789 research outputs found

    Irreducibility is Minimum Synergy Among Parts

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    For readers already familiar with Partial Information Decomposition (PID), we show that PID's definition of synergy enables quantifying at least four different notions of irreducibility. First, we show four common notions of "parts" give rise to a spectrum of four distinct measures of irreducibility. Second, we introduce a nonnegative expression based on PID for each notion of irreducibility. Third, we delineate these four notions of irreducibility with exemplary binary circuits. This work will become more useful once the complexity community has converged on a palatable I\operatorname{I}_{\cap} or I\operatorname{I}_{\cup} measure.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Only minor changes from v

    Predicting human gaze using low-level saliency combined with face detection

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    Under natural viewing conditions, human observers shift their gaze to allocate processing resources to subsets of the visual input. Many computational models try to predict such voluntary eye and attentional shifts. Although the important role of high level stimulus properties (e.g., semantic information) in search stands undisputed, most models are based on low-level image properties. We here demonstrate that a combined model of face detection and low-level saliency significantly outperforms a low-level model in predicting locations humans fixate on, based on eye-movement recordings of humans observing photographs of natural scenes, most of which contained at least one person. Observers, even when not instructed to look for anything particular, fixate on a face with a probability of over 80% within their first two fixations; furthermore, they exhibit more similar scanpaths when faces are present. Remarkably, our model’s predictive performance in images that do not contain faces is not impaired, and is even improved in some cases by spurious face detector responses

    Performance enhancements for algebraic soft decision decoding of Reed-Solomon codes

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    In an attempt to determine the ultimate capabilities of the Sudan-Guruswami-Sudan-Kotter-Vardy algebraic soft decision decoding algorithm for Reed-Solomon codes, we present a new method, based on the Chernoff bound, for constructing multiplicity matrices. In many cases, this technique predicts that the potential performance of ASD decoding of RS codes is significantly better than previously thought

    Denis Vanier, un monstre dans la ruelle

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    Poset belief propagation-experimental results

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    Poset belief propagation, or PBP, is a flexible generalization of ordinary belief propagation which can be used to (approximately) solve many probabilistic inference problems. In this paper, we summarize some experimental results comparing the performance of PBP to conventional BP techniques

    Asymptotically Unbiased Estimation of Exposure Odds Ratios in Complete Records Logistic Regression.

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    Missing data are a commonly occurring threat to the validity and efficiency of epidemiologic studies. Perhaps the most common approach to handling missing data is to simply drop those records with 1 or more missing values, in so-called "complete records" or "complete case" analysis. In this paper, we bring together earlier-derived yet perhaps now somewhat neglected results which show that a logistic regression complete records analysis can provide asymptotically unbiased estimates of the association of an exposure of interest with an outcome, adjusted for a number of confounders, under a surprisingly wide range of missing-data assumptions. We give detailed guidance describing how the observed data can be used to judge the plausibility of these assumptions. The results mean that in large epidemiologic studies which are affected by missing data and analyzed by logistic regression, exposure associations may be estimated without bias in a number of settings where researchers might otherwise assume that bias would occur

    The Substrate-Driven Transition to an Inward-Facing Conformation in the Functional Mechanism of the Dopamine Transporter

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    The dopamine transporter (DAT), a member of the neurotransmitter:Na(+) symporter (NSS) family, terminates dopaminergic neurotransmission and is a major molecular target for psychostimulants such as cocaine and amphetamine, and for the treatment of attention deficit disorder and depression. The crystal structures of the prokaryotic NSS homolog of DAT, the leucine transporter LeuT, have provided critical structural insights about the occluded and outward-facing conformations visited during the substrate transport, but only limited clues regarding mechanism. To understand the transport mechanism in DAT we have used a homology model based on the LeuT structure in a computational protocol validated previously for LeuT, in which steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations guide the substrate along a pathway leading from the extracellular end to the intracellular (cytoplasmic) end.Key findings are (1) a second substrate binding site in the extracellular vestibule, and (2) models of the conformational states identified as occluded, doubly occupied, and inward-facing. The transition between these states involve a spatially ordered sequence of interactions between the two substrate-binding sites, followed by rearrangements in structural elements located between the primary binding site and the cytoplasmic end. These rearrangements are facilitated by identified conserved hinge regions and a reorganization of interaction networks that had been identified as gates.Computational simulations supported by information available from experiments in DAT and other NSS transporters have produced a detailed mechanistic proposal for the dynamic changes associated with substrate transport in DAT. This allosteric mechanism is triggered by the binding of substrate in the S2 site in the presence of the substrate in the S1 site. Specific structural elements involved in this mechanism, and their roles in the conformational transitions illuminated here describe, a specific substrate-driven allosteric mechanism that is directly amenable to experiment as shown previously for LeuT