14 research outputs found
Relacije varijabli eksplozivne snage i morfoloških obilježja s kinematičkim pokazateljima pri trčanju maksimalnom brzinom
The aim of the present research was to investigate the relations of 7 variables of power and 12 variables of morphological characteristics with the kinematic indicators (stride frequency, stride length, foot-ground contact duration, flight duration) of maximal running speed. The research was conducted on a sample of 133 physical education male students, 19 to 24 years (age 21.7 ± 1.08; body height 180.8 ± 6.98; body weight 76.6 ± 7.62), freshmen at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. By means of the component model of factor analysis under the GK criterion and non-orthogonal rotation under the promax criterion the following factors were obtained: three morphological factors (skeleton dimensionality, in which the longitudinal component prevailed, body voluminosity and subcutaneous fatty tissue) and two factors of power (power of a jumping type and ballistic power). Canonical analysis of the morphological factors and power factors with kinematic parameters resulted in two pairs of canonical factors with statistically significant canonical correlations (Rc1=0.76; p<0.01, and Rc2=0.57; p<0.01). On the basis of the first pair structure of canonical factors it was concluded that the Faculty of Kinesiology students who had pronounced dimensionality of skeleton, a smaller amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue and better developed relative power, performed longer strides in maximal speed running. The structure of the second canonical factor pair indicated that the students with the greater skeleton dimensionality had a smaller frequency of strides and their foot-ground contact lasted longer. It was also determined that stride length and stride frequency were negatively correlated in maximal speed running which was the result of positive correlation between skeleton dimensionality and stride length, on the one hand, and of negative correlation between skeleton dimensionality and stride frequency on the other. The findings may contribute to a better understanding of the factors responsible for sprint performance in the population of athletes who are not top-level sprinters, i.e. they may be useful to PE teachers, coaches who work with novices in athletics and physical conditioning coaches who work in sports other than athletics, to get a more thorough insight into the sprinting efficiency mechanisms.Uvod i problem istraživanja
Veći broj dosadašnjih istraživanja bavio se proučavanjem biomehaničkih faktora koji određuju uspješnost u sprinterskom trčanju (za pregled vidi Mero i sur., 1992; Čoh i sur., 2003; Korhonen i sur., 2003; Babić, 2005; Wang, 2006). Utvrđeno je, između ostaloga, da maksimalnu brzinu trčanja određuju sljedeći kinematički parametri: frekvencija i duljina koraka, trajanje kontakta stopala s podlogom i trajanje nekontaktne faze (faza leta) (Bellotti, 1991; Brueggemann i Glad, 1988; Müller i Hommel, 1997; Harland i Steele, 1997; Ferro i sur., 2001). Maksimalna sprinterska brzina zapravo je rezultat optimalnog odnosa između duljine i frekvencije koraka. Osnovni problem ovog istraživanja je utvrditi međusobne odnose između kinematičkih parametara (duljina koraka, frekvencija koraka, trajanje leta i trajanje kontakta) pri trčanju maksimalnom brzinom te njihove relacije s morfološkim obilježjima i varijablama eksplozivne snage kako bi se što potpunije odredili mehanizmi koji određuju uspješnost u sprinterskom trčanju na entitetima koji nisu vrhunski sprinteri.
Metode istraživanja
Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 133 studenta muškog spola, u dobi od 19. do 24. godine (dob 21,7 ± 1,08 godina; visina 180,8 ± 6,98 cm; masa 76,6 ± 7,62 kg), koji redovito pohađaju nastavu na prvoj godini studija Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U ovom istraživanju izmjerene su tri skupine varijabli koje opisuju: eksplozivnu snagu, morfološka obilježja i kinematička obilježja sprinta. Za sve su varijable izračunati osnovni deskriptivni parametri: aritmetička sredina (Mean), minimalni rezultat (Min), maksimalni rezultat (Max), standardna devijacija (SD). Normalnost distribucije varijabli testirana je Kolmogorov-Smirnovljevim testom na razini pogreške zaključivanja od 0,05. Latentna struktura morfoloških obilježja i indikatora eksplozivne snage utvrđena je komponentnim modelom faktorske analize uz pomoć Guttman-Kaiserova kriterija i neortogonalne rotacije inicijalnoga koordinatnog sustava s promax kriterijem. Relacije između varijabli eksplozivne snage i morfoloških obilježja s kinematičkim parametrima (frekvencija koraka, duljina koraka, trajanje kontakta i trajanje leta) pri trčanju maksimalnom brzinom utvrđene su kanoničkom analizom.
