311 research outputs found

    Fatty Acid Hydratases: Versatile Catalysts to Access Hydroxy Fatty Acids in Efficient Syntheses of Industrial Interest

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    Löwe J, Gröger H. Fatty Acid Hydratases: Versatile Catalysts to Access Hydroxy Fatty Acids in Efficient Syntheses of Industrial Interest. Catalysts. 2020;10(3): 287.The utilization of hydroxy fatty acids has gained more and more attention due to its applicability in many industrial building blocks that require it, for example, polymers or fragrances. Furthermore, hydroxy fatty acids are accessible from biorenewables, thus contributing to a more sustainable raw material basis for industrial chemicals. Therefore, a range of investigations were done on fatty acid hydratases (FAHs), since these enzymes catalyze the addition of water to an unsaturated fatty acid, thus providing an elegant route towards hydroxy-substituted fatty acids. Besides the discovery and characterization of fatty acid hydratases (FAHs), the design and optimization of syntheses with these enzymes, the implementation in elaborate cascades, and the improvement of these biocatalysts, by way of mutation in terms of the substrate scope, has been investigated. This mini-review focuses on the research done on process development using fatty acid hydratases as a catalyst. It is notable that biotransformations, running at impressive substrate loadings of up to 280 g L−1, have been realized. A further topic of this mini-review is the implementation of fatty acid hydratases in cascade reactions. In such cascades, fatty acid hydratases were, in particular, combined with alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH), Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases (BVMO), transaminases (TA) and hydrolases, thus enabling access to a broad variety of molecules that are of industrial interest

    Developing Multicompartment Biopolymer Hydrogel Beads for Tandem Chemoenzymatic One-Pot Process

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    Pauly J, Gröger H, Patel A. Developing Multicompartment Biopolymer Hydrogel Beads for Tandem Chemoenzymatic One-Pot Process. Catalysts. 2019;9(6): 547.Chemoenzymatic processes have been gaining interest to implement sustainable reaction steps or even create new synthetic routes. In this study, we combined Grubbs' second-generation catalyst with pig liver esterase and conducted a chemoenzymatic one-pot process in a tandem mode. To address sustainability, we encapsulated the catalysts in biopolymer hydrogel beads and conducted the reaction cascade in an aqueous medium. Unfortunately, conducting the process in tandem led to increased side product formation. We then created core-shell beads with catalysts located in different compartments, which notably enhanced the selectivity towards the desired product compared to homogeneously distributing both catalysts within the matrix. Finally, we designed a specific large-sized bead with a diameter of 13.5 mm to increase the diffusion route of the Grubbs' catalyst-containing shell. This design forced the ring-closing metathesis to occur first before the substrate could diffuse into the pig liver esterase-containing core, thus enhancing the selectivity to 75%. This study contributes to addressing reaction-related issues by designing specific immobilisates for chemoenzymatic processes

    Broad-Scale Climate Influences on Spring-Spawning Herring (Clupea harengus, L.) Recruitment in the Western Baltic Sea

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    Climate forcing in complex ecosystems can have profound implications for ecosystem sustainability and may thus challenge a precautionary ecosystem management. Climatic influences documented to affect various ecological functions on a global scale, may themselves be observed on quantitative or qualitative scales including regime shifts in complex marine ecosystems. This study investigates the potential climatic impact on the reproduction success of spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus) in the Western Baltic Sea (WBSS herring). To test for climate effects on reproduction success, the regionally determined and scientifically well-documented spawning grounds of WBSS herring represent an ideal model system. Climate effects on herring reproduction were investigated using two global indices of atmospheric variability and sea surface temperature, represented by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO), respectively, and the Baltic Sea Index (BSI) which is a regional-scale atmospheric index for the Baltic Sea. Moreover, we combined a traditional approach with modern time series analysis based on a recruitment model connecting parental population components with reproduction success. Generalized transfer functions (ARIMAX models) allowed evaluating the dynamic nature of exogenous climate processes interacting with the endogenous recruitment process. Using different model selection criteria our results reveal that in contrast to NAO and AMO, the BSI shows a significant positive but delayed signal on the annual dynamics of herring recruitment. The westward influence of the Siberian high is considered strongly suppressing the influence of the NAO in this area leading to a higher explanatory power of the BSI reflecting the atmospheric pressure regime on a North-South transect between Oslo, Norway and Szczecin, Poland. We suggest incorporating climate-induced effects into stock and risk assessments and management strategies as part of the EU ecosystem approach to support sustainable herring fisheries in the Western Baltic Sea

    Synthesis of substituted cycloalkene-1,1-dicarboxylates via olefin metathesis in water

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    Tenbrink K, Kemker I, Schatz J, Gröger H. Synthesis of substituted cycloalkene-1,1-dicarboxylates via olefin metathesis in water. ARKIVOC. 2015;2015(2):10-19.A range of substituted cycloalkene-1,1-dicarboxylates was synthesized through olefin metathesis starting from readily available acylic malonate precursors in an efficient fashion. As a metathesis catalyst, a Grubbs II-type catalyst was used in these experiments, which were run in water and gave the cyclic malonate products with high conversions of 94-100%. The catalytic amount was in the range of 0.5-5 mol% dependent on the structure of the starting material. The generality of this metathesis reaction in water was demonstrated as well as its suitability for the preparation of five and six-membered and alkyl as well as aryl-substituted prochiral cycloalkene-1,1-dicarboxylates

    Merging Heterocyclic Chemistry and Biocatalysis in One-Pot Processes through Compartmentalization of the Reaction Steps

