditions. Further, more real-time problems such as pose, background clutter adds up to the complexities towards the approach. Also the results get affected when there is a change in scale and rotation. Through this dissertation work, it is sought to tackle the above mentioned problems by eliminating them. These complexities are addressed by SIFT keypoint vector algorithm which narrows down the approach for classifying gender. To support this claim, an investigation on a new approach to classify facial images based on gender was done. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is one of the most popular local image descriptors in use. The SIFT vectors extracted from a sample database is examined for any distinctive characteristics. Stanford University Medical Student (SUMS) frontal facial image database was used for testing the performance. Both the location and 128-bit descriptor vector of the SIFT keypoint are individually analyzed for the investigation. All the SIFT keypoints generated from a small database of male and female face images are analyzed to find some distinctive keypoint vectors which can differentiate between the two classes face images. It has been found that the SIFT keypoint vectors are not robust enough for accurate classification. Hence, dense SIFT concept is used to improve the efficiency rate.Master of Science (Computer Control and Automation

    Anténní soustava v oblasti bezpečnosti UWB aplikací

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    The aim of this thesis is to design and implement a microstrip patch Vivaldi (UWB) array antenna with a single feed Wilkinson power divider network at an operating frequency of 5.5 GHz printed on a dielectric substrate ASTRA ® MT77 material which can reduce the security issues at each layer of UWB technology. The initial work of this thesis is to design and analyse the 2×1 and 4×1 Wilkinson power divider network which improved the isolation and matching of the ports. Later, on the designed array feeder network two and four rectangular radiating patches have been mounted in a linear configuration to achieve the required radiation properties. Finally with the help of simulated rectangular patch array antenna along its dimensions the structure has been improved to develop and construct the Vivaldi array antenna to attain the maximum bandwidth and gain in an optimum UWB bandwidth. The antenna array is designed using standard equations and simulated by professional antenna development software called High frequency structural Simulator (HFSS). Among many antenna simulators, HFSS is selected as it allowed the inclusion of anisotropic ferrite material in the simulation process. The prototype array antenna is printed on a chosen dielectric substrate using the PCB plotter. Finally, the simulated reflection response and radiation characteristics of the designed Vivaldi array antenna are validated using experimental results obtained from the Network analyser and the Antenna Transmission & Measurement System respectively. It has been observed that the experimental array antenna exhibited very close radiation response to that of design objective.Cílem diplomové práce je navrhnout a implementovat mikropáskovou záplatu Vivaldiho (UWB) anténní anténu s jednosložkovou sítí Wilkinson s děličem výkonu při pracovní frekvenci 5,5 GHz vytištěnou na dielektrickém substrátu ASTRA ® MT77, který může snížit bezpečnostní problémy při každé vrstvy technologie UWB. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a analýzou sítě 2 × 1 a 4 × 1 Wilkinson, která zlepšila izolaci a přizpůsobení portů. Později byly na navržené síťové napájecí síti namontovány dva a čtyři obdélníkové vyzařovací záplaty v lineární konfiguraci pro dosažení požadovaných radiačních vlastností. Nakonec byla pomocí simulované pravoúhlé antény s anténním polem podél jejích rozměrů vylepšena struktura, aby se vyvinula a zkonstruovala anténa Vivaldiho pole pro dosažení maximální šířky pásma a zisku v optimální šířce pásma UWB. Anténní pole je navrženo pomocí standardních rovnic a simulováno profesionálním vývojovým softwarem pro antény nazvaným HFSS (High Frequency Structural Simulator). Mezi mnoha anténními simulátory je vybrán HFSS, protože umožňoval zahrnutí anizotropního feritového materiálu do simulačního procesu. Anténa prototypového pole je vytištěna na zvoleném dielektrickém substrátu pomocí PCB plotru. Nakonec jsou simulovaná odrazová odezva a radiační charakteristiky navržené antény Vivaldiho pole validovány s použitím experimentálních výsledků získaných z analyzátoru sítě a systému pro přenos a měření antény. Bylo pozorováno, že experimentální anténní pole vykazuje velmi úzkou radiační odezvu na konstrukční cíl.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Design of a monostable multivibrator with on-chip delay time control

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    Explores a solution to combat the challenge of generating various ranges of pulse duration outputs by the use of an On-Chip circuit, which replaces the resistor component in the Monostable multivibrator.Master of Science (Consumer Electronics

    Spin coating of Silver Nanoparticles and Silicon quantum dots for enhanced down conversion efficiency