Rezultati i rasprava
Analizom deskriptivnih parametara (tablica 1) potvrđena je pretpostavka o normalnosti distribucije rezultata u većini varijabli uz pogrešku zaključivanja od 0,05. Izuzetak čine morfološke varijable dijametar lakta (ED), kožni nabor na trbuhu (AS), kožni nabor na potkoljenici (LLS), opseg podlaktice (FC) i opseg potkoljenice (CC). Kako bi se skup manifestnih morfoloških varijabli sveo na manji broj latentnih dimenzija, primijenjena je metoda glavnih komponenata. Primjenom GK kriterija dobivene su tri glavne komponente koje objašnjavaju oko 72% zajedničke varijance manifestnih varijabli (tablica 2). Neortogonalnom rotacijom prema promax kriteriju (tablica 3) dobiveni su faktori dimenzionalnost skeleta, u kojem dominira longitudinalna komponenta, cirkularna dimenzionalnost ili voluminoznost tijela i potkožno masno tkivo. Isto tako, utvrđena je i latentna struktura varijabli eksplozivne snage. Dobivena su dva faktora: eksplozivna snaga tipa skoka i eksplozivna snaga tipa bacanja.
Prema rezultatima iz tablice 7 (koja prikazuje korelacije između kinematičkih parametara) vidljivo je da frekvencija koraka (TLASF) ima negativne i relativno visoke korelacije sa svim ostalim kinematičkim parametrima (TLASL, TLCAD i TLFAD), što upućuje na zaključak da studenti Kineziološkog fakulteta koji postižu veću frekvenciju koraka (TLASF), imaju u prosjeku kraću duljinu koraka (TLASL), kraće trajanje leta (TLFAD) i kontakta (TLCAD), odnosno, oni koji postižu veću duljinu koraka, imaju u prosjeku duže trajanje leta i kontakta te nižu frekvenciju koraka. Valja istaknuti da je dobivena negativna korelacija (r=-0.73) između frekvencije i duljine koraka vrlo slična korelaciji (r=-0.70) dobivenoj u istraživanju koje su proveli Hunter, Marshall i McNair (2004).
Kako bi se otkrili i potpunije objasnili mehanizmi koji određuju sprintersku uspješnost, potrebno je utvrditi sve bitne odnose između faktora eksplozivne snage i morfoloških faktora te kinematičkih parametara (duljina koraka, frekvencija koraka, trajanje kontakta i trajanje leta) pri trčanju maksimalnom brzinom. U tu svrhu korištena je kanonička analiza. Prema rezultatima kanoničke analize, od četiri moguća para linearnih kompozita (kanoničkih faktora), izdvojila su se dva čija je kanonička korelacija statistički značajna. Obje kanoničke korelacije su relativno visoke (0.76 i 0.57).
Prvi kanonički faktor u prostoru kinematičkih parametara u najvećoj mjeri određuje duljina kora-ka (TLASL), dok je prvi kanonički faktor u prostoru morfoloških faktora i faktora eksplozivne snage (tablica 9) određen pozitivnom korelacijom faktora eksplozivne snage (F_POW_J, F_POW_B) i dimenzionalnosti skeleta (F_DS) te negativnom korelacijom faktora potkožno masno tkivo (F_SFT). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da studenti Kineziološkog fakulteta veće tjelesne visine, manje količine potkožnog masnog tkiva i bolje razvijene eksplozivne snage (prije svega tipa skoka) postižu duži korak pri trčanja maksimalnom brzinom, što je u skladu s rezultatima dosadašnjih istraživanja (Gajer i sur., 1999).
