33 research outputs found

    Increased cholinergic contractions of jejunal smooth muscle caused by a high cholesterol diet are prevented by the 5-HT(4 )agonist – tegaserod

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    BACKGROUND: Excess cholesterol in bile and in blood is a major risk factor for the respective development of gallbladder disease and atherosclerosis. This lipid in excess negatively impacts the functioning of other smooth muscles, including the intestine. Serotonin is an important mediator of the contractile responses of the small intestine. Drugs targeting the serotonin receptor are used as prokinetic agents to manage intestinal motor disorders, in particular irritable bowel syndrome. Thus, tegaserod, acting on 5-HT(4 )receptor, ideally should obviate detrimental effects of excessive cholesterol on gastrointestinal smooth muscle. In this study we examined the effect of tegaserod on cholesterol-induced changes in the contractile responses of intestinal smooth muscle. METHODS: The effects of a high cholesterol (1%) diet on the in vitro contractile responses of jejunal longitudinal smooth muscle from Richardson ground squirrels to the cholinergic agonist carbachol were examined in the presence or absence of tetrodrodotoxin (TTX). Two groups of animals, fed either low (0.03%) or high cholesterol rat chow diet, were further divided into two subgroups and treated for 28 days with either vehicle or tegaserod. RESULTS: The high cholesterol diet increased, by nearly 2-fold, contractions of the jejunal longitudinal smooth muscle elicited by carbachol. These cholinergic contractions were mediated by muscarinic receptors since they were blocked by scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, but not by the nicotinic receptor antagonist, hexamethonium. Tegaserod treatment, which did not affect cholinergic contractions of tissues from low cholesterol fed animals, abrogated the increase caused by the high cholesterol diet. With low cholesterol diet TTX enhanced carbachol-evoked contractions, whereas this action potential blocker did not affect the augmented cholinergic contractions seen with tissues from animals on the high cholesterol diet. Tegaserod-treatment removed the effects of a high cholesterol diet on neuronal muscarinic receptors, as the potentiating effect of TTX on carbachol-elicited contractions was maintained in these animals. CONCLUSION: A high cholesterol diet causes significant changes to cholinergic neurotransmission in the enteric nerves of the jejunum. The mechanisms by which these effects of cholesterol are reversed by tegaserod are unknown, but relate to removal of an inhibitory effect of cholesterol on enteric nerves

    Cataloguing functionally relevant polymorphisms in gene DNA ligase I: a computational approach

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    A computational approach for identifying functionally relevant SNPs in gene LIG1 has been proposed. LIG1 is a crucial gene which is involved in excision repair pathways and mutations in this gene may lead to increase sensitivity towards DNA damaging agents. A total of 792 SNPs were reported to be associated with gene LIG1 in dbSNP. Different web server namely SIFT, PolyPhen, CUPSAT, FASTSNP, MAPPER and dbSMR were used to identify potentially functional SNPs in gene LIG1. SIFT, PolyPhen and CUPSAT servers predicted eleven nsSNPs to be intolerant, thirteen nsSNP to be damaging and two nsSNPs have the potential to destabilize protein structure. The nsSNP rs11666150 was predicted to be damaging by all three servers and its mutant structure showed significant increase in overall energy. FASTSNP predicted twenty SNPs to be present in splicing modifier binding sites while rSNP module from MAPPER server predicted nine SNPs to influence the binding of transcription factors. The results from the study may provide vital clues in establishing affect of polymorphism on phenotype and in elucidating drug response

    Effects of supplemented isoenergetic diets varying in cereal fiber and protein content on the bile acid metabolic signature and relation to insulin resistance

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    Bile acids (BA) are potent metabolic regulators influenced by diet. We studied effects of isoenergetic increases in the dietary protein and cereal-fiber contents on circulating BA and insulin resistance (IR) in overweight and obese adults. Randomized controlled nutritional intervention (18 weeks) in 72 non-diabetic participants (overweight/obese: 29/43) with at least one further metabolic risk factor. Participants were group-matched and allocated to four isoenergetic supplemented diets: control; high cereal fiber (HCF); high-protein (HP); or moderately increased cereal fiber and protein (MIX). Whole-body IR and insulin-mediated suppression of hepatic endogenous glucose production were measured using euglycaemic–hyperinsulinemic clamps with [6-62H2] glucose infusion. Circulating BA, metabolic biomarkers, and IR were measured at 0, 6, and 18 weeks. Under isoenergetic conditions, HP-intake worsened IR in obese participants after 6 weeks (M-value: 3.77 ± 0.58 vs. 3.07 ± 0.44 mg/kg/min, p = 0.038), with partial improvement back to baseline levels after 18 weeks (3.25 ± 0.45 mg/kg/min, p = 0.089). No deleterious effects of HP-intake on IR were observed in overweight participants. HCF-diet improved IR in overweight participants after 6 weeks (M-value 4.25 ± 0.35 vs. 4.81 ± 0.31 mg/kg/min, p = 0.016), but did not influence IR in obese participants. Control and MIX diets did not influence IR. HP-induced, but not HCF-induced changes in IR strongly correlated with changes of BA profiles. MIX-diet significantly increased most BA at 18 weeks in obese, but not in overweight participants. BA remained unchanged in controls. Pooled BA concentrations correlated with fasting fibroblast growth factor-19 (FGF-19) plasma levels (r = 0.37; p = 0.003). Higher milk protein intake was the only significant dietary predictor for raised total and primary BA in regression analyses (total BA, p = 0.017; primary BA, p = 0.011). Combined increased intake of dietary protein and cereal fibers markedly increased serum BA concentrations in obese, but not in overweight participants. Possible mechanisms explaining this effect may include compensatory increases of the BA pool in the insulin resistant, obese state; or defective BA transport

    Prevalence of hepatitis A, B, C and human immunodeficiency virus seropositivity among patients with acute icteric hepatitis at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of hepatitis A, B, C and HIV seropositivity among patients with acute icteric hepatitis. Design: Cross-sectional descriptive survey. Setting: Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. Subjects: Eighty four patients aged above six months with a history of jaundice not exceeding six months were recruited. There were 47 males and 17 females with an age range of eight months to 67 years and a median age of 25 years. Methods: History was obtained physical examination done and blood taken for determination of bilirubin, ALT, AST and ALP levels. Sera that had disproportionately greater transaminase than ALP elevation were assayed for IgM anti-HAV, IgM anti- HBc, HbsAg, anti-HCV and anti-HlV antibodies. Results: Evidence of hepatitis A, B, and C was round in 41.7%, 26.2%, and 7.1% of the patients respectively, 13.1% of the patients were HBsAg carriers while 30.1% of all patients were HIV positive. Thirty two patients did not have evidence of hepatitis A, B, or C infection and this group was significantly associated with HIV infection (p=0.003). Conclusion: Hepatitis A was the commonest overall type of acute icteric hepatitis seen at the KNH, and among patients aged 15 years and below. Hepatitis B was the leading identified cause of acute hepatitis among those aged over 15 years. Hepatitis C accounted for 7.1% of acute icteric hepatitis 30.1% of all patients and 50% of those admitted with acute hepatitis were also HIV positive. East African Medical Journal Vol. 81 No. 4 April 2004: 183-18