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    The commercial efficiency of a c-Si solar cell is ~18% although the thermodynamic limit is ~95%. This indicates a good scope for improvements. The major loss mechanism in a solar cell is spectral mismatch which is contributed to by non-absorption of low energy photons and thermalization of high energy photons. In this thesis, it is sought to reduce the loss that occurs through thermalization of high energy photons. For this purpose, the concept of down conversion is used. Silicon being relevant to the semiconductor industry, being abundant in nature and having been proved to exhibit down conversion in the form of spherical particles in the nm size range through space separated quantum cutting is opted. However, the down conversion efficiency of these is low owing to their indirect bandgap which leads to higher absorption within the material than enhancement in the number of photons through down conversion. In order to reduce the absorption within the material, it is sought to enhance the rate of radiative decay through the use of plasmonics exhibited by metal nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles are used for our purpose as they exhibit resonance in the visible region of the spectrum and have the lowest absorption among different plasmonic materials. The silicon nanoparticles (quantum dots) powders are fabricated through the expanding thermal plasma chemical vapor deposition route while the silver nanoparticles fabricated through wet chemical synthesis are purchased from the market as powders. The silver nanoparticles are also deposited as metal island films in-house. Optimal deposition parameters for the deposition of quantum dots are arrived upon by depositing samples using different parameters and analyzing the results. A configuration for the down conversion layer is arrived upon based on simulations and analysis of design. The powders are then dispersed in ethanol for the purpose of spin coating. The dispersions are then spin coated on glass substrates. The quantum dot dispersion is also spin coated onto the metal island film substrate as per the chosen configuration. The silver nanoparticle samples are analyzed for plasmonic behavior, quantum dots for their absorption characteristics and the combination for enhancement in transmission through down conversion from their reflection and transmission spectra. To confirm the interaction between the silver nanoparticles and quantum dots, the enhancement in the photoluminescence spectra is checked. From the results, it is observed that there is agglomeration in the spin coated silver nanoparticles resulting in a loss of plasmonic behavior. The quantum dots are also agglomerated due to which an enhancement in the transmission spectra was not observed. However, the interaction between the quantum dots and the silver nanoparticles could be observed through the enhanced photoluminescence of the quantum dots. The enhancement is found to vary from 9 folds to about 50 folds which are high compared to similar results in the literature. Keeping in mind that this down conversion layer has not yet been optimized, even higher enhancements may be possible. This indicates the potential for the combination of silicon quantum dots and silver nanoparticles for application in solar cell down conversion layers.Sustainable Energy TechnologyElectrical Sustainable EnergyElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    <SUP>35</SUP>Cl powder zeeman NQR studies using an injection- and phase-locked NQR spectrometer

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    Results of 35Cl Zeeman NQR studies on powder samples of p-dichlo-robenzene (I) and mercuric chloride (II) conducted with a newly designed injection- and phase-locked NQR spectrometer with signal averaging capability are presented. The &#951; value obtained by comparison with computer simulated spectra for both I and II is 0.08. It is shown -that the '&#951;-kinks' in the experimental powder Zeeman NQR spectra are extremely sensitive to modulation broadening and that one can be easily misled into identifying the strong deflections in the background signal as '&#951;-kinks' thus obtaining larger and incorrect &#951; values. It is concluded that use of spectrometers with signal averaging capability is essential for obtaining reliable powder Zeeman NQR spectra

    Magnetic dipole interaction and line widths in NQR: <SUP>35</SUP>Cl NQR spectrum of chloroform

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    35Cl NQR spectra of CHC13 and CDCl3 have been recorded at 77 K with an injection and phase-locked NQR spectrometer. The theoretical 35Cl NQR spectrum of CHC13 has been computed with the inclusion of H-C1 intramolecular magnetic dipole Interaction In the quadrupole Hamiltonian. It has been possible to obtain the H-C1 internuclear distance in the CHC13 molecule by assuming that contributions to 35Cl NQR line width from static electric effects and relaxation effects are the same in CHC13 and CDCl3 and that the magnetic dipole interaction contribution to 35Cl NQR line width in CDCl3 is negligible. The calculated H-C1 distance values are: 2.34 &#197; for the 'a' site and 2.49 &#197; for the 'b' site. These values may be compared with the x-ray value of 2.31 &#197;. It has also been possible to assign the observed NQR frequencies to the appropriate chlorine sites in the unit cell