Analiza strukture drugoga kanoničkog faktora u prostoru morfoloških faktora i faktora eksplozivne snage pokazuje vrlo visoku pozitivnu korelaciju faktora dimenzionalnosti skeleta (F_DS), dok je struktura drugog kanoničkog faktora u prostoru kinematičkih parametara bipolarna (tablica 9). Na negativnom polu najbolje ga određuju frekvencija koraka (TLASF), a na pozitivnom polu trajanje kontakta (TLCAD). Opće je poznato da sportaši veće tjelesne visine trče s manjom frekvencijom koraka te im je i vrijeme kontakta s podlogom nešto duže, što je također potvrđeno i ovim istraživanjem. Dakle, u populaciji studenata Kineziološkog fakulteta, utvrđena je negativna korelacija između frekvencije i duljina koraka pri maksimalnoj brzini trčanja, što je posljedica pozitivne povezanosti dimenzionalnosti skeleta s duljinom koraka te njene negativne povezanosti s frekvencijom koraka (slika 1).
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da studenti Kineziološkog fakulteta koji imaju veću dimenzionalnost skeleta, manju količinu potkožnog masnog tkiva i bolje razvijenu relativnu eksplozivnu snagu (eksplozivnu snagu tipa skoka) postižu duži korak pri trčanju maksimalnom brzinom, dok studenti veće dimenzionalnosti skeleta trče manjom frekvencijom koraka te im je vrijeme kontakta s podlogom nešto duže. Stoga se može zaključiti da su duljina i frekvencija koraka pri trčanju maksimalnom brzinom u negativnoj korelaciji, što je posljedica pozitivne povezanosti dimenzionalnosti skeleta s duljinom i negativne povezanosti s frekvencijom koraka, te da na duljinu koraka pozitivno utječe eksplozivna snaga, a negativno potkožno masno tkivo. Dobiveni rezultati ovog istraživanja prilog su boljem razumijevanju čimbenika koji determiniraju uspješnost u sprinterskom trčanju u populaciji entiteta koji nisu vrhunski sprinteri te time omogućuje nastavnicima, trenerima početnika ili pak kondicijskim trenerima u drugim sportovima potpuniji uvid u mehanizme koji određuju sprintersku efikasnost
Na nastavi TZK jedan od testova za provjeravanje
motorièkih sposobnosti je podizanje trupa iz ležanja u
sjed. Navedenim testom se provjerava repetitivna jakost
trupa uèenika.
Cilj je bio usporediti efikasnost dviju vrsta treninga:
stabilizacijskih vježbi i pregiba trupa na test podizanje
trupa iz ležanja u sjed kod uèenika sedmih razreda
osnovne škole. Uzorak ispitanika saèinjavalo je 47
uèenika sedmih razreda osnovne škole. Razredi su
sluèajnim odabirom podijeljeni na kontrolnu skupinu,
koji su radili na tehnici trèanja (n=14), eksperimentalnu
skupinu koja je provodila pregibe trupa (TRB, n=16) i
eksperimentalnu skupinu koja je provodila stabilizacijske
vježbe (STAB, n=17).
Trenažni proces se odvijao u periodu od 6 tjedana. U
tom periodu je provedeno 10 sati nastave TZK-a.
Mjerenje je izvršeno na poèetku i nakon 6 tjedana
trenažnog procesa. Prosjeèna razlika izmeðu rezultata u
inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju bila je najveæa kod
uèenika koji su provodili dopunski trening stabilizacijskih
vježbi (d=4,53), nešto manja kod kojima su sadržaj
dopunskog treninga bile vježbe pregiba trupa (d=3,56), a
najmanja kod uèenika u kontrolnoj grupi (0,29). Kod obje
eksperimentalne skupine razlika izmeðu aritmetièke
sredine u inicijalnom i finalnom stanju bila je statistièki
znaèajna, dok kod uèenika kontrolne skupine navedena
razlika nije dosegla razinu statistièke znaèajnosti.
Stabilizacijske vježbe i pregibi trupa efikasno razvijaju
repetitivnu jakost mišiæa prednje i boène strane trupa.
