304 research outputs found

    Study of the consistency of climatological products of Nimbus-7

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    The study, in addition to investigating the consistency of climatological products from Nimbus-7 Earth Radiation Budget and Temperature Humidity Infrared Radiometer experiments, focussed on the climatological analysis of the specified regions of the Earth. The climatological study consisted of the effects of various types of clouds on the net radiation, albedos, and emitted radiation. In addition to a correlational study for determining consistency level of data, a population study of the regions was formulated and conducted. The regions under this study were formed by clustering the target areas using the criteria of climatological conditions such as geography, ocean, and land. Research is limited to tropics from 18 deg north to 18 deg south. A correlational study indicates that there is high positive correlation between high clouds and albedo, and a reduced negative correlation between albedo and net radiation

    Effects of clouds on the Earth radiation budget; Seasonal and inter-annual patterns

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    Seasonal and regional variations of clouds and their effects on the climatological parameters were studied. The climatological parameters surface temperature, solar insulation, short-wave absorbed, long wave emitted, and net radiation were considered. The data of climatological parameters consisted of about 20 parameters of Earth radiation budget and clouds of 2070 target areas which covered the globe. It consisted of daily and monthly averages of each parameter for each target area for the period, Jun. 1979 - May 1980. Cloud forcing and black body temperature at the top of the atmosphere were calculated. Interactions of clouds, cloud forcing, black body temperature, and the climatological parameters were investigated and analyzed

    A Fiber Optic Probe for the Detection of Cataracts

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    A compact fiber optic probe developed for on-orbit science experiments was used to detect the onset of cataracts, a capability that could eliminate physicians' guesswork and result in new drugs to 'dissolve' or slow down the cataract formation before surgery is necessary. The probe is based upon dynamic light scattering (DLS) principles. It has no moving parts, no apertures, and requires no optical alignment. It is flexible and easy to use. Results are presented for excised but intact human eye lenses. In a clinical setting, the device can be easily incorporated into a slit-lamp apparatus (ophthalmoscope) for complete eye diagnostics. In this set-up, the integrated fiber optic probe, the size of a pencil, delivers a low power cone of laser light into the eye of a patient and guides the light which is backscattered by the protein molecules of the lens through a receiving optical fiber to a photo detector. The non-invasive DLS measurements provide rapid determination of protein crystalline size and its size distribution in the eye lens

    Computation and analyses of averaged monthly zonal albedos at the top of the atmosphere using Nimbus-7 ERB observed data

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    The Nimbus-7 ERB experiment measures the Earth's albedo from a satellite in a fixed Sun synchronous orbit. The data is obtained at a fixed time of the day for each latitude observed. For Earth Radiation Budget studies it is normally assumed that the observed scene is invariant during the day and that the albedo varies only with the solar zenith angle. This paper presents a technique for computing mean zonal albedos as a function of the albedo (A sub s) of cloud free atmosphere, the albedo (A sub c) of cloudy atmosphere and of the cloud fractions. The values of A sub s and A sub c are obtained from radiation transfer theory and climatological values of the surface and cloud albedos. The albedos are a function of the solar zenith angle, latitude and solar declination. The cloud fractions are measured from the Nimbus-7 ERB albedos. The present study shows the importance of taking into account latitude variations in surface types and in cloud cover

    Farming System Approach for Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Mountain Regions — A Case of Himachal Pradesh

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    This paper has examined the emerging issues, extent of transitions and their implications for the sustainable and balanced development of agriculture in the mountain areas of the country. The study undertaken in low and mid-hill regions of Himachal Pradesh is based upon the data collected during the period 2002-03 from 200 sample households selected from 10 villages, representing five major mountain farming systems (MFS), viz. maize-based, paddy-based, vegetable-based, fruit-based and livestock-based. It has been found that over a period of time lot of changes have taken place in the socio-economic milieu and agricultural practices in mountains. The cropping pattern, extent of diversification and commercialization have been found to vary considerably across different MFS. A high degree of externalities has developed particularly under vegetable- and fruit-based farming systems. The proportion of purchased inputs has increased while the share of farm-produced inputs (own seeds, FYM, family labour, bullock labour, feed and fodder, etc.) has decreased. Thus, the system interlinkages and in-built complementary relations among sub-systems are getting distorted with commercialization through vegetables and fruits. The shortage of fodder, decrease in the number of farm animals and thus FYM-scarcity, are the burgeoning signs of unsustainability, particularly on vegetable- and fruit-based systems. Therefore, the sustainable plans developed for different systems have revealed the possibility of increasing profitability by optimum combination of sub-components like cereals, pulses, vegetable crops, fruits, fodder resources and livestock and thus maintaining the crucial balance to harness in-built complementary relations of the sub-systems. The increasing externalities in the MFS clearly show the crucial role of markets and marketing in the agricultural development that needs greater policy support in future.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    System Synergy of Farming System and Common Property Resources in Mountain Regions: A Case Study of Himachal Pradesh

