36 research outputs found

    Direct Evidence for the Co-Expression of URP and GnRH in a Sub-Population of Rat Hypothalamic Neurones: Anatomical and Functional Correlation

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    Urotensin-II-related peptide (URP) is an eight amino-acid neuropeptide recently isolated from rat brain and considered as the endogenous ligand for the GPR14 receptor. Using single and double immunohistochemical labelling, in situ hybridization and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry, we explored the cellular and subcellular localization of URP in the male rat brain. URP peptide was detected in numerous varicose fibres of the median eminence (ME) and organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OVLT) as well as in neuronal cell bodies of the medial septal nucleus and diagonal band of Broca where corresponding mRNA were also detected. Combining in situ hybridization with immunohistochemistry, we showed that cell bodies of the rat anterior hypothalamus contained both URP mRNA and GnRH peptide. In addition, double ultrastructural immunodetection of URP and GnRH peptides clearly revealed, in the median eminence, the co-localization of both peptides in the same neuronal processes in the vicinity of fenestrated portal vessels. This remarkable cellular and subcellular distribution led us to test the effect of URP on the GnRH-induced gonadotrophins release in the anterior pituitary, and to discuss its putative role at the level of the median eminence

    Des souris, des rats et des hommes

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    La recherche biomédicale est considérée par nos sociétés comme une nécessité et les réflexions sur les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour la développer s’accordent sur le constat que : « à défaut de pouvoir expérimenter sur l’homme, l’expérimentation animale est indispensable » [

    Contrôle direct et indirect des stéroïdes gonadiques sur le système vasopressinergique des noyaux limbiques de cerveau des rongeurs

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    The steroid s sensitive arginin-vasopressinergic system (AVP) is an excellent model to study the regulation of neural circuits related to social behaviours. The extrahypothalamic parvocellular AVP system is sexually dimorphic in a variety of vertebrate models. In a previous study I demonstrated that the absence of estradiol (E2), as in ARKO mice determines a strong decrease of AVP-ir fibers and parvocellular AVP neurons of the BST-amygdala system of ARKO mice. Studies performed on different neural circuits, suggested that also T and its androgenic metabolites could have a prominet role in the differentiation of sexually dimorphic circuits. The aim of this thesis was evaluate the role of androgens in the differentiation of the sexually dimorphic parvocellular AVP system and the possible double control (direct and undirect) on the AVP system. To demontate the role of androgens in the differentiation of the AVP parvocellular system I compared the AVP-ir system of male and female Tfm rats.To understand the efects of E2, on the AVP I treated ARKO mice with DHTP+EB and ARKO male and femae with E2 in the perinatal period. Depression and anxiety are under estrogenic control. I demonstate the effect of the lack of serotonin and noradrenalin on the AVP expression. The data propose a new view on the actions of gonadal steroids on the AVP system. Sexual steroids control the development of the AVP system, androgens masculinize the circuits. E2 is fundamental for the development of the AVP system. Serotonin and noradrenalin regulate the AVP expression. E2 operate a double control on the AVP limbic system.Le système vasopressinergique (AVP) est sensible à l action des stéroïdes gonadioques, pour ce raison est un exellent modèle pour étudier la regulation des circuites neuronal associé avec le contrôl du comportement. Le système parvocellulaires extrahypothalamiques à l AVP est sexuellement dimorphique in beaucoup des espèces. Dans une étude précédent j ai demontré que l absence de l E2, comme dans le modèle ARKO, donné à la manque de fonction de l enzyme aromatase provoque la diminution de les fibres à la AVP et des neurones parvocellulaires localisè dan le complex BST-amygdale. Etudes récent sur different circuites neuronal ont suggéré que aussi le T peut avoir un rôle très important sur la differentiation des circuites sexuellement dimorphiques. Le but de cet thése a été demontrer le rôle des androgens et des oestrogens sur la differentiation du système sexuellement dimorphic à l AVP et demontrer la possibilité d un contrôle double de l E2 (direct et indirect. Pour demontrer le rôle des androgens sur la differentiation du système parvocellulaires à l AVP j ai comparé le système à l AVP des rats adult Tfm male et female avec le contrôle. Pour comprendre les effects effect de E2 sur le système AVP j ai injecté souris ARKO avec DHTP+EB et souris ARKO male et female avec E2 dans le period perinatal. Dépression et anxiété sont contrôlé par les estrogens ; j ai évalué l absence des systèmès à la noradrenaline et à la serotonine sur l expression et la sinthése de l AVP, contrôle le developement du systémè à l AVP, les androgens masculinize les circuits. La serotonine et la noradrenaline regule l expression de l AVP, E2 a un double control sur le systèmè limbique à l AVP.PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Implication des espèces réactives de l'oxigène dans le contrôle central de l'osmorégulation