Jakost mišiæa trupa bilo bi preporuèljivo razvijati
stabilizacijskim vježbama, jer omoguæuju efikasno
poboljšanje jakosti mišiæa trupa bez dugoroèno štetnih
posljedica na kralježnicu.Sit-up tests are used for measuring muscular
endurance at physical education class. The aim of the
study was to compare the efficiency of two types of the
training process: core stabilization exercises and
traditional trunk exercises on the sit-up test performed by
the seventh grade elementary students. Sixty students
began with the participation in the experimental program,
and forty seven of them (age 13,7 ± 0,3 years, height 161.6
cm ± 7.01 cm, weight 52.55 kg ± 11.73 kg) completed the
program. The classes were randomly divided into a
control group which worked on a running technique
(RTE) (N=14), an experimental group which performed
traditional trunk exercises (TTE, N=16) and another
experimental group which performed core stabilization
exercizes (CSE, N=17). The training process lasted for six
weeks. During that period physical education classes were
held ten times. The initial measurement was done a week
before the beginning of the treatment, and the final
measurement a week after finishing the treatment. The
average difference between the results in the initial and
final measurement was greatest with the students who
performed the additional training of core stabilization
exercises (d=4.53), somewhat smaller with those who
performed the additional training of traditional trunk
exercises (d=3.56), and the smallest with students in the
control group (d=0.29). In both experimental groups the
difference between the mean in the initial and final state
was statistically significant, while at students in the
control group the aforementioned difference did not reach
the level of statistical significance. Core stabilization
exercises and traditional trunk exercises efficiently
improve the muscular endurance of the trunk muscles.
Trunk muscle strengthening is better recommended with
core stabilization exercises, since they enable an efficient
improvement of the muscular endurance without longterm
detrimental effects on the spine
3D kinematička analiza zamašne ruke u drugoj dvopotpornoj fazi bacanja kugle rotacijskom tehnikom – razlike između kvalitetnih i vrhunskih bacača
The aim of this study was to identify the differences between the arithmetic means of angular displacement and angular velocity of the swing arm shoulder in the second double-support phase of sub-elite shot putters and the equivalent angular displacement and velocity of elite shot putters. The information resource was collected at international official competitions. The first sub-sample was comprised of 10 trials executed by sub-elite shot putters (length of the shot put over 16 m and less than 17.25 m) (group 1) and the second sub-sample was comprised of 10 trials executed by the elite shot putters (length of the shot put over 19 m and less than 20.44 m) (group 2). The collected video images were digitized using APAS. The difference between the sub-elite group and elite group was obtained in the angular displacement of the left shoulder. The crucial finding is that the swing of the left arm must be performed with an amplitude which allows the prestretching of structures which are active in the pushing phase or with an amplitude which does not allow any increase in the shot’s movement radius.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između aritmetičkih sredina kutnog pomaka i kutne brzine u zglobu ramena zamašne ruke u drugoj dvopotpornoj fazi kvalitetnih bacača i kutnog pomaka i kutne brzine u istom zglobu vrhunskih bacača kugle. Uzorak je prikupljen na službenim međunarodnim natjecanjima. Prvi poduzorak bacanja kvalitetnih bacača (duljina hica je bila veća od 16 m, a manja od 17,25 m) sastojao se od 10 ispravnih hitaca (skupina 1), a i drugi poduzorak bacanja vrhunskih bacača (duljina hica je bila veća od 19 m, a manja od 20,44 m) sastojao se također od 10 ispravnih hitaca (skupina 2). Prikupljeni uzorak izvedenih bacanja digitaliziran je korištenjem APAS-a. Razlika između skupina kvalitetnih i vrhunskih bacača utvrđena je u kutnom pomaku u ramenu zamašne ruke. Glavni nalaz ovog istraživanja jest podatak da zamah zamašnom rukom mora biti izveden amplitudom koja će osigurati predistezanje struktura koje su aktivne u fazi potiskivanja kugle ili amplitudom koja neće dopustiti povećanje radijusa kojim se kugla giba u završnoj fazi bacanja
Impact of Body Composition on Performance in Fitness Tests among Personnel of the Croatian Navy
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of body weight on fitness tests among the personnel of the Croatian
navy. Forty two naval personnel (age 27±4.1 years; body mass 86.2±4.9 kg; height 184.6±7.4 cm; body fat percentage
17.3±5.2) participated in this study. In order to evaluate the fitness of the naval servicemen, we applied a testing procedure
that included measurements of 7 fitness tests and 15 body anthropometric tests. A negative correlation was found
between the body fat percentage and all the analyzed sprint tests and three anaerobic power tests (r), SP5 (r=–0.42), SP10
(r=–0.51), SP20 (r=–0.53), SJ (r=–0.45), CM (r=–0.57), SLJ (r=–0.67). Also a negative correlation was found between
the body fat percentage and VO2max (r=–0.44). A positive correlation was found between the sprint test and the power performance
