6 research outputs found

    The Challenges of Food Security in South Asia: Understanding it’s dynamics with Reference to Bangladesh

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    This study focuses on the challenges of food security in South Asian region, particularly the challenges Bangladesh is facing, and how this region can possibly mitigate this challenge. Food security is a complex issue. The question of food security has a number of dimensions that go beyond production, availability and demand for food. It is generally understood as access to adequate food to all households at all times to enable them to lead a healthy and active life. The initial focus on food security as a global concern was on the volume and stability of food. Achieving food security in South Asia has become a major challenge. The food security scenario in South Asia has witnessed rapid progress over the last few decades, yet nutrition outcomes, especially those related to women and children, have failed to keep pace. In addition, the article has also identified a number of initiatives taken by the SAARC countries, and recommends some policies for the food security. Keywords: Food Security, South Asia, Bangladesh, Challeng

    The Cause of Low Implementation of ICT in Education Sector Considering Higher Education: A Study on Bangladesh

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    Education is one of the main keys to economic development and improvements in human welfare. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has turned out to be an effective educational technology which promotes some dramatic changes in teaching and learning process. ICT may change the way of livelihood and education system of a country. This study is to focus the ICT used by the teachers and their attitude towards using ICT in the classroom. Though the education sectors of Bangladesh are suffering hundreds of problems, ICT can change the present scenario. This research is to identify the current ICT status on higher education specially a government college in Bangladesh

    Perception of the Regional Political Leaders on Climate Change: A Study in Sylhet District in Bangladesh

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    The paper has been designed to explore the perception of the regional political leaders on climate change. It explains the perception of the political leaders about general information, causes, and impacts of climate change. Therefore, the research design of the study was explorative and mostly descriptive. Probability sampling was used for sample selection. From the population of 367.58 respondents were selected by using Cochran’s formula. This study incorporated both primary and secondary sources of data. Data was collected through social survey and in-depth interview method from the study area. These pertinent data were analysed by different statistical method like percentage analysis, weighted mean index, chi-square method etc. It was found that most of the respondents’ perception about the climate change is satisfactory comparatively where perception about causes of climate change was better than the perception about impacts of climate change. Here, year of schooling was significantly associated with the respondents’ perception on climate change. On the other hand, involvement with voluntary organization is significantly associated with respondents’ perception about impacts of climate change. On the contrary, duration of the involvement with political party has no significant relation regarding to the perception of the political leaders on various aspects of climate change

    Informal Social Integration Process of Rohingyas Refugees in Bangladesh

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the informal social integration process of Rohingyas refugees in Bangladesh. This is the qualitative study. The sample presented here 20 Rohingyas refugees in both registered and unregistered refugee camps as well as the opinion of the local community, experts, civil society and the government. Data are obtained through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, oral history and photo projects. There are two theories followed for this study; one is Carens (2005) informal integration process and another is Essers (2004) individual assimilation. The descriptive approach is followed to write the analysis. Moreover, the seven socio-cultural domains are examined to measure the integration process of Rohingyas refugees in Bangladesh. Out of seven domains, four get the success of integration. Those domains are social contact, employment, language and health. On the other hand, three other domains indicate less success than the previous four. Those three domains are education, political participation and housing. Therefore, the literature and the fieldwork revels the failure of first hypothesis whereas the second hypothesis is accepted that the Rohingyas refugees have been integrating to the host society slowly.Maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt Roingijas bēgļu neformālās sociālās integrācijas procesu Bangladešā. Pētījumā lietotas kvalitatīvas pētījuma metodes. Pētījuma dalībnieki ir 20 Roingijas bēgļi kā reģistrētās, tā nereģistrētās bēgļu nometnēs. Pētījumā pievērsta uzmanība arī vietējās kopienas, ekspertu, pilsoniskās sabiedrības un valdības viedokļiem. Kā datu iegūšanas metodes lietotas intervijas, fokusgrupu diskusijas, mutvārdu vēsture un fotoprojekts. Pētījuma teorētisko pamatojumu veido divas teorijas – Karena (Caren, 2005) teorija par neformālo integrācijas procesu un Essera (Esser, 2004) teorija par individuālo asimilāciju. Lietota deskriptīva analīzes pieeja. Lai novērtētu Roingijas bēgļu integrācijas procesu, tiek aplūkotas septiņas sociokultūrālās jomas. Pētījuma rezultāti parāda, ka četrās no septiņām jomām integrācija noris veiksmīgi – sociālo kontaktu, nodarbinātības, valodas un veselības jomās. Trijās no tām – izglītība, politiskā līdzdalība un mājoklis, integrācija ir mazāk veiksmīga. Literatūras analīze un pētījums parāda, ka pirmā hipotēze neapstiprinās, kamēr otrā apstiprinās – Roingijas bēgļi integrējas uzņemošajā sabiedrībā lēni