172 research outputs found

    Penerapan Knowledge Management pada Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) Kota Pekanbaru

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    Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Pekanbaru city is one of the local government institutions accordance with their tasks to help heads of regions in organizing of government in development planning. Regional development planning must reflect the reality of the needs of an area, which be functioning as a plan to improve the use of available public resources in the region. One of the problems that occur is Bappeda can not be separated from the various constraints such as the lack of documents availability of study results or study to formulate the development planning program. There are still a lack of quantity and quality of human resources in the Bappeda environment, so it is difficult to make a quality and on time planing. Meanwhile, high and rapid of development and growth of the Pekanbaru city which must be balanced by Bappeda to produce planning products that can answer development and changes of region in the future. By applying the knowledge management is believed to have an important role in helping to improve the effectiveness of Bappeda because it can encourage the use of prior knowledge to improve the quality of decision making process. In addition, knowledge management can also serve as a tool in the process of organizational change, because the knowledge management can help to build a culture of learning within an organization. Learn to perform activities which they are responsible should be getting better over time. Based on this, researchers interested in conducting a qualitative research on the application of knowledge management in Bappeda Pekanbaru City.Theoretical concept used by the author is the theory of knowledge management Ismail Nawawi are: human, process, technology, content and the factors that affect the implementation of knowledge management in the organization. This study used a qualitative research with descriptive study. In collecting the data, the researcher used interview, observation and documentation.The results of this study indicate that Bappeda has implemented knowledge management, although there are still deficiencies in the implementation process, for example such as lack of awareness to share information among employees outside the meeting activities. But the advantages are Bappeda continue to make changes for the better as the enactment of theimplementation of an online system to provide information of evelopment activities to the society which is currently only up to the district level

    Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw

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    Jigsaw adalah suatu struktur multifungsi struktur kerjasama belajar. Jigsaw dapat digunakan dalam beberapa hal untuk mencapai berbagai tujuan tetapi terutama digunakan untuk persentasi danmendapatkan materi baru, struktur ini menciptakan saling ketergantungan. Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw adalah suatu metode pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada bentuk struktur rmultifungsi kelompok belajar yang dapat digunakan pada semua pokok bahasan dan semua tingkatan untuk mengembangkan keahlian dan keterampilan setiap kelompok yang telah mereka pelajari sebelumnya pada pertemuan tim ahli. Pada model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw, terdapat kelompok asal dan kelompok ahli. Kelompok asal, yaitu kelompok induk siswa yang beranggotakan siswa dengan kemampuan, jenis kelamin dan latar belakang keluarga yang beragam. Kelompok ahli, yaitu kelompok siswa yang terdiri dari anggota kelompok asal yang berbeda ditugaskan untuk mempelajari dengan topiknya untuk kemudian dijelaskan kepada anggota kelompok asal. Kelompok ahli merupakan gabungan dari beberapa ahli yang berasal darikelompok asal. Kunci keberhasilan jigsaw adalah saling ketergantungan, yaitu setiap siswa bergantung kepada anggota timnya untuk dapat memberikan informasi yang diperlukan supaya dapat berkinerja baik pada saat penilaian

    Penggunaan Media Monopoli Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Siswa

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    This study aims to determine the accounting students improve learning outcomes through the use of media monopoly. The instruments used in data collection in this study is the tests and observation. The test used is a test form test description (essay test) with a few questions each cycle. Observations made in this study is intended to determine the ability of students are evident from the activity of students in the learning process by using media that has been applied during the learning process. Based on the research results, the obtained results show that during the pre-test, there were 15 people (42.85%) of students who pass the study, whereas in the first cycle there are 23 people (65.71%) were completed, and the second cycle the number of students were thoroughly studied to 31 students (88.57%). This shows that there is an increase in learning outcomes from pre-test to post-test cycle II. It can be concluded that the use of the media monopoly can improve student learning outcomes accounting

    Effectiveness of Mind-Map Based-Project Based Learning and Concept Map Based-Project Based Learning on Environmental Science Course at Universitas Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of three treatments of learning models, i.e. project based learning based on mind maps, project based learning using the concept map, and conventional learning method on mastery the concept of environmental science course. Research was done at Universitas Lancang Kuning Peknbaru. Research method was a quasi experiment with pretest and posttest design. The participants were second semester students of Biology Education in academic year 2014 and 2015, consisting of three classes. Class B was the experiment 1 (20 students), Class B was experiment 2 (23 students), and class C was control (20 students). The cognitive knowledge of students was tested by assessment of cognitive test (C1-C6). Data was normal and homogeneous. Data analysis was analysis covariat (anacova) and the least significant difference (LSD). The results showed that the treatments significantly influenced the concept mastery. The ability of mastery of the concept of a student who study with project based learning using mind map was (81,17 ± 12,72) or not differ significantly with the concept map based-project based learning (78,84 ± 12,29) (P = 0,521) and conventional learning. There are significant differences between the mastery of the concept of (67,00 ± 10.8) (P = 0.00). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that Concept Map based- Project based learning is more effective than other treatments