test and thigh and calf girth. Spiriting ability is influenced by the strength of a person. This is one of the reasons
why we found a positive correlation between the sprint test (SP5, SP10 and SP20) and thigh and calf girth. In this
study we found a negative correlation between body fat percentages and all the sprint tests and three anaerobic power
tests and VO2max. The ectomorph somatotypes have positive correlations with all variables. The mesomorph somatotypes
have the greatest positive correlations with all variables. The endomorph somatotypes have negative correlations with all
variables. According to the body composition of Croatian naval servicemen we can conclude that they need a sufficient
level of strength and endurance for everyday tasks. The effectiveness of a weight-management program is determined by
the success of the participants in losing the necessary amount of weight and being able to maintain that weight loss. This
requires long-term tracking of these individuals in a naval environment
The Effects of Basic Fitness Parameters on the Implementation of Specific Military Activities
The aim of this study was to determine whether basic fitness parameters have the impact on the specific military activity
such as walking 18km with 25kg of load. The members of Croatian Armed Forces (30 soldiers) were tested before the
beginning of the training program. The study has included variables for the assessment of muscular endurance: push-
-ups in 2 minutes, sit-ups in 2 minutes, maximum number of pull-ups before dropping from the bar, bench press with
70% of body weight-max number of repetitions, max number of squats for 60 seconds, then the variables for the assessment
of aerobic capacity: the 3200m run and relative oxygen uptake using the direct method of measurement on a treadmill
as well as the variable for the assessment of body fat (body fat %). As the criterion variable, it was used the 18 km
walking with 25 kg of load. The results of the regression analysis have shown statistically significant relation of predictor
variables with the criterion variable. The two variables, 3200m run and RVO2 had a significant Beta coefficient.
Based on the obtained results it could be concluded that great cardio-respiratory endurance has a much larger impact on
the walking length of 18 km with a load of 25kg than other fitness parameters
Učinci temeljne vojne obuke na zadatke gađanja u uvjetima lišavanja sna
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of Special Operations Battalion (SOB) basic training on specific shooting tasks in conditions of sleep deprivation. The research was conducted on a sample of 19 members of the Croatian Armed Forces for Special Operations. A specific task of shooting was carried out in four different ways with regard to body position in relation to the target (Sector 1-4). The shooting target was a head and chest silhouette. The paired samples t-test has shown significant differences (p<.05) in the specific tasks of shooting before and after sleep deprivation. In addition, the results have shown that the SOB basic training had a positive impact on the reduction of sleep deprivation effects in shooting tasks. The
obtained data suggest that during the SOB basic training (62 days), adaptation to stress and improvement of the skills of handling weapons has occurred, contributing significantly to better shooting results in stressful conditions, primarily in terms of lack of sleep.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi utjecaj osnovnog treninga bojne za specijalna djelovanja na specifični zadatak gađanja u uvjetima nedostatka sna (prisilne produžene budnosti). Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 19 pripadnika Hrvatskih oružanih snaga ogranka Bojne za specijalna djelovanja. Specifični zadatak gađanja je proveden na četiri različita načina s obzirom na početni položaj tijela u odnosu na metu (sektori 1-4). Meta je bila silueta čovječje glave i prsa. Zavisni t-test je pokazao značajne razlike (p<.05) u specifičnim
zadacima gađanja puškom prije i nakon lišavanja sna. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da osnovni trening bojne za specijalna djelovanja pozitivno utječe na smanjenje negativnih učinaka lišavanja sna u izvođenju
specifičnog zadatka gađanja puškom. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da tijekom bazičnog treninga bojne za specijalna djelovanja dolazi do adaptacije na stres izazvan nedostatkom sna te da se vještina rukovanja oružjem poboljšava. Sve zajedno, osnovni trening bojne za specijalna djelovanja (62 dana) pokazao se kao pozitivan faktor koji značajno doprinosi boljim rezultatima gađanja puškom u stresnim uvjetima kao što je to nedostatak sna
Effects of two Different 5 Weeks Training Programs on the Physical Fitness of Military Recruits
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of programmed continuous endurance and relative strength
training (CERS) with the basic military physical readiness training (BMPR) on the physical readiness. Croatian military
recruits (21.3±1.9 years) were divided in the CERS (N=48) and BMPR (N=76) groups. Training sessions were conducted
three times a week for a total of 5 weeks. The t-test determined positive training effects for both training programs.