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    Zumbrägel N, Gröger H. Merging Heterocyclic Chemistry and Biocatalysis in One-Pot Processes through Compartmentalization of the Reaction Steps. Bioengineering. 2018;5(3): 60.A proof of concept for a one-pot process merging a heterocycle formation by a classical chemical approach at basic conditions with a biocatalytic reduction, running at neutral pH conditions, is reported. A crucial component for this process is the compartmentalization of the single reactions by the use of polydimethylsiloxane thimbles. This process was applied successfully towards an asymmetric synthesis of (S)-2,2,3-trimethyl-1-thia-4-azaspiro[4.4]nonane, leading to excellent enantioselectivities of 99% enantiomeric excess (ee)

    Enantioselective reduction of sulfur-containing cyclic imines through biocatalysis

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    Zumbrägel N, Merten C, Huber SM, Gröger H. Enantioselective reduction of sulfur-containing cyclic imines through biocatalysis. Nature Communications. 2018;9(1): 1949

    Aldoxime Dehydratase Mutants as Improved Biocatalysts for a Sustainable Synthesis of Biorenewables-Based 2-Furonitrile

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    Choi J-E, Shinoda S, Asano Y, Gröger H. Aldoxime Dehydratase Mutants as Improved Biocatalysts for a Sustainable Synthesis of Biorenewables-Based 2-Furonitrile. Catalysts. 2020;10(4): 362.2-Furonitrile is an interesting nitrile product for the chemical industry due to its use as intermediate in the field of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals or as a potential sweetener, as well as due to its access from biorenewables. As an alternative to current processes based on, e.g., the ammoxidation of furfural with ammonia as a gas phase reaction running at > 400 °C, we recently reported an enzymatic dehydration of 2-furfuryl aldoxime being obtained easily from furfural and hydroxylamine. However, improving the catalytic properties of the aldoxime dehydratase biocatalyst from Rhodococcus sp. YH3-3 (OxdYH3-3) in terms of activity and stability remained a challenge. In this contribution, the successful development of aldoxime dehydratase OxdYH3-3 mutants that were generated by directed evolution and its enhanced activity toward 2-furfuryl aldoxime is reported. The mutant OxdYH3-3 N266S showed an improved activity of up to six times higher than the wild type when utilizing a substrate concentration of 50–100 mM of 2-furfuryl aldoxime

    Structural Characterization of an S-enantioselective Imine Reductase from Mycobacterium Smegmatis

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    Meyer T, Zumbrägel N, Geerds C, Gröger H, Niemann H. Structural Characterization of an S-enantioselective Imine Reductase from Mycobacterium Smegmatis. Biomolecules. 2020;10(8): 1130.NADPH-dependent imine reductases (IREDs) are enzymes capable of enantioselectively reducing imines to chiral secondary amines, which represent important building blocks in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Since their discovery in 2011, many previously unknown IREDs have been identified, biochemically and structurally characterized and categorized into families. However, the catalytic mechanism and guiding principles for substrate specificity and stereoselectivity remain disputed. Herein, we describe the crystal structure of S-IRED-Ms from Mycobacterium smegmatis together with its cofactor NADPH. S-IRED-Ms belongs to the S-enantioselective superfamily 3 (SFam3) and is the first IRED from SFam3 to be structurally described. The data presented provide further evidence for the overall high degree of structural conservation between different IREDs of various superfamilies. We discuss the role of Asp170 in catalysis and the importance of hydrophobic amino acids in the active site for stereospecificity. Moreover, a separate entrance to the active site, potentially functioning according to a gatekeeping mechanism regulating access and, therefore, substrate specificity is described

    Slave to the rhythm: seasonal signals in otolith microchemistry reveal age of eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    Annual growth zones in cod otoliths from the eastern Baltic stock are less discrete than in other cod stocks leading to biased age reading, which recently led to a failure of age-based assessment in the eastern Baltic cod stock. In this study, we explored the applicability of minor and trace element patterns in cod otoliths for age determination. By first identifying elements of interest in a stock without ageing problems, western Baltic cod, we then tested their applicability on another stock without ageing problems, North Sea cod, and finally applied this knowledge to estimate age of eastern Baltic cod. In western Baltic cod, matching patterns with respect to occurrence of minima and maxima in both otolith opacity and element concentrations were found for Cu, Zn, and Rb, and inverse patterns with Mg and Mn. No match was found for Pb, Ba, and Sr. In the test stock, the North Sea cod, the same patterns in Cu, Zn, Rb, Mg, and Mn signals occurred. All eastern Baltic cod with low visual contrast between growth zones exhibited clearly defined synchronous cycles in Cu, Zn, Rb and Pb. Using a combined finite differencing method and structural break models approach, the statistical significance of the local profile minima were identified, based on which their age could be estimated. Despite extensive environmental differences between the three areas examined, the element concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Rb were strongly correlated in all individuals with similar correlations in all three areas, suggesting that the incorporation mechanisms are the same for these elements and independent of environmental concentrations

    Novel Insights into the Combination of Metal- and Biocatalysis: Cascade One-Pot Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure Biaryl Alcohols in Deep Eutectic Solvents

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    Paris J, Rios-Lombardia N, Moris F, Gröger H, Gonzalez-Sabin J. Novel Insights into the Combination of Metal- and Biocatalysis: Cascade One-Pot Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure Biaryl Alcohols in Deep Eutectic Solvents. CHEMCATCHEM. 2018;10(19):4417-4423.One of the pioneering examples of chemoenzymatic cascades in water such as the palladium-catalysed Suzuki-cross coupling followed by an enzymatic reduction has been revisited by the employment of a medium containing Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) for the catalytic performance. Thus, the unique properties of these neoteric solvents enabled to reach high substrate concentration for the overall process. Moreover, both isolated enzymes and whole cells exhibited excellent activities which allowed to obtain a set of chiral biaryl alcohols in good yields and very high enantiomeric excess (> 99%)
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