14 research outputs found

    Proses Pemisahan Ion Natrium (Na) Dan Magnesium Dalam Bittern (Buangan) Industri Garam

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    Electrodyalises membrane could be used as a separation material of minerals from Bittern (lowsalt content). According to the several literatures data's proved that the electrodialyses membrane could be used as a separation material for low salt content liquid optimally. So that the minerals content on bittern could be separated and worthwhile optimally. According to the research indicate that the best result of sodium ion (Na) obtained 21,425.90 ppm feeder concentration, 2.8 volt current voltage and 30 minutes operational time and 78.43% rejection. Whereas the Magnesium (Mg) obtained 15,795.30 ppm feeder concentration, 2.5 volt current voltage and 150 minutes operational time and 97.02% rejection

    Pengambilan Mineral Elektrolit Dari Limbah Garam

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    Bittern is a thick liquid that obtained from crystallization waste that left from salt making process.Bittern contain many minerals including macro mineral micro mineral. This mineral formed because ittakes part in crystallization at salt making process. From the great quantities that bittern contain, theresome minerals that have high that is: Magnesium (Mg), Natrium (Na), Kalium (K), and Calcium (Ca).These four minerals important minerals that needed for human body's health, so that can be used asmineral ionic supplement that have benefit for human's health.Electro dialysis membrane is one of ions separation process from some liquid with the use of highelectrical wave through semi permeable membrane that have permeable characteristic for some specificions. This process produce one part that we call“Konsentrat” and the other part we call it “Diluat” . The variable that we are going to use for this research is : bittern concentrations, voltage and timeof operation. And the best research result take place in condition : feed concentration in bittern 1composition, voltage that we used is 2,9 volt and time of operation is 150 minutes and also produce %magnesium (Mg) rejection = 91,9%, % Natrium (Na) rejection = 74,66%, % (K) Kalium rejection =92,88% and % Calcium (Ca) rejection = 96,19%

    Perbedaan Profil Laboratorium Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue Anak Dan Dewasa Pada Fase Kritis

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    Background: Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a tropical infectious disease that often affects children and adults. The prevalence of DHF continues to increase every year. One of the major manifestations of DHF is hypovolemic shock caused by plasma leakage. Children may be less able to compensate the plasma leakage than adults so they have greater risk of shock. Laboratory tests are used to determine the state of hemoconcentration and thrombocytopenia of patients with DHF, especially in the critical phase to monitor and prevent the patient become worse. Objective: To analyze the differences in laboratory profile of hemoconcentration, leukopeny, and hrombocytopenia of children and adults with DHF in the critical phase.Methods: The study was observational analytic with retrospective cross sectional design. It included 70 samples of children and 70 samples of adult with DHF. Data was taken at the Dr. Kariadi Hospital. The research instrument was medical records of children and adults patients with DHF in the critical phase.Results: In children, laboratory profile of hematocrit increased as much as 63.3%, while in adult as much as 36.7%(p=0.006). Laboratory profile of leukocytes in children decreased by 48.5% and 51.5% in adults (p=0.735). Laboratory profile of platelets in children decreased by 56.7% and 43.3% in adults (p=0.007).Conclusions: There are significant differences between hemoconcentration and hrombocytopenia laboratory profiles of children and adults in the critical phase but there is no significant difference between leukopeny laboratory profiles of children and adults in the critical phase

    Perbedaan Profil Klinis Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) Pada Anak Dan Dewasa

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    Background : Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a communicable disease commonly found in tropical and subtropical area and a major health problem in Indonesia. This disease can lead to different clinical profiles between children and adults.Aim : To analyze the differences of clinical profile consist of duration of fever, hemorrhagic manifestations, hepatomegaly, plasma leakage, and the degree of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in children and adults.Methods : This research was an observational study with cross sectional retrospective design. Total of samples were 154 consisting of 79 children and 75 adults who are diagnosed denguehemorrhagic fever. Data was obtained from medical records from January 2013 to March 2015. Statistical test was using Chi square test, Mann Whitney, and two samples Kolmogorov Smirnov with significance limit of p < 0.05 and a confidence interval of 95% . Result : Chi square test found no significant difference in duration of fever (p = 0,304), and found significant differences in spontaneous bleeding (p = 0.001), hepatomegaly (p < 0.001), shock ( p < 0.001) and plasma leakage ( p < 0.001) which is more common in children than in adults . Mann Whitney test found significant differences in the mean time of fever duration (p = 0.017) which longer in adults (6.61 days). Two samples Kolmogorov -Smirnov test found significant differences in the degree of DHF ( p = 0.004 ) .Conclusion : There were significant differences (p>0,05) of clinical profile consist of mean time of fever duration, spontaneous bleeding manifestations (especially petechiae and ecchymosis/ purpura), hepatomegaly, shock, plasma leakage (especially hemoconcentration, pleural effusion, and edema palpebra), and the degree of DHF

