25 research outputs found

    Formative Work Analysis to Design Caregiver Robots

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    This paper describes recent developments in a research project that seeks to explore and describe how caregiving robots should function by analyzing caregiving in elders ' homes, creating a detailed account of current elder care practices, and translating this account into design recommendations for caregiving robots. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Redundancy as a critical life event: moving on from the Welsh steel industry through career change

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    This article investigates the process of moving on from redundancy in the Welsh steel industry among individuals seeking new careers. It identifies a spectrum of career change experience, ranging from those who had actively planned their career change, prior to the redundancies, to those ‘at a career crossroads’, for whom there were tensions between future projects, present contingencies and past identities. It suggests that the process of moving on from redundancy can be better understood if we are able to identify, not just structural and cultural enablers and constraints but also the temporal dimensions of agency that facilitate or limit transformative action in the context of critical life events. Where individuals are located on the spectrum of career change experience will depend on the balance of enabling and constraining factors across the four aspects considered, namely temporal dimensions of agency, individuals’ biographical experience, structural and cultural contexts

    Out of Time: Work, Temporal Synchrony and Families

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    Drawing on data from in-depth interviews with seafarers and their partners, this article examines the impact of routine absence on couple and family relations. Using the lens of time, we identify how work patterns and extended absence lead to temporal desynchrony and fragmentation of the life course. We examine how seafarers' lives are both continuous and fractured and often out of step with lives at home.Temporal desynchrony was exemplified in reduced opportunities for couples jointly to produce temporal markers and share in significant calendar events. This lack of temporal harmony posed a challenge to family relations.These findings draw attention to the need for further research that embraces a more multifaceted understanding of time in the context of work and family life