218 research outputs found

    A Digital Self-Interference Cancellation Scheme for In-Band Full-Duplex-Applied 5G System and its Software-Defined Radio Implementation

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    The development of mobile communication technology toward 6G is difficult because the required spectrum resources have already been allocated to existing systems. Therefore, new communication systems must have high spectral efficiency to effectively utilize the available resources. This article proposes a digital self-interference (SI) canceller that can be applied to full-duplex cellular systems based on the current 5G signal format (5G-FDC) to introduce in-band full-duplex systems beyond 5G. Specifically, we reorganize the 5G demodulation reference signal (DMRS) and define a novel DMRS configuration, in which the DMRSs for uplink and downlink communications do not interfere with each other. The proposed DMRS configuration effectively improves the accuracy of the SI channel estimation. Moreover, we propose a channel extrapolation scheme that suppresses the channel estimation degradation, which deteriorates the block error rate performance. Additionally, we propose a noise estimation method to improve the low-density parity check decoding performance of the desired signal in 5G-FDC systems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through computer simulations and experimentally by using our developed and implemented software-defined radio-based 5G-FDC prototype. Digital SI cancellation performances of 50 dB and 30.6 dB are observed in the simulation and experimental evaluations, respectively

    Experimental Study of Simplified UTW-OFDM Receiver Technology for Application to 5G Using Software-Defined Radio Platform

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    The simplified universal time-domain windowed-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (Simplified UTW-OFDM) has been proposed to improve spectral efficiency. This study proposed a novel receiving method using an optimal inter-carrier interference (ICI) cancellation technique to improve communication quality during the application of the simplified UTW-OFDM to 5G. The simplified UTW-OFDM suppresses out-of-band emission (OOBE) through the application of very long time-domain windowing to the conventional OFDM with a cyclic prefix (CP-OFDM) symbol. However, in exchange for the OOBE suppression performance, a large ICI is generated due to the symbol distortion caused by the application of the time-domain window, resulting in the degradation of the reception quality. Therefore, in this study, we proposed a new method for calculating the log-likelihood ratio that takes into account the effect of the time-domain window. Further, an ICI canceller that included a process for suppressing the noise enhancement effect of the time-domain window was proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated through computer simulations and experiments using software-defined radio. The experimental evaluation showed that the proposed ICI canceller could suppress the OOBE by 23.5 dB compared to CP-OFDM under the condition that BLER of 0.1 is achieved even when 64QAM is applied

    Heterogeneous In-Band Full-Duplex System for Simultaneous SUN-FSK Transmission and SUN-OFDM Reception

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    This study proposes a heterogeneous in-band full-duplex system for the simultaneous transmission of the existing wireless smart ubiquitous network (Wi-SUN) using IEEE 802.15.4g-compliant frequency-shift keying for smart utility network (SUN-FSK) and reception of the next-generation Wi-SUN using IEEE 802.15.4-2020-compliant orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing for SUN (SUN-OFDM). In particular, we propose a digital self-interference (SI) cancellation scheme based on high-precision SI channel estimation using the moving average method, which can be used when the SI signal is a SUN-FSK signal and the desired signal is a SUN-OFDM signal. Furthermore, we propose a highly efficient SUN-OFDM demodulation technique that considers the effect of residual SI. We evaluate the proposed methods through computer simulations. The proposed methods can achieve 67 dB of SI cancellation in the digital domain when the SI signal power and desired signal power ratio in the digital domain is 50 dB. The results of this study enable more efficient coexistence of the existing and next-generation Wi-SUNs, which is expected to improve the throughput and responsiveness of next-generation Wi-SUN systems employing SUN-OFDM

    Tissue-specific expression of histone H3 variants diversified after species separation

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    Additional file 3: Predicted CDS of human histone H3/H4 variants, contains Table S2, which lists the CDS locus information of the predicted human histone H3 and H4 variants in an Excel file

    Differences in the electric potential of pancreatic head cancer tissues

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    Identifying the electrical properties of cancer relies on the understanding of the electric potential (EP) of cancer tissues. This study aimed to investigate the EP properties in 49 pancreatic head cancer tissues using a digital multimetre. The anode was placed at the central side of the tumour, and the electric potential differences (EPDs) between cancerous and cancerous, cancerous and noncancerous, and noncancerous and noncancerous lesions at approximately 1-cm intervals following resection were evaluated. Pathological evaluation identified 30 of these samples as pancreatic invasive ductal carcinoma (PIDC, 10 without preoperative chemotherapy and 20 after chemotherapy), seven other pancreatic cancers, three tumours of Vater’s ampulla (VA), and eight extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EHCC) samples. We also evaluated the differences in pH for cancerous and noncancerous lesions in nine PIDC samples. Our data suggest that the EP of pancreatic cancerous tissues is higher than that of noncancerous tissues, especially in PIDCs. We also noted that EPD was the highest when comparing cancerous and noncancerous lesions. Additionally, PIDC tissues presented with low pH; the pH difference between cancerous and noncancerous sites was significantly correlated with EPD (P = 0.011). These EPDs were also correlated with tumour size in PIDCs and inversely correlated with their response to chemotherapy. The EP values for both the cancerous and noncancerous sites in both the VA tumours and EHCC samples were not significantly different, whereas EPD in PIDC correlated with tumour extension and viable tumour content, suggesting that EPD might be useful for evaluating the viability and effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.This research was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Nos. 15H02567 and 17H05102) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare for Japan

