119 research outputs found


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    L’essai critique de l’irlandais Martin Sherlock, Consiglio ad un giovan poeta, qui portait un jugement peu flatteur sur l’état de le poĂ©sie italienne et proposait des modĂšles Ă©trangers, provoque, Ă  partir des recensions dans la presse pĂ©riodique un vif dĂ©bat, qui tĂ©moigne de l’évolution de l’opinion littĂ©raire dans la pĂ©ninsule italienne. L’article en envisage les diffĂ©rentes phases, les articles des journaux servant de points de dĂ©part ou de relais du dĂ©bat d’opinion, puis il s’intĂ©resse Ă  la diffusion de la discussion Ă  l’étranger. Assez rapidement en effet, et bien que l’ouvrage ne fĂ»t pas traduit en français, les pĂ©riodiques de langue française en rendirent compte et, tout en se faisant l’écho du dĂ©bat italien, le placĂšrent dans un nouveau contexte, lui donnant de ce fait de nouveaux enjeux et une nouvelle dynamique. A l’occasion de cet ouvrage particulier, c’est le fonctionnement d’un vĂ©ritable espace littĂ©raire transnational que rĂ©vĂšlent ainsi les pĂ©riodiques littĂ©raires des annĂ©es 1780.   La diffusione europea di un dibattito italiano: i periodici letterari e il Consiglio ad un giovane poeta di Martin Sherlock negli anni 1780 Il saggio critico dell’irlandese Martin Sherlock, Consiglio ad un giovane poeta, che dava un giudizio poco lusinghiero sullo stato della poesia italiana e proponeva modelli stranieri, diede origine ad un vivace dibattito, a partire dalle recensioni nella stampa periodica, che testimonia l’evoluzione dell’opinione letteraria nella penisola italiana. L’articolo ne prende in esame le diverse fasi, attraverso articoli di giornale che servono come punti di partenza per il dibattito, e poi guarda alla diffusione della discussione all’estero. Anche se l’opera non fu tradotta in francese, i periodici di lingua francese ne parlarono e, pur facendo eco al dibattito italiano, lo inserirono in un nuovo contesto, dandogli cosĂŹ un nuovo impulso. In questo particolare lavoro, i periodici letterari degli anni 1780 rivelano l’esistenza di uno spazio letterario veramente transnazionale.   The european diffusion of an italian debate: literary periodicals and the Consiglio ad un giovane poeta by Martin Sherlock in the 1780s The critical pamphlet by Martin Sherlock, entitled Consiglio ad un giovane poeta delivered a harsh judgement on the state of Italian poetry and advised to follow foreign models; it created, from its accounts in literary periodicals, a lively debate, revealing the evolution of Italian literary opinion. This paper follows its several stages, the accounts in the journals serve as starting points for or echoes of dissenting opinions. It then traces the foreign diffusion. Rather quickly, and although the book was not translated into French, French speaking periodicals accounted for it, both echoing the Italian debate and setting it in a new context, thus altering the stakes and giving new impetus. The reception of this peculiar book in literary periodicals reveals the existence of a transnational literary space in the 1780s

    (Eta6-arene) ruthenium(II) complexes and metallo-papain hybrid as Lewis acid catalysts of Diels-Alder reaction in water.

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    International audienceCovalent embedding of a (eta(6)-arene) ruthenium(II) complex into the protein papain gives rise to a metalloenzyme displaying a catalytic efficiency for a Lewis acid-mediated catalysed Diels-Alder reaction enhanced by two orders of magnitude in water

    Dichlorido(dimethyl sulfoxide-ÎșS)(η6-mesitylene)ruthenium(II)

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    The title compound, [RuCl2(C9H12)(C2H6OS)], features a planar [maximum deviation = 0.0075 (17) Å] η6-bound mesitylene ligand and a dimethyl sulfoxide ligand coordinated via the S atom. The overall complex geometry about the Ru(II) atom is best described as a piano-stool configuration

    Improved catalytic activity of ruthenium–arene complexes in the reduction of NAD+