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    The study conducted in the hilly region of Himachal Pradesh has revealed that the average size of operational holding in the region is small (0.69 ha) and therefore the common property resources (CPRs) assume significant importance for sustaining the livelihood of people. The ‘kuhls’ emanating water of CPRs are the main sources of irrigation. The consumption of different products from CPR lands has been found to increase with decrease in the size of landholdings, which underlines the need to increase the productivity of CPR lands. The analysis of linkages between different farm sectors has revealed strong forward linkages of CPRs with livestock and agriculture and weak backward linkages with other sectors. The farm forestry and CPR lands have depicted weak linkage, but strong indirect linkages. The gravity water irrigation kuhls (channels) have also revealed strong linkages with agriculture and livestock. The analysis of linkages has suggested that there is a need to strengthen the backward linkages of agriculture, livestock and farm forestry with CPRs. The study has suggested to strengthen the management and conservation of CPRs.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Cloud types and the tropical Earth radiation budget, revised

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    Nimbus-7 cloud and Earth radiation budget data are compared in a study of the effects of clouds on the tropical radiation budget. The data consist of daily averages over fixed 500 sq km target areas, and the months of July 1979 and January 1980 were chosen to show the effect of seasonal changes. Six climate regions, consisting of 14 to 24 target areas each, were picked for intensive analysis because they exemplified the range in the tropical cloud/net radiation interactions. The normal analysis was to consider net radiation as the independent variable and examine how cloud cover, cloud type, albedo and emitted radiation varied with the net radiation. Two recurring themes keep repeating on a local, regional, and zonal basis: the net radiation is strongly influenced by the average cloud type and amount present, but most net radiation values could be produced by several combinations of cloud types and amount. The regions of highest net radiation (greater than 125 W/sq m) tend to have medium to heavy cloud cover. In these cases, thin medium altitude clouds predominate. Their cloud tops are normally too warm to be classified as cirrus by the Nimbus cloud algorithm. A common feature in the tropical oceans are large regions where the total regional cloud cover varies from 20 to 90 percent, but with little regional difference in the net radiation. The monsoon and rain areas are high net radiation regions

    A study of surface temperatures, clouds and net radiation

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    The study is continuing and it is focused on examining seasonal relationships between climate parameters such as the surface temperatures, the net radiation and cloud types and amount on a global basis for the period February 1985 to January 1987. The study consists of an analysis of the combined Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) and International Satellite Cloud Climatology Program (ISCCP) products. The main emphasis is on obtaining the information about the interactions and relationships of Earth Radiation Budget parameters, cloud and temperature information. The purpose is to gain additional qualitative and quantitative insight into the cloud climate relationship

    Two centuries of struggle (Press wins freedom in India)

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    Thesis (M.S.)—Boston Universit

    Method and apparatus for determining the physical properties of materials using dynamic light scattering techniques

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    A system for determining the physical properties of materials through the use of dynamic light scattering is disclosed. The system includes a probe, a laser source for directing a laser beam into the probe, and a photodetector for converting scattered light detected by the probe into electrical signals. The probe includes at least one optical fiber connected to the laser source and a second optical fiber connected to the photodetector. Each of the fibers may adjoin a gradient index microlens which is capable of providing a collimated laser beam into a scattering medium. The position of the second optical fiber with respect to the optical axis of the probe determines whether homodyne or self-beating detection is provided. Self-beating detection may be provided without a gradient index microlens. This allows a very small probe to be constructed which is insertable through a hypodermic needle or the like into a droplet extending from such a needle. A method of detecting scattered light through the use of a collimated, Gaussian laser beam is also provided. A method for controlling the waist and divergence of the optical field emanating from the free end of an optical fiber is also provided