17 research outputs found


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    This research begins from the reality of the existence of the provisions of the legislation Health which, according to the analysis of the authors has a dimension of Islamic law, so this research motivated the problem of the existence of Islamic law into national law and how Islamic law in the Law of health. The methodology was use a qualitative research, so that the analysis was use interpretative analysis, and comparative and inductive analysis. Results found is that Islamic law has existed in the legislation of health, seen from the passages that are similar to the context of Islamic law


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    The discussion of this paper is motivated by the contradiction of functions, roles and competencies of the DPD RI. The purpose of this research was to find out the position of the DPD in the Indonesian state system and to find out the views of the siyasa fiqh on the position of the DPD in the Indonesian constitutional system. The results of this research indicated that the position of the DPD RI in the Indonesian state system has limited position and authority. The position and competence of the RI DPD should be strengthened so that the performance of a DPD RI institution becomes better in regional autonomy. If the DPD RI has an unlimited position, it gives a special authority in building the region. The view of siyasa fiqh towards the position of the Republic of Indonesia Regional Representative Council in the Indonesian state system is inconsistent and inappropriate, because Ahlul al-Halli wa al-'Aqdi is a representative of the people who can give fatwa, while the DPD RI is an institution that has the authority limite

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 Tentang Itsbat Nikah Terpadu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetrahui (1) Pembelajaran Itsbat Nikah Terpadu berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2015. (2) Efektivitas pembelajaran Itsbat Nikah Terpadu berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 oleh UIN Syahda. (3) Faktor-faktor penghambat pembelajaran Itsbat Nikah Terpadu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat pembelajar itsbat. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tahap proses pembelajaran persidangan Itsbat nikah terpadu yang dilakukan  berjalan sangat tidak efektif dan tidak tercover. Sangat tidak efektifnya karena ada 100 berkas pelaksanaan itsbat nikah Terpadu akan tetapi hanya 33 pasangan suami istri yang mendaftar hadir dalam pelaksanaan Itsbat nikah terpadu keliling, artinya pembelajaran pada masyarakat masih kurang kesadaran terhadap pembelajaran sidang Itsbat nikah terpadu keliling dan tidak ingin dibantu dalam mencari keadilan untuk memperoleh status hukum karena dilihat dari tingkat capaiannya sangat tidak efektif yaitu dengan rasio efektivitasnya dibawah 40. Padahal dalam pembelaran Itsbat nikah terpadu keliling seluruh jenjang struktural dangat diperlukan dan disepakati bahwa pembelajaran sidang Itsbat nikah terpadu penting untuk dilaksanakan dan menjadi motivasi hukum bagi hakim Pengadilan Agama Padangsidimpuan karena rasa tanggung jawab hakim untuk memenuhi dan memberikan pelayanan prima terhadap masyarakat pencari keadilan

    Development Method for Determining the Law of Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Post Reform (Case Study of Fatwas related to Law)

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    This study aims to analyze the development of the method of determining the law by the Indonesian Ulama Council after the reformation in the case of legal fatwas. Data collection was carried out by way of interviews with MUI administrators throughout Indonesia represented by the fatwa commission which produced fatwas related to crucial issues of public interest and political fatwas that greatly influenced the political situation in Indonesia. The location of this research was conducted at the Central MUI institutions, DKI Jakarta Province, West Java Province, East Java Province, and West Sumatra. The results obtained are that the method used by the MUI runs in accordance with established procedures and standards in the MUI and does not shift from the previous period. The legal determination carried out by MUI has a special style compared to other institutions, namely a more moderate process, meaning that it is not extreme or radical. In setting a fatwa decision, the MUI is not influenced by political pressures from outside that surround it even though the pressure has a psychological impact on the perpetrators of the implementation of the law. The determination even though it looks like there is pressure, but in reality it is the response of the MUI itself. This is evidenced from several cases of MUI fatwa related to the needs of many people who are able to meet the sense of community la