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    A series of neutral Ru-II half-sandwich complexes of the type [(eta(6)-arene)Ru(N,N')Cl] where the arene is para-cymene (p-cym), hexamethylbenzene (hmb), biphenyl (bip), or benzene (bn) and N,N' is N-(2-aminoethyl) -4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonamide (TfEn), N-(2-aminoethyl)-4-toluenesulfonamide (TsEn), or N-(2-aminoethyl)-methylenesulfonamide (MsEn) were synthesized and characterized. X-ray crystal structures of [(p-cym)Ru(MsEn)Cl] (1), [(hmb)Ru(TsEn)Cl] (5), [(hmb)Ru(TfEn)Cl] (6), [(bip)Ru(MsEn)Cl] (7), and [(bip)Ru(TsEn)Cl] (8) have been determined. The complexes can regioselectively catalyze the transfer hydrogenation of NAD(+) to give 1,4-NADH in the presence of formate. The turnover frequencies (TOF) when the arene is varied decrease in the order bn > bip > p-cym > hmb for complexes with the same N,N' chelating ligand. The TOF decreased with variation in the N,N' chelating ligand in the order TfEn > TsEn > MsEn for a given arene. [(bn)Ru(TfEn)Cl] (12) was the most active, with a TOP of 10.4 h(-1). The effects of NAD(+) and formate concentration on the reaction rates were determined for [(p-cym)Ru(TsEn)Cl] (2). Isotope studies implicated the formation of [(arene)Ru(N,N')(H)] as the rate-limiting step. The coordination of formate and subsequent CO2 elimination to generate the hydride were modeled computationally by density functional theory (DFT). CO2 elimination occurs via a two-step process with the coordinated formate first twisting to present its hydrogen toward the metal center. The computed barriers for CO2 release for arene = benzene follow the order MsEn > TsEn > TfEn, and for the Ms En system the barrier followed bn < hmb, both consistent with the observed rates. The effect of methanol on transfer hydrogenation rates in aqueous solution was investigated. A study of pH dependence of the reaction in D2O gave the optimum pH* as 7.2 with a TOF of 1.58 h(-1) for 2. The series of compounds reported here show an improvement in the catalytic activity by an order of magnitude compared to the ethylenediamine analogues

    Des lices et des joncs : riviÚre et draperies de la vallée de la Lys à la fin du Moyen Age.

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    Warps and Reeds : Rivers and Cloth-Weaving in the Lys Valley at the End of the Middle Ages. The cloth-weaving centres run and flourish along the banks of the Lys from the end of the XIIIth to the middle of the XVth centuries. The organization of the space and of production are quite original. Locally, the possession of a seal (guaranteeing quality) and of urban functions establishes a hierarchy among the producing villages, reinforcing the links between town and country and the star-shaped networks (supply of spun yarn at the Moorsele halt). Numerous are the cloth-weavers : access to the trade is easy as long as the magnates (who alter the regulations according to their interests) comfort their results. Subcontractors are to be found along free entrepreneurs and multiple activity : the name cloth-weaver actually covers lots of different social conditions. The range of the products is very wide too. The most sophisticated lead to a trade intensifying the relations between the towns situated on the Escaut tributaries. Their diffusion also spreads to more remote areas like the Mediterranean Basin or the Baltic sea. Certain Italian companies even have interests in the production.Les centres drapiers s'Ă©grĂšnent et prospĂšrent le long des berges de la Lys de la fin du XIIIe s. au milieu du XVe s. L'organisation de l'espace et de la production est tout Ă  fait originale. Localement, la possession d'un sceau (garantissant la qualitĂ©) et des fonctions urbaines Ă©tablit une hiĂ©rarchie entre les villages producteurs, renforçant les liens villes-campagnes et les rĂ©seaux en Ă©toile (approvisionnement en filĂ©s Ă  l'Ă©tape de Moorsele). Nombreux sont les drapiers : l'accĂšs au mĂ©tier est facile tant que les magnats (qui modifient les rĂšglements selon leurs intĂ©rĂȘts) prĂ©servent leur chiffre d'affaires. La sous-traitance cĂŽtoie la libertĂ© d'entreprendre et la pluriactivitĂ© : le terme drapier couvre en rĂ©alitĂ© une foule de conditions sociales. La gamme des produits est trĂšs Ă©tendue. Les plus sophistiquĂ©s font l'objet d'un grand commerce intensifiant les relations entre les villes situĂ©es sur les affluents de l'Escaut. La diffusion concerne aussi des espaces plus lointains comme le bassin mĂ©diterranĂ©en ou la mer Baltique. Certaines compagnies italiennes ont mĂȘme des intĂ©rĂȘts jusque dans la production.Scheerlijst en rotting : rivieren en tapijtweven in de Leievallei op het einde van de middeleeuwen. Van het einde van de 13de tot het midden van de 15de eeuw zijn er heel wat voorspoedige centra van lakenindustrie langs de Leie. De ruimtelijke ordening en de organisatie zijn helemaal oorspronkelijk. Op lokaal vlak zorgen het bezit van een kwaliteitszegel en de stedelijke functie voor een hiĂ©rarchie tussen de productiedorpen en versterken de band tussen stad en land en de stervormige netwerken (voor de aanvoer van spindraad uit het kwartier Moorsele). Er waren veel lakentwevers. De toegang tot het ambacht was eenvoudig zolang de magnaten (die de reglementen aanpassen aan hun belangen) aan hun zakencijfer denken. DiversifiĂ«ring, ondernemingsvrijheid en onderaanneming zorgen voor een gedifferentieerde sociale situatie. Er is een brede waaier van producten. De meest verfijnde zijn bestemd voor de handel tussen de steden op de zijrivieren van de Schelde. Maar er gaan ook stukken naar de Middelandse en Baltische zee. Sommige Italiaanse maatschappijen hebben zelfs belangen in de productie.Haquette Bertrand. Des lices et des joncs : riviĂšre et draperies de la vallĂ©e de la Lys Ă  la fin du Moyen Age.. In: Revue du Nord, tome 79, n°322, Octobre-dĂ©cembre 1997. Etudes offertes Ă  GĂ©rard SivĂ©ry. pp. 859-882