Significant positive changes in BMPR group were measured in almost all measured variables. In CERS group, besides
the 20 m dash run, statistically significant positive changes were not determined in standing horizontal jump, pull-ups
and sit and reach test. The positive training effects in both training groups were achieved because of the low initial physical
readiness level of the recruits and a short training period in which the statistically significant differences between
programs could not be achieved
Impact of Body Composition on Performance in Fitness Tests among Personnel of the Croatian Navy
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of body weight on fitness tests among the personnel of the Croatian
navy. Forty two naval personnel (age 27±4.1 years; body mass 86.2±4.9 kg; height 184.6±7.4 cm; body fat percentage
17.3±5.2) participated in this study. In order to evaluate the fitness of the naval servicemen, we applied a testing procedure
that included measurements of 7 fitness tests and 15 body anthropometric tests. A negative correlation was found
between the body fat percentage and all the analyzed sprint tests and three anaerobic power tests (r), SP5 (r=–0.42), SP10
(r=–0.51), SP20 (r=–0.53), SJ (r=–0.45), CM (r=–0.57), SLJ (r=–0.67). Also a negative correlation was found between
the body fat percentage and VO2max (r=–0.44). A positive correlation was found between the sprint test and the power performance
test and thigh and calf girth. Spiriting ability is influenced by the strength of a person. This is one of the reasons
why we found a positive correlation between the sprint test (SP5, SP10 and SP20) and thigh and calf girth. In this
study we found a negative correlation between body fat percentages and all the sprint tests and three anaerobic power
tests and VO2max. The ectomorph somatotypes have positive correlations with all variables. The mesomorph somatotypes
have the greatest positive correlations with all variables. The endomorph somatotypes have negative correlations with all
variables. According to the body composition of Croatian naval servicemen we can conclude that they need a sufficient
level of strength and endurance for everyday tasks. The effectiveness of a weight-management program is determined by
the success of the participants in losing the necessary amount of weight and being able to maintain that weight loss. This
requires long-term tracking of these individuals in a naval environment
4th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Science and profession - challenge for the future : proceedings book
In the year 2005, when the University of Zagreb is celebrating the 336th anniversary of its establishment and
the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb its 46th anniversary, the International Scientifi c Conference
on Kinesiology is being organized for the fourth time. Thus, the proclaimed intention of the organizer, the
Faculty of Kinesiology, to make the Conference a traditional forum for kinesiologists to exchange fi ndings,
ideas, experiences and theories has become a reality. You will probably agree with us that, despite all the
conveniences the modern communication technology has provided, a vivid dialogue, established in personal
contacts of people who share similar vocational interests, is always a unique event and experience. We hope
that the debates on how to foster excellence and joy in sport and exercise and on how to promote PE as an
underpinning activity for sport, competitive and recreational alike, and life-long active life-styles, as well as
discussions on numerous issues regarding human movement, health, exercise and business will bring fruitful
results in form of new ideas and research projects.
The ever-growing body of kinesiology or sport science knowledge is continuously transformed into higher
education curricula which allow graduates and masters of science to become well-educated professionals who
have insights into the recent advances in kinesiology. In Croatia a highly specialized education and training of
sport and PE professionals has a hundred-and-ten-year-old tradition. Based on that long tradition, the Faculty
of Kinesiology has prepared two new university study curricula, adjusted to the Bologna Declaration and the
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and has obtained the accreditation to organize them commencing in
academic year 2005/06. The new university graduate and postgraduate doctoral study programmes will enable a
higher level of knowledge of students and will promote a higher two-way mobility of both students and scholars.
The curricula have assimilated the orientation of the members of the Faculty of Kinesiology that the mission
of higher education institutions is viable only in the symbiosis of educational (professional training) and elite
fundamental, developmental and applied research work in the fi elds of general and applied kinesiology and in
the cognate and adjacent, mainly anthropological, scientifi c branches.
