12 research outputs found

    Управління виробничими запасами на підприємстві (на матеріалах ПрАТ «Детвілер Ущільнюючі Технології України»)

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    . The second-order matching problem is the problem of determining, for a finite set {#t i , s i # | i # I} of pairs of a second-order term t i and a first-order closed term s i , called a matching expression, whether or not there exists a substitution # such that t i # = s i for each i # I . It is well-known that the second-order matching problem is NP-complete. In this paper, we introduce the following restrictions of a matching expression: k-ary, k-fv , predicate, ground , and function-free. Then, we show that the second-order matching problem is NP-complete for a unary predicate, a unary ground, a ternary function-free predicate, a binary function-free ground, and an 1-fv predicate matching expressions, while it is solvable in polynomial time for a binary function-free predicate, a unary function-free, a k-fv function-free (k # 0), and a ground predicate matching expressions. 1 Introduction The unification problem is the problem of determining whether or not any two ter..

    Fault-tolerant structures: Towards robust self-replication in a probabilistic environment

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    Self-replicating structures in cellular automata have been extensively studied in the past as models of Artificial Life. However, CAs, unlike the biological cellular model, are very brittle: any faulty cell usually leads to the complete destruction of any emerging structures. In this paper, we propose a method, inspired by error-correcting-code theory, to develop fault-resistant rules at, almost, no extra cost. We then propose fault-tolerant substructures necessary to future fault-tolerant self-replicating structure