    Plaire Ă  l’oreille ou peindre Ă  l’esprit : rĂ©flexions sur la querelle du vers au XVIIIe siĂšcle

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    International audienceDans le systÚme poétique classique français, la rime est considérée comme élément essentiel de définition. On pourrait schématiser ce credo : la poésie, ce sont les genres en vers, et qui, en français, dit vers, dit rime. L'évidence de cette triple équivalence est cependant progressivement remise en cause dans les premiÚres décennies du dix-huitiÚme siÚcle, lors de la querelle du vers, qui accompagne et prolonge la querelle des Anciens et des Modernes. Il ne s'agira pas ici de refaire l'histoire de ce débat, mais simplement d'en souligner certains enjeux et d'en dessiner certains prolongements. Il ne nous semble pas que les discussions sur la rime relÚvent simplement de questions de versification, mais qu'elles touchent directement à la conception de la poésie

    Le mûrier de Shakespeare ou la gloire en débat : le jubilé de Stratford-upon-Avon (1769) et ses répercussions polémiques

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    Haquette Jean-Louis. Le mûrier de Shakespeare ou la gloire en débat : le jubilé de Stratford-upon-Avon (1769) et ses répercussions polémiques. In: Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé, n°2,2004. pp. 56-69

    « Notre Ăąme est un tableau mouvant ». ÉnergĂ©tique des Ă©motions et puissance de l’image chez Diderot

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    International audienceIn the broader context of the sensualist theory of passions, Diderot 's thought on drama and painting is an interesting point of view on the links between visuality and emotions in the 18 th century. The image of the "tableau mouvant" is revealing of the opposition between images and language in the expression of emotions, and, in Diderot 's view, the inferiority of the latter. In several moments of different texts concerning passions and emotions, the totum simul of images is opposed to the successive dimension of language. Accordingly, the poetics of drama relies heavily on gesture and pantomime, when a sublime movement is more meaningful than a long discourse. In the artistic communication of emotions, visual efficiency is the touchstone of success for Diderot, as in his analysis of the failed portrait of Mademoiselle Clairon by Van Loo. In a more unexpected way, the expressive body also plays an important role in Diderot 's reaction to Richardson novels. It fosters an integration of detailed gestures in both Le Neveu de Rameau and La Religieuse, where Diderot skilfully plays with dramatic visual expressivity

    ‘Et in Arcadia ego’ : modulations mĂ©lancoliques de la tradition pastorale entre LumiĂšres et Romantismes

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    The aim of this paper is to study the modulations of the links established between pastoral and melancholy in a series of late eighteenth-century literary texts. Starting from the three definitions of « mĂ©lancolie » given in the EncyclopĂ©die, the paper first examines eighteenth centuries interpretations of the celebrated « Shepherds of Arcady » by Poussin. They converge in distorting the visual elements of the paintings, as if the encounter between pastoral and melancholy could only be oxymorous. Turning then to prose fiction, the same motive, a tomb in the pastoral locus amoenus, is found both in Marmontel’s Palemon and Pierre Blanchard’s Felix et Pauline ; yet the confrontation between the pastoral world and melancholy is given divergent meanings, the latter narrative putting the stress on « noire mĂ©lancolie », the former on « douce mĂ©lancolie ». This pastoral encounter with melancholy is anticipated in Gray’s Elegy, which is here shown to combine innovative synthesis elements from Warton’s Pleasures of melancholy and from the Pastoral Eclogues by the same. A further modulation is then examined, which transforms the tomb into the ruins of a cottage, and introduces a new character : the wandering poet. Two examples are considered : Bernardin de Saint-Pierre’s Paul et Virginie and Wordworth’s The Ruined Cottage. All the texts considered stress the nostalgia of a lost happiness which can only be partly recovered in narration. Recombining traditional elements of earlier pastoral poetry, but giving them new expression, they establish what could be termed a « pastoralization » of melancholy, which loses its violence to become, to borrow Panofsky’s words on Poussin’s painting, « a contemplative absorption in the idea of mortality »
