129 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Anak Korban Kejahatan Seksual dalam Perspektif Hukum Progresif

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    A child has the right in the same as like own adult people. There are not many people that have thought to do certain things with Children\u27s right protection. So there are some efforts to protect children\u27s right that have been broken by country, adult, their environment, or their parents that did not give much attention to their future. Whereas, child as the soul and the reflection of the future, family asset, religion, and nation. Child get bad experience, like children exploitation, children abusement, being sex toy, child labor, abandoned, become the street children, victims of drug trafficking. Universally, Indonesia in breaking of the children\u27s right in real or nonreal become a normal and common image as mass media gives news about that. Indonesia as a law nation based on Pancasila must give a law protection to society, because of that the law protection will produce confession and human rights protection in his shape as individual creatures and social creatures in a unitary state that uphold family spirit in order to attain public welfare. Law enforcement to child victims of sexual crime in North Sumatra as conceptually has been located on the harmonizing relations of the values which span the hierarchy activities in good rules and with attitude as series value hierarchy, to build, maintain, and defend the peacefulness social life, conception that has basic philosophy that makes more solid. Construction law to protection children victims of sexual crime in progressive law perspective is an ideology and dedication of the perpetrators of law got the first place to do a dignification

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) untuk Zonasi Jalur Penangkapan Ikan di Perairan Kalimantan Barat

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    Pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan di laut semakin intensif dan daya jangkauan operasi penangkapan ikan oleh para nelayan semakin luas dan jauh dari daerah asal nelayan tersebut. Konflik sering terjadi karena tidak jelasnya wilayah pemanfaatan yaitu dapat melibatkan nelayan dalam satu daerah yang sama ataupun antara daerah yang satu dengan dengan daerah lainnya.Salah satu upaya yang telah dilakukan pemerintah dalam menghindari terjadinya konflik pemanfaatan adalah dengan mengendalikan perkembangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan melalui penerapan zonasi jalur penangkapan ikan di laut, berdasarkan Kepmentan No. 392 tahun 1999 tentang jalur-jalur penangkapan ikan.Wilayah studi adalah Perairan Kalimantan Barat yang merupakan salah satu fishing ground yang sangat berpotensi, terletak di Selat Karimata hingga Laut Cina Selatan dan berbatasan langsung dengan perairan Malaysia. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menggambarkan peta zona jalur penangkapan ikan di wilayah perairan Kalimantan Barat.Bahan dan data dalam studi ini berupa data spasial,data pasang surut dan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan zonasi jalur penangkapan ikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan SIGdengan teknikanalisis spasial.Visualisasi dalam bentuk peta jalur dalam Kepmentan No. 392 Tahun 1999mempunyai beberapa ketimpangan, antara lain yaitu: penentuan batas pulau pulau terluar yang masih rancu, terdapatnya karang-karang kering yang berpotensi menjadi batas wilayah serta penentuan jarak minimum antar titik tersebut, perairan pedalaman yang belum dibahas, daerah perbatasan antar negara yaitu bagian utara propinsi Kalimantan Barat yang berbatasan dengan Malaysia, daerah ekosistem terumbu karang dengan kedalaman kurang dari 20 meter yang masuk dalam jalur I.Peta alternative dibuat memperbaiki ketimpangan tersebutmaka dibuat peta alternatif dengan mempertimbangkan parameter jarak dan kedalaman (isobath) disertai dengan beberapa asumsi dan pembatasan

    The Effect of Element Types on Force Analogy Method Analysis

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    In this study, the seismic performance of a 2D portal frame subjected to the recorded seismic ground motions of the Northridge 1994 earthquake was evaluated by the force analogy method (FAM) with different element types. To increase the accuracy of FAM, Timoshenko (TS) elements were employed instead of the classical Euler Bernoulli (EB) elements, to revert the shear deformations that are neglected in EB elements. To perform evaluation, the same material and section properties were considered and the same portal frame was analyzed with different element lengths, from 0.5 to 7.0 m in 0.5 m steps

    Perhitungan Ulang Beban Pendinginan pada Ruang Auditorium Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok III Kementerian Kehutanan Jakarta