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    Les radicaux libres ou espèces réactives de l oxygène (EROs) sont produits par le métabolisme de l O2 pendant la respiration cellulaire. Ces produits très réactifs sont bien connus pour leur toxicité cellulaire mais peu d études ont analysé leur rôle lorsque leur production est maîtrisée. L objectif de la thèse est de s intéresser au métabolisme oxydatif dans les noyaux magnocellulaires du noyau supra-optique (NSO) de l hypothalamus puisque, dans les processus de plasticité post-lésionnels, les modifications de l expression des médiateurs inflammatoires sont accompagnées de modifications de ce métabolisme et de la production d EROs. Grâce à notre modèle de contrôle central de l osmorégulation, nous avons démontré la production de EROs dans les neurones hypothalamiques lors d une stimulation osmotique ainsi que l augmentation de l activité de certaines enzymes anti-oxydantes (SOD2 et catalase). L administration d acide alpha-lipoïque, qui bloque la production des EROs, empêche l augmentation de synthèse de vasopressine nécessaire pour faire face à l hyperosmolarité. De plus, nous avons démontré la place primordiale des EROs dans le contrôle exercé par les afférences noradrénergiques via le monoxyde d azote (NO) sur le niveau d expression de l AVP. Ces résultats démontrent pour la première fois l importance des EROs comme signaux endogènes dans la voie de régulation osmotique. Il permet de faire émerger un rôle nouveau et original des EROs en tant que médiateurs physiologiques des voies de signalisation intracellulaires.PARIS-BIUSJ-Biologie recherche (751052107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Noradrenergic regulation in mouse supraoptic nucleus involves a nitric oxide pathway only to regulate arginine-vasopressin expression and not oxytocin expression.

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    Noradrenalin (NA) regulates the expression of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) by magnocellular neurons in the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the hypothamalus. Nitric oxide (NO) may be one of the factors involved in the NA signaling pathway regulating AVP and OT expression. To test this possibility, we used an ex vivo experimental model of mouse hypothalamus slices. Increases in AVP and OT levels in the SON were detected by immunohistochemistry and immunoenzyme assays after 1 hr and 4 hr incubations with NA (10(-4) M). There was also an increase in the expression and activity of neuronal NOS and inducible NOS in the SON as assessed by immunohistochemical and histoenzymological analysis of NADPH-diaphorase, whereas endothelial NOS was undetectable. To specify the role of NO, the slices were treated with NA and L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, an NOS inhibitor; 3 muM). This treatment for 1 hr abolished the NA-induced increase in AVP. Treatment with sodium nitroprusside (SNP, an NO donor; 0.1 mM) increased AVP levels, confirming that NO regulates AVP expression. Addition of 1 mM EGTA during the incubation with NA reduced the AVP increase by half, indicating that both nNOS and iNOS activities are involved in the regulation. A 1-hr treatment with L-NAME did not prevent the increase in OT induced by NA; similarly, treatment with SNP had no effect. These findings show that NO is involved in the regulation of AVP expression by NA and that NA control of OT expression is independent of NO. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Exposure to environmentally relevant doses of plasticizers alters maternal behavior and related neuroendocrine processes in primiparous and multiparous female mice

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    International audiencePhthalates are organic pollutants frequently detected in the environment. The effects of these substances on male reproduction have been extensively studied but their potential impact on female reproductive behaviors in particular at environmental doses still remains to be documented. In the present study, we examined the effects of chronic exposure to di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) alone at 5 or 50 μg/kg/d, or in an environmental phthalate mixture on maternal behavior of lactating female mice after a first (primiparous) and a second gestation (multiparous). Exposure of DEHP alone or in a phthalate mixture reduced pup-directed behaviors, increased self-care and forced nursing behaviors and altered nest quality for both primiparous and multiparous dams. In pup-retrieval test, primiparous and multiparous dams exposed to DEHP alone or in a phthalate mixture retrieved their pups more rapidly, probably due to a higher emission of ultrasonic vocalizations by the pups. At lactational day 2 following the third and last gestational period, the neural circuitry of maternal behavior was analyzed. A lower number of oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular and anterior commissural nuclei was found in dams exposed to DEHP alone or in a phthalate mixture, while no changes were observed in the number of arginine-vasopressin immunoreactive cells. In the medial preoptic area, exposure to DEHP alone or in a phthalate mixture reduced ERα-immunoreactive cell number. Dendritic spine density assessed for DEHP at 5 μg/kg/d was also reduced. Thus, exposure to DEHP alone or in a phthalate mixture altered maternal behavior probably through a neuroendocrine mode of action involving oxytocin and estrogen through ERα, key pathways necessary for neuroplasticity and behavioral processing