20 research outputs found

    Genome Sequence and Characterization of Five Bacteriophages Infecting Streptomyces coelicolor and Streptomyces venezuelae: Alderaan, Coruscant, Dagobah, Endor1 and Endor2

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    Streptomyces are well-known antibiotic producers, also characterized by a complex morphological differentiation. Streptomyces, like all bacteria, are confronted with the constant threat of phage predation, which in turn shapes bacterial evolution. However, despite significant sequencing efforts recently, relatively few phages infecting Streptomyces have been characterized compared to other genera. Here, we present the isolation and characterization of five novel Streptomyces phages. All five phages belong to the Siphoviridae family, based on their morphology as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Genome sequencing and life style predictions suggested that four of them were temperate phages, while one had a lytic lifestyle. Moreover, one of the newly sequenced phages shows very little homology to already described phages, highlighting the still largely untapped viral diversity. Altogether, this study expands the number of characterized phages of Streptomyces and sheds light on phage evolution and phage-host dynamics in Streptomyces

    Role of secondary metabolites in antiphage defense in Streptomyces

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    Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses preying on bacteria and as such pose a major and ubiquitousthreat to bacterial communities. To cope with viral challenges, bacteria have evolved a diversifiedarsenal of defense systems. However, this repertoire is known to rely predominantly on protein orRNA effectors. On the other hand, bacteria produce an extraordinary diversity of secondarymetabolites, whose physiological function is often unknown. In this thesis, we explore the role ofbacterial secondary metabolites in the defense against phage predation. To this end, we used as amodel system Streptomyces, a prolific producer of secondary metabolite

    Role of secondary metabolites in antiphage defense in Streptomyces

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    Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses preying on bacteria and as such pose a major and ubiquitousthreat to bacterial communities. To cope with viral challenges, bacteria have evolved a diversifiedarsenal of defense systems. However, this repertoire is known to rely predominantly on protein orRNA effectors. On the other hand, bacteria produce an extraordinary diversity of secondarymetabolites, whose physiological function is often unknown. In this thesis, we explore the role ofbacterial secondary metabolites in the defense against phage predation. To this end, we used as amodel system Streptomyces, a prolific producer of secondary metabolite

    Antiphage small molecules produced by bacteria – beyond protein-mediated defenses

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    Bacterial populations face the constant threat of viral predation exerted by bacteriophages (‘phages’). In response, bacteria have evolved a wide range of defense mechanisms against phage challenges. Yet the vast majority of antiphage defense systems described until now are mediated by proteins or RNA complexes acting at the single-cell level. Here, we review small molecule-based defense strategies against phage infection, with a focus on the antiphage molecules described recently. Importantly, inhibition of phage infection by excreted small molecules has the potential to protect entire bacterial communities, highlighting the ecological significance of these antiphage strategies. Considering the immense repertoire of bacterial metabolites, we envision that the list of antiphage small molecules will be further expanded in the future

    Immunité bactérienne : à la découverte d’un nouveau monde

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    International audienceViruses are parasites that infect all living organisms, and bacteria are no exception. To defend themselves against their viruses (phages), bacteria have developed numerous and sophisticated defense mechanisms, our understanding of which is rapidly growing. In the 2000s, only a handful of mechanisms were known and only two of them seemed to be found in most bacteria. In 2018, a new key method based on genome analysis revealed that there were likely many others. Indeed, over the past five years, more than 150 new mechanisms have been discovered. It is now estimated that there are probably thousands. This remarkable diversity, paralleled with the tremendous viral diversity, is evident both in terms of possible combinations of systems in bacterial genomes and in molecular mechanisms. One of the most surprising observations emerging from the exploration of this diversity is the discovery of striking similarities between certain bacterial defense systems and antiviral systems in humans, as well as plant (and eukaryotes in general) immune systems. Contrary to the previously accepted paradigm, organisms as diverse as fungi, plants, bacteria and humans share certain molecular strategies to fight viral infections, suggesting that an underestimated part of eukaryotic antiviral immunity could have evolved from bacterial antiviral defense systems.Les virus sont des parasites qui infectent tous les organismes vivants, et les bactéries n’y font pas exception. Pour se défendre contre leurs virus (les bactériophages ou phages), les bactéries se sont dotées d’un éventail de mécanismes élaborés, dont la découverte et la compréhension sont en pleine expansion. Dans les années 2000, seuls quelques systèmes de défense étaient connus et deux semblaient présents chez la plupart des bactéries. En 2018, une nouvelle méthode fondée sur l’analyse des génomes a révélé l’existence potentielle de nombreux autres. Plus de 150 nouveaux systèmes anti-phages ont été découverts au cours des cinq dernières années. On estime maintenant qu’il en existe probablement des milliers. Cette formidable diversité, qui est à mettre en parallèle avec la considérable diversité virale, s’exprime tant en termes de combinaisons de systèmes possibles dans les génomes bactériens que de mécanismes moléculaires. Une des observations les plus surprenantes qui émerge est la découverte de similarités entre certains systèmes de défense bactériens et des mécanismes antiviraux eucaryotes. Contrairement au paradigme jusqu’alors en place, des organismes aussi différents que des champignons, des plantes, des bactéries ou des êtres humains partagent certaines stratégies moléculaires pour combattre des infections virales, suggérant qu’une part sous-estimée de l’immunité antivirale eucaryote a directement évolué à partir des systèmes de défense bactériens