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    Ruang Auditorium Gedung Manggala Wanabakti diresmikan sejak 24 Agustus 1983 yang merupakan salah satu ruang yang multifungsi diantaranya sebagai ruang rapat/kongres, seminar, wisuda, pameran dan pegelaran, serta resepsi pernikahan. Perhitungan beban pendinginan pada gedung ini menggunakan metode CLTD (Cooling Load Temperature Difference). Perhitungan beban pendinginan berdasarkan data sekunder yang kemudian hasilnya dibandingkan dengan kapasitas beban pendinginan terpasang. Dari hasil perhitungan beban pendingin di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kapasitas mesin AHU (Air Handling Unit) yang terpasang belum mencukupi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sistem penyegaran udara pada ruang Auditorium Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti Kementerian Kehutanan RI

    The Effect of Different Kind of Packing Materials on the Carp (Leptobarbus Hoevenii) Fish Atom Crackers Stored at Room Temperature for 30 Days

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    This research was aimed to study the effect of different kind of packing materials on the quality of carp atom crackers stored at room temperature. The treatments in this research were different kind of packing materials which were polyprophylene, low density polyethylene and combination packing materials (HDPE and aluminium foil) and stored for H0 (0 day), H10 (10 days), H20 ( 20 days), H30( 30 days). The parameters used to analyze the quality of the fish atom crackers were organoleptic evaluation and chemis composition. The result showed that the carp fish atom cracker packed with combination packing materials (HDPE and aluminum foil) stored at room temperature for 30 days was the best treatment. It was showed by the highest organoleptic value and characterized with delicious and tasty (7,9), bright appearance (7,9), crispy and solid texture (7,6), aroma just like fish atom cracker (7,6). The carp atom crackers contained 3.14% moisture, 14.98% fat, and 5,11 mEq peroxide value

    The Effectiveness of Combined Anaerob - Aerob Biofilters and Phytoremediation Using Pistia Stratiotes for Reducing TSS and Ammonia Content in Sago Industrial Liquid Waste

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    The sago industrial liquid waste is rich in TSS and ammonia and thus need to be processed before being flown to environment. A study aims to reduce the TSS and ammonia in that waste has been conducted in January - April 2017. The sago liquid waste (135 liter) was kept in an anaerob tank (with gravel, sand and palm fiber media) for 10 days. The waste was then flown to an aerobic tank (with charcoal and palm fiber media) for 5 days and finally the waste was treated in a phytoremediation pond that was completed by Pistia stratiotes for 15 days. By the end of the experiment, the TSS reduced from 376 mg/L to 30 mg/L (the effectivity was 88.84% - 92.02%), while the ammonia reduced from 11.82 mg/L to 0.01 mg/L (the effectivity was 48.48% - 99.7%). Other water quality parameters such as pH and DO were improved. The treated waste was used for rearing Cyprinus carpio fingerlings for 7 days and survival rate of the fish was 93%. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the combination of anaerob-aerob biofilters and phytoremediation using P. stratiotes is effective to reduce the TSS and ammonia content in the sago industrial liquid waste

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir (Sppkb) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas Ivb SD Negeri 183 Pekanbaru

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    The problem in this research is the low of Science learning outcomes. This is seen from the average student test scores were 64.45, where minimum completeness criteria applied 75. Because of these problems, an action research need to be conducted by applying Learning Strategies Enhancing Thinking Skills. The purpose of this research is to enhance the students\u27 Science Learning Outcomes in 4B Grade students of SD Negeri 183 Pekanbaru at Academic Year 2015/2016 with the number of 37 students. The research was conducted in two cycles, implemented in the second semester, the instrument consists of learning tools and data collection instruments. The data in this research is the observation sheet teacher activity, the student activity observation sheet, and the daily tests. Based on the analysis of the observation sheet activities of teachers and students saw an improvement that activity of teacher in the first cycle reaches 75.00%, second cycle reaches 91,66%, while in the student activity reached 70.83% for the first cycle and the second cycle reaches 91.66%. Analysis of the data showed improvement student learning outcomes that in the first cycle the average is 73.24 with 62.16% classical completeness, while in the second cycle the average is 87.29 with 86.48% classical completeness. This shows that the application of Learning Strategies Enhancing Thinking Skills can improve Science Learning Outcomes of IVB Grade Students SD Negeri 183 Pekanbaru
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