4 research outputs found

    Problems Solving of Credit with Liability Which Owner Has Died

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    The purpose of this study was to: 1) To identify and analyze the implementation of the settlement of non-performing credits are collateralized with mortgage collateral while the owner died. 2) To identify and analyze the role of the Notary of the Installation Encumbrance with Certificate Name Properties that have made the process dies down to the Expert Heir based Justice. The data used in this study are primary data, secondary data and data that can support tertiary study, which was then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: 1) the implementation of the settlement of non-performing credits are collateralized with mortgage collateral while the owner died. 2) the role of the Notary of the Installation Encumbrance with Certificate Name Properties that have made the process dies down to the Expert Heir based Justice.

    Legal Philosophy In Child Protection As A Part Of Human Rights

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    Legal philosophy in guarding child protection as part of human rights is applied through legal philosophy as well as law grows and develops in positivism legal theory, with the flow of positivism legal theory to maintain child protection in a sustainable manner, which can later make law responsive to children. The approach method used in this study uses a normative juridical approach. The results of the research obtained that Justice is an effort to find balance, equality, truth and decide if there is a Child protection is a hot topic that is always good to discuss, this happens because children are the next generation of the nation in the future. Through the philosophy of law as the basic foundation of legal science, it can be explained that the philosophy of law is very protective of the role of human rights which guarantees the protection of children. The role of legal philosophy in safeguarding child protection as part of human rights is applied through legal philosophy as well as law grows and develops in positivism legal theory, with the flow of positivism legal theory to maintain child protection in a sustainable manner, which in turn can make law responsive to children

    The Legal Analysis of Signature Forgestion Handling Process in Land Selling by PPAT

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    The problems in this research, first: how Legal Analysis of the Process of Handling Signature Falsification in the Sale and Purchase of Land Conducted by PPAT in Semarang City (Live Study Case No. 505/Pdt.G/2020/Pn.Smg)? Second, what is the legal consequence of the Minuta Akta which is falsified by a notary? This research is a normative study. The results of the study conclude, first: the implications for the notary position can be categorized into four (4) aspects, namely, i) implications for deed engagement, ii) aspects of administrative positions; iii), Professional Aspects of Membership; vi), the criminal aspect. Second, the legal consequence of the Minuta deed which is falsified by the notary is that the deed only has the power of proof as an underhand deed, if the parties can prove the untruth of the authentic deed in court proceedings and result in the deed being canceled and the power of proof as the deed below hands will no longer apply.The problems in this research, first: how Legal Analysis of the Process of Handling Signature Falsification in the Sale and Purchase of Land Conducted by PPAT in Semarang City (Live Study Case No. 505/Pdt.G/2020/Pn.Smg)? Second, what is the legal consequence of the Minuta Akta which is falsified by a notary? This research is a normative study. The results of the study conclude, first: the implications for the notary position can be categorized into four (4) aspects, namely, i) implications for deed engagement, ii) aspects of administrative positions; iii), Professional Aspects of Membership; vi), the criminal aspect. Second, the legal consequence of the Minuta deed which is falsified by the notary is that the deed only has the power of proof as an underhand deed, if the parties can prove the untruth of the authentic deed in court proceedings and result in the deed being canceled and the power of proof as the deed below hands will no longer apply

    Hubungan Antara Self Efficacy Dengan Kreativitas Pada Siswa SMK

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    The purpose of this research is to know whether there is a relation between self efficacy and creativity on Vocational High School students. Self efficacy is one’s confidence or credibility of their skills in doing or finishing their assignment which they face, so they can overcome the obstacles and they can reach the goal that is expected. However, the creativity here means one’s skills to create something new or combination of the works which existed as the alternative of the problem solving that reflect to the fluency, flexibility, and originality of thinking also the ability for elaboration that is the ability to improve, enrich, and itemize an idea. This type of research, including explanotary research, because it aims to explain the relation between the variables through hypothesis. This research was conducted on students of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 8 Surabaya by the number of the study subjects were 62 students who are XI grader Fashion Boutique Competency Skills. The data collection tools are self efficacy questionnaire consist of 59 items with coefficient reliability of 0,934 and Tes Kreativitas Figural which was compiled by Torrance and has been standardized in Indonesia in 1988 by Faculty of Psychology Indonesia University with the coefficient reliability obtained ranged from 0,86 to 0,99 with an average of 0,95. Data analysis was performed by using statistical technique of Product Moment correlation from Pearson, with the help of statistical program SPSS version 16.0 for windows. The analysis of the research data obtained by the coefficient correlation between self efficacy with creativity of 0,479 with the p value of 0,000. It shows that there is a significant relation between self efficacy with creativity on Vocational High School students, the increase of self efficacy, followed by an increase in creativity