    Leukocytapheresis Therapy Improved Cholestasis in a Patient Suffering from Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis with Ulcerative Colitis

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is an autoimmune disease of the hepatobiliary system for which effective therapy has not been established. Leukocytapheresis (LCAP) therapy is known to effective in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). In addition, effects of LCAP therapy were reported on some autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Here we report the case of a 29-year-old man with PSC associated with UC who was treated with LCAP therapy. He had a 16-year history of UC and a 12-year history of PSC. Although he was under treatment with prednisolone and ursodeoxycholic acid, exacerbation of UC and PSC-associated cholestasis were seen. Since he showed side effects of prednisolone, he was treated with LCAP. Not only improvement of UC, but also decreased serum alkaline phosphatase, γ-guanosine triphosphate and total bile acids, suggesting improvement of PSC-associated cholestaisis, were seen after treatment with LCAP. Our experience with this case suggests that LCAP therapy could be a new effective therapeutic strategy for patients with PSC associated with UC


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    Development of stepping measurement device for evaluation of and training in walking

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    急性膵炎の回復後その発症原因の検索において発見された小膵癌の3例を報告し,膵炎の発症原因の一つとして膵癌を常に念頭におく必要があることを強調した。またスクリーニング検査および精査において小膵癌を診断する手順について考察を加えた。症例1は初回発作の回復後に,症例2および症例3は再発発作の回復後に急性膵炎の発症原因の検索を目的に紹介された。いずれの症例においても血清腫瘍マーカーは正常植を示し,腹部USおよびCTは腫瘍から尾側の膵管の拡張を示したが腫瘍そのものは描出はできなかった。症例1ではERCP像から膵体部癌を強く疑い,症例2と症例3ではERCP像と細胞診陽性所見から膵頭部癌と確診し,手術を行った。腫瘍の最大径は症例1では0.9cm,症例2では1.5cm,症例3では2.0cmであり,いずれも転移を認めず根治切除可能であった。Although gait training equipment such as the bicycle ergometer and treadmill exists for patients whose walking ability is high, there is no appropriate gait training mehtod or training instrument for patients whose walking ability has become impaired, who often use a cane or walker, etc. in the course of daily life. In the case of gait training for persons whose walking ability involves impaired locomotion, there is always the danger of a fall. Consequently, a caregiver is required, and the effect of the training is cut by half because the patient's anxiety about falling is exacerbated. Slow stepping affords strengthening and balance training of the leg muscles for patients whose walking ability has become low, and walking ability is improved. However,whether such training appropriately carries out stepping and the degree of the effect of such training has not been evaluated. Therefore, we have developed a stepping measturement device that monitors stepping for evaluation and training of walking ability. This system consists of two mat switches for stepping, a measuring circuit for stepping detection, and a book-sized personal computer with a PC card-type AD converter. This system can detect a left or right single stance phase and a double stance phase relative to the ON, OFF condition of the mat switch. After measurement, the following items are analyzed and displayed : ・number of steps, ・average time of double stance phase, ・the average time of single stance phase, and so on. Finally, we measured the stepping of subjects whose walking ability is low, and showed the relationship between daily walking conditions and stepping conditions. The effectiveness of this system was considered in light of the results

    Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate and related metabolites in hypophosphatasia: Effects of enzyme replacement therapy

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    Objective To investigate the utility of serum pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP), pyridoxal (PL), and 4-pyridoxic acid (PA) as a diagnostic marker of hypophosphatasia (HPP) and an indicator of the effect of, and patient compliance with, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), we measured PLP, PL, and PA concentrations in serum samples from HPP patients with and without ERT. Methods Blood samples were collected from HPP patients and serum was frozen as soon as possible (mostly within one hour). PLP, PL, and PA concentrations were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection after pre-column derivatization by semicarbazide. We investigated which metabolites are associated with clinical phenotypes and how these metabolites change with ERT. Results Serum samples from 20 HPP patients were analyzed. The PLP-to-PL ratio and PLP concentration were elevated in all HPP patients. They correlated negatively with serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and showed higher values in more severe phenotypes (perinatal severe and infantile HPP) compared with other phenotypes. PL concentration was reduced only in perinatal severe HPP. ERT reduced the PLP-to-PL ratio to mildly reduced or low-normal levels and the PLP concentration was reduced to normal or mildly elevated levels. Urine phosphoethanolamine (PEA) concentration did not return to normal levels with ERT in most patients. Conclusions The serum PLP-to-PL ratio is a better indicator of the effect of ERT for HPP than serum PLP and urine PEA concentrations, and a PLP-to-PL ratio of <4.0 is a good indicator of the effect of, and patient compliance with, ERT