    An Analysis Of Interactional Pattern Between Teacher And Student In Sman 1 Curup Kota

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    This study investigates the interaction pattern in SMAN 1 Curup Kota, based on Coulthard theory (2002). This study analyzed the interaction pattern and type of act used by teacher and students to see the ideal pattern in the classroom. The data analysis shows that (a) the dominant pattern used in the classroom is complete pattern (IRF) and there are also semi-complete pattern (IR) and incomplete pattern (IF); (b) In the type of acts section, the elicitation is the highest followed by informative and starter in the initiation move, reply as the highest act in the response move, and in the follow up accept as the highest followed by comment. It can be concluded that interaction pattern in the classroom is dominantly occured is ideal pattern but it\u27s not good interaction pattern because delimit student opportunity in the classroo

    Periphyton Community Structure in the Seagrass Ecosystem of the Malang Rapat Village Coast, Bintan Regency, Kepulauan Riau Province

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    Periphyton is a type of algae that commonly inhabit the surface of immersed objects. A research aims to understand the periphyton community (types and abundance) in the seagrass ecosystem of the Malang Rapat Village has been conducted in May 2015. Samplings were conducted 3 times in 3 stations. In each station there were 3 transeck lines with 5 quadrants (1 m x 1 m) in each line. Periphyton samples were taken by scraping the seagrass surface by tooth brush in the area of 5x2 cm2. Periphyton collected were then preserved in lugol 2-3 drop/40 ml and then was identified.Result shown that there were 33 periphyton species present and they are belonged to 4 classes, namely Bacillariophyceae (28 species), Chlorophyceae (2 species), Cyanophyceae (2 species) and Dinophyceae (1 species). Periphyton abundance was 13,976-29,228 cells/ cm2. In general, the H' was 3.941-4.252; C was 0.063-0.090 and E was 0.815-0.873. The water quality parameters are as follows: temperature was 30.67-31.34 0C; brightness was 0.27-0.35 m; turbidity was 1.39-1.79 NTU; current speed was 0.11-0.12 m/s; depth was 0.27-0.35 m; pH was 8; DO was 7.60-7.96 mg/L; free CO2 was 4.3-4.8 mg/L; salinity was 30.4-30.67 ‰; nitrate was 0.026-0.031 mg/L and phosphate was 0.048-0.123 mg/L. Based on periphyton community, it can be concluded that the aquatic environment in the waters of Trikora Beach, Malang Rapat Village is balance

    Pengaruh Jenis Dan Lama Perendaman Krioprotektan Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) Secara Kriopreservasi

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    Cryopreservation is a technique for long-term storage nuftah plasma. In this technique cells and meristem or other parts of plants were frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen at a temperature -196°C. The objective of the reseacrh was to know effects of type and duration of soaking cryoprotectant on the viability of roselle seed in cryopreservation. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Seed Technology Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra, Medan with a height ± 25 meters above sea level, from September to October 2014, using a randomized block design with 2 factors. The first factor is the type of cryoprotectant with 4 type of PVS1 ; PVS2; PVS3; PVS4 and the second factor of soaking cryoprotectant with 3 levels of 60 minutes; 90 minutes; 120 minutes. Parameter observed were the rate of germination (day), normal seedling (%), abnormal seedling (%), seeds die (%), vigor index, fresh weight of seedling (g), dry weight of seedling (g). The results showed soaking treatment of various types of cryoprotectant significant effect on the observation parameters the rate of germination (day), normal seedling (%), vigor index, fresh weight of seedling (g) and dry weight of seedling (g). Treatment of soaking cryoprotectant significant effect on the observation parameters abnormal seedling (%) and vigor index. Interaction type and duration of soaking cryoprotectant significant effect observation parameters on the rate of germination (day) and vigor index

    Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Faktor Produksi Pada Industri Kecil Dan Menengah Furnitur Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research aim to know the level of the efficiency of use of production factors at both of group industry. As a result of that, it will be know what production factor that needs for increasing or the reducing of input in order to reach the efficiency.The population of this research is the small and medium furniture industries in Pekanbaru City which the amount of sample in 52 industry unit. The dependent variable that used is financial capital, labour and material, meanwhile the dependent variable is production value. Method of the collecting data is do by questionare. Analysis methid that used in the research is production function of Cobb-Douglas with Frontiers Stochastic Applications and Return to Scale.The result of the furniture from wood show that the technical efficiency is about 0,5008. The allocative efficiency is 1,2742. And the Economic efficiency is 0,638. While for return to scale about 1,0783. It means the furniture from wood is in the increasing return to scale.For the furniture from metal, the level of technical efficiency is about 0,7519, the allocative efficiency is 1,7234, and the economic efficiency is 1,2931. While the return to scale value is about 0,6939. It means furniture from metal is in decreasing return to scale.By the level of technical efficiency that approaching 1(one). It can concluded that furniture from metal industries is more efficient in the using of its factor production than the metal furniture
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