The motto of this year’s Conference is “Science and Profession – Challenge for the Future”. It suggests
that the focus of attention is directed towards the inevitable connectedness between everyday practical issues
and professions related to physical exercise and sport, on the one hand, and kinesiological research activities,
theories, insights, fi ndings and inferences on the other. The assembly of kinesiologists from 25 countries
has gathered to discuss diverse biological, medical, biomechanical, psychological, sociological, cultural and
economic aspects of a variety of kinesiological issues presented in 226 papers written by 300 authors.
Besides the contributing authors, much credit for the Conference scientifi c programme goes to the
esteemed invited lecturers, both the plenary and the session introductory speakers, and chairpersons of
particular thematic sessions, and the members of the Scientifi c Programme Committee. Thematically and
methodologically related contributions have been divided into eleven thematic sections (APA and Sport for
the Disabled; Biology and Medicine of Sport and Exercise; Biomechanics; Management of Sport; Physical
Conditioning; Physical Education; Research Methodology; Sociology, History and Philosophy of Sport; Sport
for All, Fitness and Health-related Activities; Sport Psychology; and Top-level Sport), which, in turn, represent
recognizable groups of issues currently prevailing in the scientifi c research dealing with human movement,
sport and exercise activities. Our special thanks go to the reviewers (62) who altruistically engaged their
knowledge, effort, experience and time in making the conference papers consistent and good enough to enable
creative clarifi cation and communication of ideas. Although time restrictions made it impossible to afford indepth
reviews, the authors were requested to undertake revisions whenever it was possible in order to minimize
the rejections. The selection and classifi cation process was performed according to the quality criteria that
primarily regarded novelty and the amount of information, and quality of structure and presentation. Due to
the formal quality and lack of consistency of quite a number of papers, the original idea of reproducing them
Science and Profession - Challenge for the Future
as submitted proved hardly tenable. Therefore, a certain amount of copy-editing has been performed, though
restricted to a minimum and simply in order to achieve a reasonable degree of formal consistency. This has been
a demanding and complex process, performed under serious time pressure. We do apologise for any mistakes
or inconveniences this might have caused.
The Proceedings Book is a reminder of the research fi ndings accomplished in the fi eld of kinesiology, or
sport sciences, or kinetics, or kinanthropology throughout the past three years. The presented papers are a
basis and a probable starting point for new ones since they cover a wide range of anthropological (understood
in the widest sense), methodological and didactic investigations in the areas of physical education, competitive
sport, physical recreation, and physical rehabilitation.
The organizer, the Faculty of Kinesiology tried to make the 4th Conference on Kinesiology comparable to
the quality level of many conferences worldwide. The Dean of the Faculty and the presidents of the Organizing
and Scientifi c Committee wish to express their deep gratitude to all the invited speakers, contributors (authors),
members of the Scientifi c Committee, reviewers, members of the Organizing Committee, members of the
Proceedings Book Editorial Board, and, particularly, to all the Conference Offi ce executives who made the 4th
Conference and the Proceedings Book possible.
Our acknowledgments go to the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and to its president a Fellow of the
Croatian Academy Milan Moguš, PhD, for their traditional patronage of the Conference. Their support is of great
value to the Faculty because it is a signifi cant recognition of the work done in the domain of kinesiology.
Recognition of the Conference has been also granted by the co-organizer, the Ministry of Science, Education
and Sport of the Republic of Croatia.
We are convinced that the 4th Conference on Kinesiology will affi rm all the effort exerted so far in the
kinesiology and will open new challenges for the future and better cooperation between scientists and the
professionals. To all the Conference participants we wish a productive and benefi cial time and contacts. It is
our hope that new research ideas and projects will emerge from it. We will welcome the forthcoming results
at our next conferences. To those who were not able to actively participate in the Conference work this year,
we offer these Proceedings as an invitation for cooperation of competent partners and for joining us at the 5th
Conference on Kinesiology in three years time
5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Kinesiology research trends and applications : proceedings book
Approaching the time of the 50th anniversary of the successful work in the mission of high education and research
of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, we are exceptionally happy and satisfi ed that all the organisational
and programme tasks and goals of the 5th International Scientifi c Conference on Kinesiology have been accomplished.
