217 research outputs found

    Yield stress dependency on the evolution of bubble populations generated in consolidated soft sediments

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    Retention of hydrogen bubbles within consolidated soft sediments represents an important safety consideration for the management of legacy nuclear wastes due to the potential for acute gas release. Gas retention sufficiently reduced the bulk density of intermediate yield stress (< 800 Pa) sediments for the bed to become buoyant with respect to an aqueous supernatant, potentially inducing Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. X-ray computed tomography revealed that beds of 7-234 Pa yield stress retained very similar, steady state size distributions of mature bubbles, limited to 9 mm equivalent spherical diameter, for long residence times. This implied a dominant gas release mechanism dictated by the pore to millimeter scale bubble population, not previously identified in such weak sediments and unrelated to the bubbles' buoyant force. At 1112 Pa yield stress, large bubbles of up to 20 mm diameter were observed to grow through induction of lateral cracks, facilitating gas transport to the bed periphery, thereby limiting the maximum void fraction, while non-homogeneous gas generation promoted the formation of low density regions rich with micro-bubbles which similarly provide pathways for gas release

    An X-ray Tomography Study of Gas Retention in Nuclear Legacy Waste

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    The retention and release of flammable gases from corroded Magnox sludge waste at Sellafield, UK and secondary reprocessing waste at Hanford, USA has significant economic and safety implications for decommissioning various nuclear legacy buildings. Magnesium hydroxide is the primary precipitation product from the corrosion of first generation nuclear fuel in the UK, with hydrogen gas produced as a reaction by-product. Depending on the bed microstructure, wettability and shear yield stress behaviour, some consolidated sediments of these corrosion products are able to trap a substantial volume of gas, sufficient in some instances to become buoyant with respect to a water supernatant, resulting in an undesirable upward transfer of radioactive material from the consolidated bed. These phenomena are investigated using the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to produce oxygen bubbles within magnesium hydroxide soft sediments at laboratory scale. X-ray tomography analysis showed that high strength sediments of 1112 Pa shear yield stress supported much larger bubbles up to 20 mm equivalent spherical diameter than beds in the 7-234 Pa range, which demonstrated almost identical bubble size distributions across the range. The largest retained bubbles became progressively more distorted with increased sediment strength until the lateral cracks consistent with tensile fracture became apparent in the 1112 Pa bed. These cracks significantly limited the capacity for bed swell as gas diffusion along the cracks to the container walls provided a continuous escape route. The capacity for gas retention was also substantially reduced when gas generation was not homogeneous through the bed as localised gas generation promoted the formation of low density pathways, rich with micro-bubbles, which enable gas transport through the bed

    Heavy metal leaching and environmental risk from the use of compost-like output as an energy crop growth substrate

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    Conversion of productive agricultural land towards growth of energy crops has become increasingly controversial. Closed landfill sites represent significant areas of brownfield land, which have potential for the establishment of energy crops. Increasingly composts are now being produced from the degradable fraction of mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) and are commonly referred to as Compost-Like-Output (CLO). However, leaching of heavy metal and other elements due to the use of CLO as soil amendment has the potential to pose a risk to the wider environment as a diffuse pollution source if not managed correctly. Salix viminalis and Eucalyptus nitens were grown at 5 different CLO application rates (equivalent to 250, 1000, 3000, 6000, 10000 kg N/Ha) with weekly leachate analysis to assess the solubility of heavy metals and the potential release into the environment. The change in plant total dry mass suggested 3000 kg N/Ha as the optimum application rate for both species. Weekly leachate analysis identified excess soluble ions within the first 4 weeks, with heavy metals concentrations exceeding water quality limits at the higher application rates (> 3000 kg N/Ha). Heavy metal uptake and accumulation within each species was also investigated; S. viminalis accumulated greater levels of heavy metals than E. nitens with a general trend of metal accumulation in root > stem > leaf material. Heavy metal leaching from soils amended with CLO has the potential to occur at neutral and slightly alkaline pH levels as a result of the high buffering capacity of CLO. The use of CLO at application rates of greater than 250 kg N/Ha may be limited to sites with leachate collection and containment systems, not solely for the heavy metal leaching but also excess nitrogen leaching. Alternatively lower application rates are required but will also limit biomass production

