137 research outputs found

    Unveiling the operation mechanism of layered perovskite solar cells

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    Layered perovskites have been shown to improve the stability of perovskite solar cells while its operation mechanism remains unclear. Here we investigate the process for the conversion of light to electrical current in high performance layered perovskite solar cells by examining its real morphology. The layered perovskite films in this study are found to be a mixture of layered and three dimensional (3D)-like phases with phase separations at micrometer and nanometer scale in both vertical and lateral directions. This phase separation is explained by the surface initiated crystallization process and the competition of the crystallization between 3D-like and layered perovskites. We further propose that the working mechanisms of the layered perovskite solar cells involve energy transfer from layered to 3D-like perovskite network. The impact of morphology on efficiency and stability of the hot-cast layered perovskite solar cells are also discussed to provide guidelines for the future improvement

    Erratum: A multi-objective optimization-based layer-by-layer blade-coating approach for organic solar cells: Rational control of vertical stratification for high performance (Energy and Environmental Science (2019) 12 (3118-3132) DOI: 10.1039/C9EE02295C)

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    The Acknowledgements section should have included the following sentence: "This work was performed in part on the SAXS/ WAXS beamline at the Australian Synchrotron, part of ANSTO". The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers

    A multi-objective optimization-based layer-by-layer blade-coating approach for organic solar cells:Rational control of vertical stratification for high performance

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    A major breakthrough in organic solar cells (OSCs) in the last thirty years was the development of the bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solution processing strategy, which effectively provided a nanoscale phase-separated morphology, aiding in the separation of Coulombically bound excitons and facilitating charge transport and extraction. Compared with the application of the layer-by-layer (LbL) approach proposed in the same period, the BHJ spin-coating technology shows overwhelming advantages for evaluating the performance of photovoltaic materials and achieving more-efficient photoelectric conversion. Thus, in this study, we have further compared the BHJ and LbL processing strategies via the doctor-blade coating technology because it is a roll-to-roll compatible high-throughput thin film fabrication route. We systematically evaluated multiple target parameters, including morphological characteristics, optical simulation, physical kinetics, device efficiency, and blend stability issues. It is worth emphasizing that our findings disprove the old stereotypes such as the BHJ processing method is superior to the LbL technology for the preparation of high-performance OSCs and the LbL approach requires an orthogonal solvent and donor/acceptor materials with special solubility. Our studies demonstrate that the LbL blade-coating approach is a promising strategy to effectively reduce the efficiency-stability gap of OSCs and even a superior alternative to the BHJ method in commercial applications

    Emergent molecular traits of lettuce and tomato grown under wavelength-selective solar cells

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    The integration of semi-transparent organic solar cells (ST-OSCs) in greenhouses offers new agrivoltaic opportunities to meet the growing demands for sustainable food production. The tailored absorption/transmission spectra of ST-OSCs impacts the power generated as well as crop growth, development and responses to the biotic and abiotic environments. To characterize crop responses to ST-OSCs, we grew lettuce and tomato, traditional greenhouse crops, under three ST-OSC filters that create different light spectra. Lettuce yield and early tomato development are not negatively affected by the modified light environment. Our genomic analysis reveals that lettuce production exhibits beneficial traits involving nutrient content and nitrogen utilization while select ST-OSCs impact regulation of flowering initiation in tomato. These results suggest that ST-OSCs integrated into greenhouses are not only a promising technology for energy-neutral, sustainable and climate-change protected crop production, but can deliver benefits beyond energy considerations

    Complex Morphologies and Molecular Ordering in OPVs: Critical Parameters Determined by Soft X-Ray Scattering

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    Dr. Ade holds appointments at NCSU since 1992 (Assist. Professor 1992-97, Assoc. Prof. 1997-2001, Prof. since 2001). He received his Ph.D. in 1990 in Physics from SUNY at Stony Brook and had joined the NCSU faculty in 1992. H. Ade received the K. F. J. Heinrich Award of the Microbeam Analysis Society (2000), a DuPont Young Faculty Award (1994-97) and an NSF Young Investigator Award (1994-1999). He was also recognized by a Sigma Xi Award of the NCSU Sigma Xi Chapter (1995) and an R&D100 Award (1990). He has delivered more than 200 invited presentations and (co)-authored over 155 research papers. He is a Fellow of the APS and AAAS and has an h-factor of 39 and a steeply raising citation rate.Presented on Thursday September 26, 2013 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Molecular Science and Engineering Building room 1201A.Runtime: 62:57 minutes.Interface structure and the quantitative composition of morphology are known to be critical for fullerene based bulk heterojunction solar cells, yet have been very difficult to study previously due to a paucity of characterization methods. Recently developed soft X-ray microscopy and scattering tools provide new avenues and contribute substantially to indentify the number of phases present and to provide a quantitative measurement of their composition fluctuations and size distribution. This led to the realization that mixed domains are prevalent in OPVs and rather than just being detrimental can have important beneficial contributions for charge generation and charge transport. Furthermore, polarized x-ray scattering can reveal preferential orientation of the donor polymer (edge-on or face-on) relative to the fullerene aggregate interface. Such ordering has previously not been observed solar cells and is shown here to be a critical factor for high performance in a number of systems
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