    Prototype Teknologi Siluman (Stealth) Material Organik Penyerap Gelombang Radar Dari Komposit Polimer Chitosan-hidroksiapatit Untuk Aplikasi Peralatan Militer Wilayah Perbatasan

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    Border regions in Indonesia are still often hit problems with other countries, and in other words it indicates weak military defense systems in the border area. Therefore, Indonesia needs to deploy some special forces on the frontier that uses advanced technology, one of them is the stealth technology. Radar absorbing material plays an important role in this technology. Chitosan and hydroxyapatite believed to resemble a good combination of new organic materials that can be developed as a radar absorbing material. The purpose of this study is to develop a prototype of organic radar absorbing material from chitosan-hydroxyapatite polymer composite. Quality characteristics of the material being analyzed are solution viscosity analysis, FTIR, SEM, material thickness, tensile strength. Ability of material to absorb radar waves was analyzed with reflection loss measurement. The prototype resembles a thin, transparent plastic sheet with a yellowish brown color. Values of thickness ranged from 0.14 to 0.17 mm. This material has a tensile strength values ranged from 1.41 ± 2.82 to 159.33 ± 106.33 kPa. SEM analysis showed a porous and homogeneous structure marked by good interaction between chitosan, PVA, and hydroxyapatite. Value of radar absorption by prototype shown with increasing the value of reflection loss. The optimum values obtained in the film with a mixture of chitosan prototype 2%, 5% PVA, and 0.04 gram hydroxyapatite with an average value of reflection loss -32.0907 ± 4.0763 dB


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    Latar Belakang : Scoliosis merupakan deformitas tulang belakang yang ditandai oleh lengkungan ke lateral dengan atau tanpa rotasi tulang belakang. Sekitar 80% kasus scoliosis struktural mempunyai etiologi idiopatik dan biasanya ditemukan pada anak-anak atau remaja.Tujuan : Mengetahui efektivitas schroth methode dan penggunaan brace spine untuk memperbaiki posture pasa scoliosis adoescent. Metode : Menggunakan metode narrative review dengan framework PICO (Problem:Scoliosis Adolescent, Intervention:Schroth Methode, Comparasion:Brace Spine, Outcome:Changes in Scoliosis Posture). Pencarian artikel menggunakn database google scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect dengan kriteria inklusi artikel nasional dan internasional yang di publish secara full text, diterbitkan dalam 10 tahun terakhir (2011-2021) serta artikel yang berhubungan dengan penelitian Scoliosis Adolescenet dengan intervensi Schroth Methode dan Brace Spine. Hasil : Dari 12 artikel 6 artikel membahas efektivitas schroth methode dan 6 artikel membahas efektifitas penggunaan brace spine untuk memperbaiki posture pada scoliosis adolescent, yang keduanya sama-sama memiliki hasil yang signifikan dalam penanganan scoliosis adolescent. Kesimpulan : Schroth Methode dapat memperkuat dan memperpanjang otot asimetris dengan program koreksi tubuh, pengaturan pola pernafasan dan stimulasi sehingga menghentikan perkembangan kurva, meningkatkan kapasitas vital dan memperbaiki posture. Brace Spine secara aktif mengoreksi deviasi dan rotasi lateral dan mengembalikan deformitas bidang sagital dengan mendorong ke atas dari panggul, sehingga mencapai postur kolom vertebral yang simetris serta adanya penekanan hidrostatis yang berperan membantu memperbaiki posisi yang stabil pada postur. Saran : Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi tambahan referensi bagi penderita, profesi fisioterapi dan peneliti selanjutnya serta dapat dikembangkan menggunakan metode yang lebih baik lagi