    Gas Retention and Release from Nuclear Legacy Waste

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    The retention of gas within corroded magnox sludge waste at Sellafield, UK and secondary reprocessing waste at Hanford, USA has significant economic and safety implications for decommissioning various nuclear legacy buildings, including the magnox swarf storage silos and first generation magnox storage pond. A series of laboratory scale gas retention tests within magnesium hydroxide soft sediments have revealed a 4-51 Pa yield stress range where consolidated beds could retain sufficient gas to become buoyant with respect to a water supernatant. Density inversion could lead to a Rayleigh-Taylor style instability which could result in an upward transfer of radioactive material from the consolidated bed. The applicable yield stress range suggests that such rollover events may occur in weaker sediment than previously hypothesized, based on current understanding of the fluidization and stable channel mechanisms for gas release from weak and very strong sediments respectively. Xray computed tomography images of gas retained by 7 Pa yield stress soft sediment reveal both a stable foam layer at the top of the bed and regions dense with microbubbles which could provide pathways for gas transport through the bed. Extension of these pathways, hidden below the surface of the sediment, to the container walls and the foam layer could represent a novel mechanism for gas release from intermediate strength sediments of <100 Pa yield stress

    Acoustic Method for Determination of the Thermal Properties of Nanofluids

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    This study determines the thermophysical properties of nanofluids using ultrasonic techniques. Using an acoustic test cell, fitted with 4 MHz high-temperature transducers, measurements of the speed of sound in an aqueous dispersion of alumina nanoparticles (Al2O3, 99.9%, spherical, dp = 50 nm) are made at volume fractions from 1 to 5 vol % over the temperature range of 20−90 °C. The observed relationships between the measured parameters and speed of sound variation are presented. Available theoretical approaches are reviewed and applied to the data of the study. The speed of sound data together with measurements of density and predictions of thermal conductivity, derived from Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) simulations, is used to determine the ratio of specific heats of nanofluids using a modified version of the Bridgman equation. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the measurement technique, with outcomes elucidating the dependence of the speed of sound on temperature and particle concentration, and hence the influence of these parameters on the thermophysical properties of nanofluids. Using the speed of sound approach and LPT simulations, the predicted thermal values, which have an estimated accuracy of 5−10%, show good agreement with theoretical and experimental results available in the literature for similar operating conditions. This research forms the basis for the use of novel acoustic techniques for online, in situ measurement of nanofluids, and their potential applications in solar thermal power systems

    Turbulent Heat Transfer In Nanoparticulate Multiphase Channel Flows With A High Prandtl Number Molten Salt Fluid

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    The growing interest in energy efficient and sustainable technologies has created significant demand for novel heat transfer and thermal energy storage materials, such as nanofluids. The importance of nanoparticle science cannot be underestimated, since the motivation for the manipulation, through nanoparticle addition, of the properties of existing thermofluids (e.g. molten salt) arises from their poor thermal properties which represent a major limitation to the development of more energy-efficient processes. In this work, consideration is given to investigating the role of heat transfer in nanofluids in three-dimensional flows using an advanced computational modelling approach to simulate such flows. In the present work, we use direct numerical simulation coupled with a Lagrangian particle tracking technique. The heat transfer behaviour of a nanofluid within a turbulent wall-bounded flow is investigated, with the fluid phase properties chosen to represent a solar molten salt (NaNO3-KNO3, 60:40 weight ratio) thermofluid typical of those present in solar thermal power plants. The configuration is a fully developed channel flow with uniform heating/cooling from both walls. The continuous phase is modelled using the open source spectral element-based solver, Nek5000. Predictions of a statistically steady turbulent channel flow at shear Reynolds number Reτ = 180 and high turbulent Prandtl number Prt = 5.0 are first obtained and validated. A particle tracking routine is implemented to simulate the dispersed phase which can accommodate one-, two- and four-way coupling between the fluid and discrete phases. To investigate the effect of particles on the turbulent heat flux and temperature field, the nanoparticle concentration response to temperature variations and turbulence is obtained across the channel, with the associated first and second-order flow and temperature field statistics presented. The advantage of the model developed is its ability to study in detail phenomena such as interparticle collisions, agglomeration, turbophoresis and thermophoresis, with the approach also being of value in investigations of the heat transfer performance and long-term thermal stability of nanoparticle dispersions which as yet have not been considered in detail. The outcome of this study allows conclusions to be reached regarding the implications of nanoparticle-seeded molten salts for solar thermal energy storage systems

    Structure and sedimentation characterisation of sheared Mg(OH)2 suspensions flocculated with anionic polymers