Although our University is a large and among the oldest in the area, our Faculty is a relatively young, small institution
of academic education from a small country in transition, which is facing and struggling with typical problems of the
era and specifi c social processes. However, all previous efforts of our predecessors, even as far back as the 19th century,
but especially of dear doyennes an doyens of kinesiology, as well as the establishing and organisation of the Conference,
no matter how inexperienced it might have seemed in the beginning, back in the year 1997 in Dubrovnik, enables us
nowadays to be peer members of the circle of internationally recognized and well-known institutions and organizations of
sport/exercise science, or kinesiology. With no false modesty, it is a considerable achievement of our scholars, researchers,
associates, other employees and last, but by no means the least important, our partners - students. A great contribution
of our foreign colleagues should be recognized and accentuated here – nothing of the previously mentioned would have
been possible without their good will, open minds and enormous interest in our work and advances. We cannot exclude a
contribution of our famous athletes and their sport achievements. This is the right place to express our deepest appreciation
and gratitude to them all and our wishes for continuation and expansion of the cooperation in many fi elds.
The science fi eld we are interested in is so diverse, broad, complex; it investigates the very essence of life – the
movement and everything needed for its realisation – its purpose, its origins, conditions, its means - from the molecular
level to the level of anatomy, synergy of hundreds processes within a being, even to social proportions and effects of
moving or not moving.
All the previous conferences were exceptional opportunities for broadening of scientifi c insights into this miraculous,
beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the
XXIX Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager
people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle.
Ever better positioning of our science worldwide is obvious – the last example is from Croatia – in any sense, from
the legislative to fi nancial, in the Croatian structure of sciences, kinesiology has become equal to physics, economics,
medicine, biology, law, sociology and many others. Such a position facilitates inter- and crossdisciplinarity and mobility
of scientists and students within Croatia and abroad.
The rationale of the 5th meeting on kinesiology is “Kinesiology research trends and applications“ ascends from the
very heart of kinesiology, which embraces numerous theoretical, developmental and applicative research issues. Namely,
the ultimate purposes of that research is to know and understand human beings and to apply the fi ndings in everyday
practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, tourism, and kinesitherapy.
The Conference will work in usual plenary and parallel sessions addressing fourteen comprehensive kinesiological
topics: adapted physical activity and sport for the disabled; biology and medicine of sport and exercise; biomechanics and
motor control; history of sport and the Olympic movement; management of sport; tourism and sport; members of the armed
forces kinesiology; physical conditioning and fi tness; physical education; psychology of sport; research methodology;
sociology of sport; philosophy of sport; Sport for all and health-related activities; and top-level sport. Certain areas will
be addressed at the Conference for the fi rst time, like philosophy of sport, Olympic movement and kinesiology applied to
armed forces. In these Proceedings all the positively reviewed contributions are published: communications and poster
We are very happy and proud because of the response of the invited 42 lecturers, worldwide famous experts in their
areas of scientifi c interests who will undoubtedly throw new light on only seemingly already investigated issues, on the
one hand, an on the other, bring the latest advances in research and theory, thus inspiring, especially young, researchers
to learn and go ever further. After all, who knows where the frontier is?
Proceedings Book contains 239 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 421
authors from 40 countries from all the continents. Besides the presenters, we also expect participants without contributions,
among them a lot of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Pre-Conference
School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students has been also organised prior to the Conference.
Many thanks go to the members of the Organising and Programme Committees who did not spare their effort to
prepare and realize the Conference and the Proceedings. Deep gratitude also goes to the team of reviewers, fi fty fi ve of
them who carefully evaluated the contributions.
The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts is for the fourth time the patron of the Conference that is quite in line
with the respectable position kinesiology/sport science has earned in the very meticulous scientifi c community
The Faculty wishes to express gratitude to the cooperative institutions: the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia, the Faculty of PE and Sport, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Faculty of PE and Sport,
University of Comenius, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Several government institutions supported the organisation of the Conference. We are grateful to: the Ministry of
Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Olympic Committee and the Croatian University
Sport Association.
After Dubrovnik and Opatija, dear participants, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Croatian capital
– Zagreb, and our institution of higher education – with its facilities, its surroundings, other people working in it, our
students, our laboratories, lecture rooms, library, etc. This opportunity to really know us will probably increase exchange
rates among scholars and students.
We wish you feel welcome and come back many times