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    The problem in this research is how the practice of buying and selling goods by means of IFSAD Wek-I Subdistrict Padangsidimpuan North District, and how Fiqh Muamalah reviews about buying and selling goods by Ifsad in Wek-I Subdistrict, Padangsidimpuan Utara District. The purpose of this study was to find out the practice of buying and selling goods by means of Ifsad Wek-I Subdistrict, Padangsidimpuan North District, and to find out about Fiqh Muamalah review about the sale and purchase of goods by Ifsad in Wek-I Subdistrict, Padangsidimpuan Utara District. This type of research is qualitative research, namely the research process to produce data in the form of explanations, both written and unwritten with the people studied. The researchers examined were 16 sellers and 7 buyers. The results of this study obtained ifsad sale and purchase of goods carried out by some traders in Wek-I Sub-District, North Padangsidimpuan District, namely if the traders sell by weighing and wrapping the cooking oil and granulated sugar with each plastic-sized benchmark. Like wrapping each cooking oil in a plastic measuring ¼ kg. When the buyer comes the seller immediately gives the goods that have been wrapped in advance without any weighing in front of the buyer so as to raise doubts about the buyer. Each package is usually not in accordance with the scales, if the buyer returns to the item purchased because the scale is less, the seller does not want to give less than the purchased, because the seller says that the scales are sold accordingly, while the stall is not indicated when the buyer arrives. An Overview of Muamalah Fiqh on the sale and purchase by Ifsad in Wek-I Subdistrict, Padangsidimpuan Utara Subdistrict has not been in accordance with the provisions contained in one of the conditions of the sale and purchase contract that is known to be known, the amount, the size, or the other sizes

    Development Method For Determining The Law Of Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Post Reform (Case Study of Fatwas related to Law)

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    This study aims to analyze the development of the method of determining the law by the Indonesian Ulama Council after the reformation in the case of legal fatwas. Data collection was carried out by way of interviews with MUI administrators throughout Indonesia represented by the fatwa commission which produced fatwas related to crucial issues of public interest and political fatwas that greatly influenced the political situation in Indonesia. The location of this research was conducted at the Central MUI institutions, DKI Jakarta Province, West Java Province, East Java Province, and West Sumatra. The results obtained are that the method used by the MUI runs in accordance with established procedures and standards in the MUI and does not shift from the previous period. The MUI is not influenced by political pressures from outside that surround it even though the pressure has a psychological impact on the perpetrators of the implementation of the law. The determination even though it looks like there is pressure, but in reality it is the response of the MUI itself. This is evidenced from several cases of MUI fatwa related to the needs of many people who are able to meet the sense of community law. Keywords: Law; MUI; MUI fatwa; community la

    Analisis Yuridis terhadap Isbat Nikah dengan Wali Muhakkam (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Agama Pandan Nomor: 55/Pdt.P/Pa.Pdn Tahun 2021

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertimbangan penetapan nomor: 55/Pdt.P/Pa.Pdn Tahun 2021 dalam Penetapan Itsbat Nikah Sirri oleh Wali Muhakkam. Untuk mengetahui analisis yuridis terhadap penetapan nomor: 55/Pdt.P/Pa.Pdn tahun 2021 terhadap penetapan itsbat nikah sirri oleh Wali Muhakkam. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertimbangan penetapan nomor: 55/Pdt.P/Pa.Pdn Tahun 2021 dalam penetapan itsbat nikah sirri oleh Wali Muhakkam yang dilakukan Pengadilan Agama Pandan adalah bahwa wanita jika memberikan kuasa kepada seorang yang bukan walinya, namun orang tersebut mengerti tentang ajaran Islam, seperti Tokoh Agama di suatu Desa, guru agama dan lainnya untuk menikahkannya sesuai aturan Islam, maka pernikahan tersebut dikategorikan sah dalam ajaran Islam. Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Penetapan Nomor: 55/Pdt.P/Pa.Pdn Tahun 2021 terhadap Penetapan Itsbat Nikah Sirri oleh Wali Muhakkam yang dilakukan Pengadilan Agama Pandan adalah berdasarkan hukum positif berpedoman pada Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam menegaskan bahwa isbat nikah dapat dilakukan terhadap perkawinan yang dilakukan secara sah dan menurut agama dan kepercayaannya itu

    Azas legalitas dalam hukum pidana Islam

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    This study is started by a research about the importance of legality principle which is as a prior principle in Islamic civil law. The legality principle is stated by Paul Johan Anselm von Feurbach. At least the legality principle is locked in postulate “mullum dellictum nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali” that there is no criminal offense before the former criminal constitution. And actually Islamic law has adopted this principle formerly. It is proven by the legality principle printed implisitly in Al-qur’an or some hadit