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    In this study, magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) suspensions were flocculated using two polyacrylamide-poly(acrylic acid) copolymers with charge densities of 30% or 40%. Structural characteristics, including particle size distribution, shape and fractal dimension of the resultant flocs were investigated using complementary techniques; static light scattering, focused beam reflectance measurement, automated optical microscopy and cryogenic scanning electron microscopy. Sedimentation rates were analysed for 2.5 vol.% dispersions at various polymer concentrations and compared to predictions from a fractal modified Richardson-Zaki (FMRZ) settling model. FMRZ model predictions using the 90th percentile (d90) floc sizes produced the most accurate correlations to experimental settling data, as these larger flocs likely dominate settling dynamics by ‘netting’ smaller particles. Overall, the FMRZ settling model provided a first approximation of zonal settling rates, but when further examined by multivariate analysis, was found to be critically sensitive to small changes in fractal dimension

    Multiphase thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled soil drying model with phase-exchange based on mixture coupling theory

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    The drying phenomenon in soils involves complex interactions between thermal, hydrological, and mechanical effects within a multiphase system. While several researches (both mechanics and mixture theory approach) has been applied to study various thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) coupled processes in porous media, incorporating both multiphase flow and phase change in soil drying remains limited. This work addresses this research gap by deriving new governing equations for a two-phase flow model suitable for soil drying by extending the mixture coupling approach. The derived model is implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics and validated against experimental data, demonstrating good agreement between the model predictions and the ob- served results. A sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the impact of critical parameters on the drying process. The findings reveal that volumetric strain is most sensitive to Young’s modulus, while the saturation of liquid water is most affected by intrinsic permeability. Additionally, preliminary results for a kaolinite clay sample during the drying process are presented, extending the applicability of the derived model to specific soil types. This research provides a comprehensive framework for fully THM coupled modelling of soil drying, which can serve as a basis for future investigations

    HIV self-testing intervention experiences and kit usability: results from a qualitative study among men who have sex with men in the SELPHI (Self-Testing Public Health Intervention) randomized controlled trial in England and Wales.

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    OBJECTIVES: SELPHI (HIV Self-Testing Public Health Intervention) is the largest randomized controlled trial (RCT) of HIV self-testing (HIVST) in a high-income setting to date, and has recruited 10 000 men who have sex with men (cis- and transgender) and transgender women who have sex with men. This qualitative substudy aimed to explore how those utilizing self-tests experience HIVST and the implications for further intervention development and scale-up. This is the first qualitative study in Europe investigating experiences of HIVST among intervention users, and the first globally examining the experience of using blood-based HIVST. METHODS: Thirty-seven cisgender MSM SELPHI participants from across England and Wales were purposively recruited to the substudy, in which semi-structured interviews were used to explore testing history, HIVST experiences and intervention preferences. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed through a framework analysis. RESULTS: Men accessed the intervention because HIVST reduced barriers related to convenience, stigma and privacy concerns. Emotional responses had direct links to acceptability. Supportive intervention components increased engagement with testing and addressed supportive concerns. HIVST facilitated more frequent testing, with the potential to reduce sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening frequency. Substudy participants with an HIV-positive result (n = 2) linked to care promptly and reported very high acceptability. Minor adverse outcomes (n = 2; relationship discord and fainting) did not reduce acceptability. Ease of use difficulties were with the lancet and the test processing stage. CONCLUSIONS: Intervention components shaped acceptability, particularly in relation to overcoming a perceived lack of support. The intervention was broadly acceptable and usable; participants expressed an unexpected degree of enthusiasm for HIVST, including those with HIV-positive results and individuals with minor adverse outcomes

    A novel isolator-based system promotes viability of human embryos during laboratory processing

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    In vitro fertilisation (IVF) and related technologies are arguably the most challenging of all cell culture applications. The starting material is a single cell from which one aims to produce an embryo capable of establishing a pregnancy eventually leading to a live birth. Laboratory processing during IVF treatment requires open manipulations of gametes and embryos, which typically involves exposure to ambient conditions. To reduce the risk of cellular stress, we have developed a totally enclosed system of interlinked isolator-based workstations designed to maintain oocytes and embryos in a physiological environment throughout the IVF process. Comparison of clinical and laboratory data before and after the introduction of the new system revealed that significantly more embryos developed to the blastocyst stage in the enclosed isolator-based system compared with conventional open-fronted laminar flow hoods. Moreover, blastocysts produced in the isolator-based system contained significantly more cells and their development was accelerated. Consistent with this, the introduction of the enclosed system was accompanied by a significant increase in the clinical pregnancy rate and in the proportion of embryos implanting following transfer to the uterus. The data indicate that protection from ambient conditions promotes improved development of human embryos. Importantly, we found that it was entirely feasible to conduct all IVF-related procedures in the isolator-based workstations
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