    Re-interpreting Memory of History by Fragmented Continuum Concept in Museum Design

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    Architecture has always been considered as a carrier of messages. Stories and buildings have been tied up together since the beginning of the conscious formation of space and the first attempts to understand the world around us. Architecture that has been ruined or abandoned is also has the same condition. The 'death' could be a new beginning for buildings. An example that still exists in the present is Kedung Cowek Fort. Kedung Cowek Fort is a witness of history that still exists. The design problem which will be proposed in this final project is how the ruins of architecture could be 'revived'. Architect also responsible to how the space could be an instrument which people could experience the memory of history from the event of the past with universal language which people in the present could understand. By using historicism approach, what already happened in the past become a background for the design and by using meaning in architecture approach, those past events are interpreted to story. The tool to transfer the story into architectural design is narrative method. The building type proposed in this final project is historical museum. By giving the interpretation of historical background, people could try to understand the history from the perspective and story architect creates. In this case, history is defined as a fragmented continuum story

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah Menggunakan Regresi Logistik Biner

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    AKB merupakan ukuran dasar untuk mengukur kualitas penduduk berdasarkan tingkat kesehatan, semakin besar AKB maka semakin rendah kualitas penduduk. Salah satu kasus yang mendominasi terjadinya kematian bayi di Kabupaten Gresik adalah kasus berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR). BBLR merupakan berat badan bayi yang baru lahir dengan berat kurang dari 2.500 gram. Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gresik, tercatat kasus BBLR di Kabupaten Gresik pada tahun 2019 semakin memburuk jika di bandingkan pada tahun 2018. Faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kasus BBLR bisa dari dua hal, yaitu faktor ibu dan faktor kehamilan. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian dilakukan identifikasi untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi BBLR di Rumah Sakit Semen Gresik, analisis yang digunakan yaitu regresi logistik biner dengan variabel respon status berat badan lahir (BBL) yang dikategorikan normal dan rendah, dengan variabel prediktor yang digunakan mencakup tujuh variabel yang diduga mem- pengaruhi status BBL yaitu usia ibu saat melahirkan, preek- lamsia, lahir bayi kembar, umur kehamilan saat melahirkan, plasenta previa, volume air ketuban, dan ketuban pecah dini. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat dua variabel prediktor yang berpengaruh terhadap berat badan lahir rendah di Rumah Sakit Semen Gresik tahun 2020, yaitu variabel umur kehamilan saat melahirkan dan volume air ketuban dengan nilai ketepatan klasifikasi sebesar 83,3%

    Proteinuria Pasien Diabetes Melitus dan Obesitas Poli Penyakit dalam RS Ibnu Sina Makassar

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    Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world has increased which is certainly accompanied by a rapid increase in the incidence of its chronic complications like kidney disorders. Insulin resistance, the patophysiology of diabetes mellitus, also associated with obesity, which both are the main risk factors for cardiovascular events. Obesity also known as a risk factor for kidney disease that proved by the presence of proteinuria in obesity patients. Objective: To determine the correlation of obesity with occurrence of proteinuria in patients with type 2 DM in internal medicine polyclinic Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar. Method: A cross sectional study on 32 type 2 DM patients at Ibnu Sina Hospital as measured by body weight, height and waist circumference. Urinalysis examination is also performed at that time. Results: In this study, there were 4 patients (12,5%) patients with proteinuria (+), 1 patient (3.1%) with proteinuria (++), 2 patients (6.3%) with proteinuria (+++) and 1 patient (3.1%) with proteinuria (++++). According to BMI, we found that 17 patients (53.1%) were overweight,  5 patients (15.6%) were class 1 obesity, no class 2 obesity patient, and 1 patients (3.1%) were class 3 obesity. In Waist circumference examination we found that  in normal waist circumference group there is 1 patient that did not has proteinuria while in the  abnormal waist circumference group, 8 patients out of 31 patients have proteinuria. After doing statistical analysis to assess the correlation of obesity with proteinuria obtained p value> 0.05. Similarly, the correlation analysis waist circumference with proteinuria obtained p value> 0.05. Conclusion: There is no correlation between obesity and proteinuria as well as waist circumference and proteinuria correlation in type 2 DM patients