189 research outputs found

    ダイガク タイイク ジュギョウ ニオケル レジリエンス イクセイ ノ ココロミ : ジョシ ダイガクセイ ニオケル シンタイ カツドウ ジョウキョウ ト シンリテキ トクセイ トノ カンレン

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    The purposes of this study were to reconstruct the resilience scale, the time perspective scale and the physical self−perception profile scale, and to analyze the relationship between resilience and time perspective, physical self−perception on the view points of transtheoretical model(TTM). The results of analysis were as follows ; First, the reliability of three scales mentioned above were fulfilled the criterion by chronbach alpha coefficient. Second, the students on the higher level stage in TTM showed the higher resilience point, time perspective point and physical self−perception point. Especially, the tendency was strong on the “pursuit of originality” of resilience scale, the “reception of the past” of time perspective scale and the “attractive body”, “sports competence”, “physical strength”, “condition management”, “physical self value” of physical self−perception scale. From these results, the measures for resilience training through physical education classes were suggested

    Case Report Sequential MR Images and Radiographs of Epiphyseal Osteomyelitis in the Distal Femur of an Infant

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis, especially during the early phase of the disease. The findings of sequential MRIs during the course of treatment in acute osteomyelitis in children have not yet been reported in the literature. We present a case of acute epiphyseal osteomyelitis in the distal femur of an infant. We monitored imaging changes by sequential MRIs and radiographs. MRI was more useful than radiograph for early diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic response

    Strain-Dependent Prion Infection in Mice Expressing Prion Protein with Deletion of Central Residues 91–106

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    Conformational conversion of the cellular prion protein, PrPC, into the abnormally folded isoform, PrPSc, is a key pathogenic event in prion diseases. However, the exact conversion mechanism remains largely unknown. Transgenic mice expressing PrP with a deletion of the central residues 91–106 were generated in the absence of endogenous PrPC, designated Tg(PrPΔ91–106)/Prnp0/0 mice and intracerebrally inoculated with various prions. Tg(PrPΔ91–106)/Prnp0/0 mice were resistant to RML, 22L and FK-1 prions, neither producing PrPScΔ91–106 or prions in the brain nor developing disease after inoculation. However, they remained marginally susceptible to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prions, developing disease after elongated incubation times and accumulating PrPScΔ91–106 and prions in the brain after inoculation with BSE prions. Recombinant PrPΔ91-104 converted into PrPScΔ91–104 after incubation with BSE-PrPSc-prions but not with RML- and 22L–PrPSc-prions, in a protein misfolding cyclic amplification assay. However, digitonin and heparin stimulated the conversion of PrPΔ91–104 into PrPScΔ91–104 even after incubation with RML- and 22L-PrPSc-prions. These results suggest that residues 91–106 or 91–104 of PrPC are crucially involved in prion pathogenesis in a strain-dependent manner and may play a similar role to digitonin and heparin in the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc

    Cognitive dysfunction and amyloid β accumulation are ameliorated by the ingestion of green soybean extract in aged mice

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    AbstractThe effects of soybean extracts were investigated in senescence-accelerated (SAMP10) mice, a mouse model of brain senescence with cognitive dysfunction. Mature soybeans are usually yellow. However, the green soybean retains green color after being ripened. Cognitive functions were significantly better-preserved in aged mice fed green soybean than age-matched control mice with or without yellow soybean feeding. Molecular mechanisms of the beneficial effect of green soybean on brain functions were examined through transcriptome analysis of SAMP10 hippocampus. The high expression of Ptgds was significantly associated with green soybean diet, which encodes lipocalin-type prostaglandin D2 synthase, a putative endogenous amyloid β(Αβ)-chaperone. In consonance, Aplp1 expression was significantly reduced, a member of amyloid precursor proteins. Furthermore, the amount of Aβ 40 and 42 was reduced in the insoluble fraction of cerebral cortex. These results suggest that the intake of green soybean ameliorates cognitive dysfunction of aged mice through the reduction of Aβ accumulation

    2-Decenoic Acid Ethyl Ester, a Compound That Elicits Neurotrophin-like Intracellular Signals, Facilitating Functional Recovery from Cerebral Infarction in Mice

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    In our previous study, we found that trans-2-decenoic acid ethyl ester (DAEE), a derivative of a medium-chain fatty acid, elicits neurotrophin-like signals including the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) in cultured mouse cortical neurons. Here, we examined the efficacy of intraperitoneal administration of DAEE on the treatment of a mouse model of the cerebral infarction caused by unilateral permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (PMCAO). DAEE-treatment (100 μg/kg body weight injected at 0.5, 24, 48, 72 h after PMCAO) significantly restored the mice from PMCAO-induced neurological deficits including motor paralysis when evaluated 48, 72, and 96 h after the PMCAO. Furthermore, DAEE facilitated the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 on the infarction side of the brain when analyzed by Western immunoblot analysis, and it enhanced the number of phosphorylated ERK1/2-positive cells in the border areas between the infarction and non-infarction regions of the cerebral cortex, as estimated immunohistochemically. As the infarct volume remained unchanged after DAEE-treatment, it is more likely that DAEE improved the neurological condition through enhanced neuronal functions of the remaining neurons in the damaged areas rather than by maintaining neuronal survival. These results suggest that DAEE has a neuro-protective effect on cerebral infarction

    The Role of the OR Region in BSE Pathogenesis

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    Conformational conversion of the cellular isoform of prion protein PrPC, into the abnormally folded, amyloidogenic isoform, PrPSc, is a key pathogenic event in prion diseases including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in animals. We previously reported that the octapeptide repeat (OR) region could be dispensable for converting PrPC into PrPSc after infection with RML prions. We demonstrated that mice transgenically expressing mouse PrP with deletion of the OR region on the PrP-knockout background, designated Tg(PrPΔOR)/Prnp0/0 mice, did not reduced susceptibility to RML scrapie prions, with abundant accumulation of PrPScΔOR in their brains. We show here that Tg(PrPΔOR)/Prnp0/0 mice were highly resistant to BSE prions, developing the disease with markedly elongated incubation times after infection with BSE prions. The conversion of PrPΔOR into PrPScΔOR was markedly delayed in their brains. These results suggest that the OR region may have a crucial role in the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc after infection with BSE prions. However, Tg(PrPΔOR)/Prnp0/0 mice remained susceptible to RML and 22L scrapie prions, developing the disease without elongated incubation times after infection with RML and 22L prions. PrPScΔOR accumulated only slightly less in the brains of RML- or 22L-infected Tg(PrPΔOR)/Prnp0/0 mice than PrPSc in control wild-type mice. Taken together, these results indicate that the OR region of PrPC could play a differential role in the pathogenesis of BSE prions and RML or 22L scrapie prions. IMPORTANCE Structure-function relationship studies of PrPC conformational conversion into PrPSc are worthwhile to understand the mechanism of the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc. We show here that, by inoculating the three different prion strains of RML, 22L and BSE prions, into Tg(PrP∆OR)/Prnp0/0 mice, the OR region could play a differential role in the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc after infection with RML or 22L scrapie prions and BSE prions. PrPΔOR was efficiently converted into PrPScΔOR after infection with RML and 22L prions. However, the conversion of PrPΔOR into PrPScΔOR was markedly delayed after infection with BSE prions. Further investigation into the role of the OR region in the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc after infection with BSE prions might be helpful for understanding the pathogenesis of BSE prions